Biblical and Constitutional Politics
Obama’s Fantasy Farewell Speech
Obama gave his Farewell Speech on January 10, 2017. Was it as great as the liberal media made it out to be?
Excessive Accolades
Rather than giving his Farewell Speech from the Oval Office to a camera like previous Presidents, he did in front of a large raucous crown in his adoptive (and liberal) hometown of Chicago. He probably did so as he knew he would get lots of accolades that way, and he sure did. Before he could speak, he had to wait for several minutes for the applause and cheering to stop. Frankly, the scene made me unconformable, as it verged on worship. No human being, not a politician, not a sports star, not a movie star, not even a genuine hero should be accoladed in such a manner. Only the LORD should receive such.
Claimed Accomplishments
Once the veneration finally stopped, Obama whet on to claim a list of accomplishments. They were:
1. Pulled out of the Great Recession
2. Eight-straight years of job growth
3. 20 million more people are now covered by health insurance
4. Got Osama ben Laden
5. Won gay marriage
6. Stopped Iran from getting a nuclear weapon without firing a shot
He went on to say that if eight years ago, “we” had said “we” would had accomplished all of this, you would have said “we” were shooting too high, that this is too optimistic of a list of accomplishments. I have no idea why he kept using “we.” But I do know these accomplishments are not really so amazing that no one would have believed they could have been accomplished. And how successful were they really?
On the first point, ebbs and flows are normal in a capitalistic economy. The economy goes into recession then it goes into a boom. And the deeper the recession, the greater the boom will be. That is, if the government does not get in the way.
But due to Obama’s useless stimulus packages, the economic recovery was slowed, not enhanced, as his “shovel ready jobs” proved to be not so shovel ready. All the excessive spending did was to slow the recovery by taking money out of the private sector. Then Obamacare really put a drag on the economy with its “employer mandate.” That kept many small businesses from expanding. If it had not been for these two failed policies, the economy would have come back stronger and would still be much stronger now. As it is, we have been enduring the slowest economic recovery since the Great Depression.
On point number two, that is true, but it does not represent the true situation for the average American. As Fox Business reported after last year’s State of the Union when Obama made a similar claim, “but critics argue the quality of jobs created since the crisis was averted has left millions of Americans under-employed and wage growth has struggled to gain momentum."
On number 3, yes 20 million more Americans have health insurance, but are they really “covered.” The deductibles for Obamacare are so high that unless you get hit by a bus or develop a serious illness like cancer you will never actually use the health insurance. All of your health care costs will come straight out of your own pocket, on top of the exorbitant cost of the so-called insurance. Plus, millions of Americans were not able to keep their doctor or to keep their plan, as Obama promised. As result, they now have crappy plans and doctors they do not like. There are also growing wait times to see a doctor, especially a specialist. And again, there is drag on the economy due to the employer mandate. All of this is why Trump has promised to replead and replace this failed policy.
On number 4, yes Obama got Osama ben Laden. Well actually, it was our brave marines. But Obama did give the order, so he gets to take credit. I’ll give him that one.
On number 5, Obama had nothing whatsoever to do with homosexual marriage being legalized nationwide. It was a decision by the Supreme Court, and Obamas never successfully appointed a justice to the court. As such, Obama had nothing whatsoever to do with its decision in this regard or any other for that matter.
On number 6, he needs to add, “for now.” Iran will eventually get a nuke, it will just take ten years. In the meantime, the horrid Iranian deal emboldened Iran in the Middle East. Add to that the 150 billion ransom the USA paid to Iran, and they have become an even great threat. That was seen when Iran took the crew of an American Destroyer hostage and held guns to their heads. That picture was sickening, yet nothing was done about it.
In the midst of all of these claims, Obama repeatedly referred to the United States as a “democracy.” You would think that after being President for eight years he would know the USA is a REPUBLIC, not a democracy. For that matter, anyone who attended grade school and recited the Pledge of Allegiance should know this (repeat the second line). But Obama probably kept repeating this falsehood as it plays into the idea that Trump’s coming presidency is illegitimate as he did not win the popular vote. But since we ae not a democracy, the popular vote is irrelevant.
After the speech, the liberal media fawned over it, makings statements like “It was the greatest speech ever”—all with tear-filled eyes, showing once again how much the media is in the tank for the left and is no longer independent news. It was only on Fox News and more specially Sean Hannity’s show that information like the above was presented. Sean did a great job of showing how Obama has had a failed presidency. But the liberal media and Obama himself will continue to live with the fantasy that Obama has been successful, while the average American continues to suffer. That is why Trump won, but Obama and the liberal media still do not get it.
Obama’s Fantasy Farewell Speech. Copyright © 2017 By Gary F. Zeolla.
Joe Biden's Failing Presidency
This series of five books provides the definitive record of Biden’s failures in his first two years as President. These failures should not be forgotten, as they laid the foundation for his continual failures in his subsequent years as President. He has been failing miserably on both domestic issues and in foreign policy. Those failures are all chronicled in these five books.
The above article was posted on this website January 15, 2017.
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