Biblical and Constitutional Politics
Trump’s Handling of the Media
I truly enjoyed Trump’s first press conference as President elect, but not surprisingly, the liberal media did not like it so much. But there were many highlights.
First, Trump, or more correctly, his lawyer, laid out how he will divest himself of his business empire while President. Now to be honest, I could not follow all of it as it was a bunch of legal mumbo-jumbo. But it sounded like he is planning on going above and beyond to avoid any appearance of conflict of interest.
Frankly, I did not think he needed to do any of it, and legally he did not. And in a way, I wish he hadn’t. The reason he was elected was because he is a very successful businessman. And it did not bother me one bit if he kept control of his business empire. In fact, I never even thought of him not doing so during the campaign.
But of course, all of the steps he is taking to avoid conflict of interest are not good enough for the liberal media. They seem to think he should sell off all of his interests and go broke. In doing so, they are making it sound like only a lifetime politician should run for President, not a successful business man or woman. And that is why I wish Trump hadn’t done so much, as it will make other successful business people hesitant to run for office, thinking they will have to do the same.
But an interesting point was the lawyer saying Trump would not profit from foreign dignitaries staying at his hotels. I didn’t quite understand what that was all about at first. But I gather if they stayed at one his hotels and paid for it, then it could be said Trump would be indirectly receiving money from them. And some would say that was breaking the Constitution’s statement about not receiving money from foreign governments. That seems to be a stretch to me, and the lawyer indicated it was. But still, to avoid all appearance of conflict of interest, the hotel fees will be donated the US Treasury. I would have preferred he donate it to a worthwhile charity, as the government gets enough money. Give it to a pro-life organization, and the liberals would go nuts.
Second, Trump did a good of job of dealing with the Russia issue. He is very right that it would be better if he and Putin got along rather than be at odds with each other. And he was definitely right that Hillary would not have been as tough on Russia as he will be.
Third, Trump was also correct in saying he wants to “repeal and replace Obamacare” and that both should be done at the same time, as he has told congress. If Obamacare is repealed without a replacement at the same time, the liberal media will pull out every person who loses their healthcare and proclaim what uncaring people Trump and the Republicans are.
Fourth, the best highlight was Trump’s reaction to the fake news story that CNN fail for. In doing so, CNN has proven itself to be an unreliable and bias source for news. All they had to know is that Trump is a germaphobe to know that digesting story was false. But they didn’t even do that much investigation before running with the story. Why anyone would keep watching that station after that report is beyond me. And Trump was very correct in not taking a question from the CNN reporter, telling him, “You are fake news.” That was the best moment of the press conference. But then what would you except from a news source that helped propagated the “Hands up, don’t shoot” fake news report surrounding the death of Mike Brown.
Fifth, he reiterated his intent to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it. The liberals still do not get how he will do the latter. But it will happen. And we do need that wall.
Finally, and most of all, Trump did a masterful job of handling the liberal media. But to be honest, I’m not sure if he should bother with such press conferences. I hate to say that as I think they will be entertaining. But no matter what he says, it will never satisfy the liberal media. And the main point of them from the media’s perspective will be to play the “gotta” game. Trump can easily go around the media via social media. He has already showed how masterful he is in that regard with his Twitter account. At the very least, he should be selective about who he lets in of at least to ask questions. But his refusal to answer a question from the rude CNN report shows he might be selective in this regard. And kudos to him for being so.
Trump’s Handling of the Media. Copyright © 2017 By Gary F. Zeolla.
Joe Biden's Failing Presidency
This series of five books provides the definitive record of Biden’s failures in his first two years as President. These failures should not be forgotten, as they laid the foundation for his continual failures in his subsequent years as President. He has been failing miserably on both domestic issues and in foreign policy. Those failures are all chronicled in these five books.
The above article was posted on this website January 15, 2017.
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Biblical and Constitutional Politics