Biblical and Constitutional Politics
Terroristic Political Rhetoric
“Trump is a racist.”
“Trump is a misogynist.”
“Trump is a sexist.”
“Trump is a homophobe.”
“Trump is a xenophobe.”
“Trump is a Islamophobe.”
“Trump is a liar.”“Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the election.”
“Trump is an illegitimate President.”
“Trump obstructed justice.”
“Trump should be impeached.”
“Trump is mentally unbalanced and unfit for office.”
“Trump is a narcissist.”
“Trump is psychotic.”
“Trump has Alzheimer’s disease.”
“Trump is unable to perform the duties of his office and should be removed using the procedure of the 25th Amendment.”
“Trump withdrawing the USA from the Paris Climate Accord will destroy the planet.”
“Trumps’ tax plan is designed to benefit his rich friends at the expense of the poor.”“Congress’s health care plan will make America sick again.”
“Congress’s health care plan will kill millions of Americans.”
“The Republicans want take away your health care.”
“The Republicans want to kill you.”
“The Republicans want to push granny over the cliff.”
“The Republicans want dirty air and dirty water.”“I have thought of blowing up the White House.” (Madonna).
“I dreamt I was playing golf with President Trump. As I stood with a club in my hand beside him, I considered my options.” (Stephen Colbert)
Kathy Griffith holding up an image of a severed head of President Trump.
Numerous imitators holding up an image of a severed head of President Trump.
Play in Central Park in New York City depicting President Trump being assassinated.“Trump is a traitor who should be impeached and imprisoned.”
The first set of quotes were said by the media and Democrats about Donald Trump during the election. The second set of quotes were said by the media and Democrats about President Trump after he took office. The third set of quotes were said by the media and Democrats about the Republican in Congress in the past and since Trump took office. The fourth set of quotes and depictions are by various “celebrities” and have occurred since Trump took office. The last quote is in perfect line with all of the preceding. It is a quote from the Facebook page of the Washington DC ballpark shooter.
Random Attack or Ideologically Motivated?
The media is proclaiming that none of the above had anything to do with why a nut crack shot at Republican congressmen on June 14, 2017 as they practiced for the upcoming annual Congressional Baseball Game. Instead, it was just a random shooting at random people who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I even read a news article proclaiming it was “fake news” to say it was a “partisan” shooting.
This is the media’s line every time there is a terrorist attack. They always proclaim it is just a random attack on random people, for no reason whatsoever, other than the person being deranged and guns being too widely available. That is, unless they think they can pin the attack on a right-winger. Then it is Fox News’ and conservative talk radio’s fault. This was seen just one day after the ballpark attack, when House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi recounted that she was once threatened with physical assault. When they caught the guy, Pelosi says his mother said, “He watches too much Fox News.”
It was also seen on the day of the Denver movie theater shooting back on July 20, 2012. CNN reported the shooter was a member of the Tea Party. But it was later discovered that the man who was a member of the Tea Party was not the shooter, just someone who happened to have the same name. Just one example of many that could be cited of CNN’s shoddy investigative reporting. Then on the day of the Boston Marathon Bombing, April 15, 2013, before any facts about the bombers were known, the media was proclaiming that since it was Tax Day, it was probably a right-winger upset about taxes. When it turned out to be Muslim extremists, the media began saying it was a random bombing, with no discernable motive.
The point is, the media keeps trying to pin terrorist attacks on right-wingers, but have not found even one bona fide case of such. However, there have been far too many bona fide cases of Muslim extremists killing Christians to recount all of them here. But the media revealing its bias rarely reports about these attacks and never attributes them to Muslim theology. It is always just a deranged person killing people for no reason whatsoever. And now that we have a bona fide case of a leftist clearly committing a terrorist attack for political reasons, they are trying to downplay that angle and say it was just a random attack.
But it was not a random attack. The shooter asked a congressman if those who were practicing on the ballfield were Republicans or Democrats. This question was witnessed by two other congressmen, all of whom said it was the shooter who asked the question. And the shooter’s Facebook page clearly showed his left-wing views. The point being, this was a politically motivated terrorist attack, and I fear it will not be the last. With the ever increasing intensity of the rhetoric by those who hate Trump and Republicans in general, those who have a tendency towards violence will be set off to act on their aggressive feelings.
Two days after the attack, investigators revealed that the shooter had a “hit list” with the names of six congressmen on it:
The names on the list reportedly include Reps. Scot DesJarlais (R-TN), Trent Franks (R-AZ), Jeff Duncan (R-SC), Jim Jordan (R-OH), Mo Brooks (R-AL) and Morgan Griffith (R-VA). Catherine Herridge reported on "Tucker Carlson" tonight that all of the congressmen are associated with the conservative House Freedom Caucus (Fox News Insider).
What this means is there is not only no doubt the shooter was targeting Republicans, but conservative Republicans.
But Who is to Blame?
That said; who is to blame for this shooting? The obvious answer is the shooter. I will not give him any recognition by naming him. But he is ultimately to blame, and if had lived, he would have been the only one charged in the attack. But what he did was not done in a vacuum. And those who instigated him to commit this act of violence are not blameless.
Before continuing, let me make it clear that Bernie Sanders is not to blame, even though the shooter was a Bernie Sanders supporter. Bernie never used such inflammatory language as seen above. He simply has done what should be done, presented why he thinks his “democratic socialism” is a better system than capitalism. He is wrong in that regard, but he is allowed to be present his views. That is what Freedom of Speech guarantees.
The problem is, our society has so degenerated that people can no longer engage in civil discourse and debate. Rather than arguing for why your position is correct and the other side’s position is incorrect, it is now common practice to shout down the opposition, that is if they are allowed to speak at all.
This is now the norm on college campuses. If a right-wing speaker is invited to speak, the students and even some of the faculty will protest to cause the invitation to be revoked. And if that fails, they will riot, destroy other peoples’ property, and do anything possible to make the atmosphere too dangerous for the person to come. And if they still come, they are shouted down, so that they are unable to be heard.
Then in public discourse, leftist have taken to labeling anyone they disagree with as racists, sexist, homophobes, xenophobes, or whatever negative label they can use to make it sound like their opponents’ views do even deserve a hearing. And their opponents’ views are not said to be just wrong but to be immoral and unethical. And the motives of their opponents are impinged, making it sound like they truly want to hurt and kill people.
This anti-intellectual attitude by the media and leftists has left many in this country unable to articulate a sound argument and unwilling to listen to one. All many now know to do is to use inflammatory language against those they disagree with, while refusing to even give others a hearing. This inability to articulate a sound argument was demonstrated by Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, when he declared, “There are too many guns on the street. We lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence” (The Hill). He later corrected this blatant mistake, but only after repeating “93 million” a couple of times, which shows how emotions tend to cloud sound articulation of an argument.
I titled this article “Terroristic Political Rhetoric.” That is a phrase I heard a congressman use for the tone of discourse in the USA. And he was correct to use this label. All of the quotes and depictions cited at the beginning of this article are inflammatory rhetoric designed to stir the emotions of people. With this atmosphere, it was inevitable that violence would erupt.
The saddest part of all of this is that all of those statements are false. Trump is not any of the things the leftists say about him, and he did not do any of the things leftist are claiming about him. The same goes for the statements about the Republicans in Congress. I have detailed the falsity of these claims elsewhere on this website. But truth and falsehood do not seem to matter anymore. And with truth and civil discourse out the window, all that is left is violence for the unstable person to make their point.
Terroristic Political Rhetoric. Copyright © 2017 By Gary F. Zeolla.
Joe Biden's Failing Presidency
This series of five books provides the definitive record of Biden’s failures in his first two years as President. These failures should not be forgotten, as they laid the foundation for his continual failures in his subsequent years as President. He has been failing miserably on both domestic issues and in foreign policy. Those failures are all chronicled in these five books.
The above article was posted on this website June 16, 2017.
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Biblical and Constitutional Politics