Biblical and Constitutional Politics
Vote for Third Party or Trump?
It is becoming painfully apparent to me that Hillary is going to win the election. I say this not based on the polls but on the masterful job the media has done in destroying Trump and Trump imploding as a result. Never mind that most of the allegations are bogus, the sheer number of them will overwhelm the average voter and lead them to either vote for Hillary, vote for a third party, or simply to not vote. The last option would be especially disastrous, as it could lead to the Dems taking over one or both houses of Congress. In that case, there will be nothing to prevent Hillary from enacting her radical agenda, starting with appointing a very liberal justice to the Supreme Court.
Third Party
As such, after much thought and prayer, I have decided to vote for the Constitution Party candidate for President, while voting for Republicans for all other offices. I first thought of voting for the Constitution Party candidate back in 2012, as the Mormon Romney was also a terrible Republican candidate, while the principles of the Constitution Party reflect my values. But I knew a second term of Obama would be a disaster, which it has been, so I went I against my conscience and voted for Romney. But I regretted it immediately afterwards, and more so when he lost soundly.
This election cycle, I again thought of voting Constitution Party when the last of the initial Republican candidates that I was rooting for dropped out before I even had a chance to vote for one of them. But when I checked the Constitution Party’s website back in the spring, it indicated that the Constitution Party would not be listed on the PA ballot. But then last night I received my absentee ballot, and the Constitution Party candidates were listed. I checked their website this morning and found a notice about a court ruling on August 1st that put the Constitution Party on the ballot. It’s disturbing that I never heard that on the news.
In any case, I haven’t sent in my ballot yet. I will wait until after the final debate on Wednesday. I doubt it will make any difference, but there is no rush. The deadline for the elections office to receive my ballot is not until November 4th. Maybe Trump can turn things around by then, but I doubt it. I know the Constitution Party candidate has no chance of winning, but as I said, it looks like neither does Trump.
The Constitution Party’s Presidential candidate is Darrell Castle and the veep is Scott Bradley. Their backgrounds and much info about the Constitution Party can be found on their website. I would suggest my conservative friends check it out. I think you’ll find their principles to be even more in line with conservative values than those of the Republican Party and far better than the Dems or even of the Libertarian Party,
But most of all, no matter who you vote for for President, please vote, as the other offices up for grabs are just as important. Don’t let your disdain for Trump enable the liberals to take over all three branches of the federal movement.
The above message was posted on my Facebook page. A friend, one of my cousins, responded that I was playing into the Dems hands and helping Hillary to get elected. I responded:
That had been my attitude. Clinton will be a disaster. And that is why I will still for Republicans otherwise. Hopefully, they will grow a backbone and stand up to her. But I truly believe Trump has blown it. He has fallen right into all of the traps set for him by the DNC, in collusion with the media. As such, I find it hard to vote for someone who does truly represent my values. I would rather vote my conscience for someone who does.
Absentee Ballot Vote for Trump
I just sent in my absentee ballot. I vote via absentee ballot as my health situation makes it very difficult for me to leave my home. See My Life with MCS for details.
In any case, I know I said I would vote third party rather than voting for Trump or Clinton, but after much thought and prayer, I voted for Trump. I did so as after the final debate and with the Wikileaks' releases, there is no doubt in my mind that a Clinton presidency would be a disaster for the USA. That will especially be the case if the Dems take over the Senate. In that case, Hillary will appoint the most radical Supreme Court justices imaginable, and the Senate will approve them. That will open the door to the erosion of the Constitution.
I can easily foresee Hillary using executive orders to erode freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to bear arms, and States’ rights. IOW, the First, Second, and Tenth Amendments will be gutted. Along with that, the Constitution’s separation of powers will become meaningless, as the Presidency will become all-powerful and Congress irrelevant, with the country being governed by executive orders rather than laws passed by Congress.
In cahoots with all of this will be the mainstream media, as it has proven itself in this election to be in full co-operation with Hillary and against any opposition to her. This basically renders the rest of the First Amendment, the freedom of the press, also almost meaningless.
Putting it in simple terms, someday it will be illegal for me to proclaim that Jesus is the Way, Truth, and the Life, and that the only way to salvation is by repenting of your sins and trusting in Jesus Christ and His death on the cross for forgiveness of your sins. Such proclamations will be labeled as divisive, bigotry, and hate speech.
Think this cannot happen? It already has in Russia. It is now illegal to evangelize in Russia, and Christians are being jailed for doing so. You may not have heard of this, but that is because our lame-stream media has not been reporting it, just as it has not been reporting the genocide of Christians that is occurring in Muslim countries, or about Christians being persecuted by Muslims in refugee camps—the very same Muslim refugees Hillary wants to bring into this country by the tens of thousands, most of whom are 20-30-something men, not women and children as Hillary claims.
Speaking of which, it will also become illegal for me to declare Islam to be a false and violent religion and that Mohammed was a false and violent prophet. That will also be labeled as “hate speech,” just as declaring that homosexual sex is a sin and that is wrong for a human being with a penis to use the ladies bathroom will be.
The self-contradictory mantra of “Free speech not hate speech” that is already being heard on college campuses will become the law of the land, with the government determining the difference between the two. As a result, my ministry will be shut down, my books banned, and me put in jail. “Too divisive, too deplorable, too hate-filled.”
Add to this the erosion of the USA borders that will occur under a Hillary presidency, and we will be well on our way to Hillary’s dream of “open trade and open borders” leading to the formation of a very liberal land known as “Can-meric-ico.”
As for Trump supposedly being a sexual predator. Guess what? We already had such in the White House. His name is William Jefferson Clinton, and he will be going back into the White House if Hillary gets elected. But along with that sexual predator, you will get a woman whose life ambitions have been the acquisition of power and money. To that end, she has told so many lies it is impossible to keep track of them, broken laws, put our country’s security at risk, and trampled on the little people who have gotten in the way.
On the way, she has proven her incompetency by the four dead Americans in Benghazi, the failed “restart” with Russia, the rise of ISIS under her watch, ongoing terrorist attacks, the resurgence of Iran due to her disastrous Iranian deal, all leading to increased unrest in the Mideast and loss of respect for the United States around the world.
To me, all of this far outweighs the supposed sexual inappropriateness and crudeness of Trump. Trump is not that great of a guy. He is a sinner who needs to repent and trust in Jesus as his Lord and Savior, just like the rest of us. But Trump’s alleged sexual sins are no worse than Hillary’s proven lies, as the Scriptures below make clear. Both Trump and Hillary have bad characters, but Trump is much better on the issues that will make a difference in my and every American’s life. To vote third party just to make myself feel better, while opening the door to all this makes no sense.
Scripture Verses About Liars
8But we know that [the] Law [is] good, if anyone makes use of it lawfully, 9knowing this: that law is not laid down for a righteous [person] but for lawless and insubordinate [people], for ungodly [people] and for sinful [people], for impious [people] and for profane [or, worldly] [people], for killers of fathers and for killers of mothers, for murderers, 10for *fornicators*, for participants in male-male sex, for slave dealers [or, kidnappers], for *liars*, for perjurers, and if anything else is in opposition to sound teaching, 11according to the Gospel [or, Good News] of the glory of the blessed God, [with] which I was entrusted (1Tim 1:8-11; ALT3).
8But to the cowardly and unbelieving and sinful [people] and [people] having been corrupted and murderers and *fornicators* and sorcerers and idolaters and *all the liars*, their part [will be] in the lake, the one being burned with fire and sulfur [or, brimstone], which is the second death” (Rev 21:8; ALT3).
I just sent in my absentee ballot, and I want other voters in PA and elsewhere in the USA to know that there many races to vote for besides just the Presidency. On the ballot were races for US Senate, US House, and several PA statewide offices, along with a referendum question. These “down ballot” races are just important as the race for the White House. As such, even if you are so turned off by Trump and Clinton that you don’t want to vote for either, you still need to vote due to these other offices. I am sure there are similar down ballot races in other states, so if you live in the USA, VOTE!
Scripture quotes are from The Analytical-Literal Translation of the Bible. Copyright © 1999-2016 By Gary F. Zeolla (
Vote for Third Party or Trump? Copyright © 2016 By Gary F. Zeolla.
The 2020 Election, the January 6 “Insurrection,” and Their Aftermath
Five books cover every aspect of the 2020 Election, the January 6 “insurrection,” and their aftermath. Starting with claims of fraud and irregularities in that election, to the tragic events of January 6, 2021 (J6; the so-called insurrection), the subsequent second impeachment of Donald J. Trump, to the public hearings of the J6 Commission in the summer and fall of 2022. Also reproduced in these books is all Trump had to say about all of these and related matters during this time period.
The above article was originally written in October 2016.
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Biblical and Constitutional Politics