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2019-20 Tetra-Trinity #1 Powerlifting Training Plan

Rotations V and VI of VI

By Gary F. Zeolla

These workout logs are continued from 2019-20 Tetra-Trinity #1 Powerlifting Training Plan; Rotations III and IV of VI.

Age: 58.
Height: 5'1".
Bodyweight: See each week.

Next Contest: God-willing, Valhalla APF/WPC Meet, Saturday, April 4th 2020.

330/6 – Pounds/Reps (all weights are in pounds).
[45/15] – Warm-up sets are in brackets.
(7,5,3) – Target reps for the work sets are in parentheses.
! – Sets marked with an exclamation point are new 50s PRs.
^ – Sets marked with a caret tied 50s PRs.
* – Items marked with an asterisk did not go as planned.
1:58 – hours : minutes (workout times include set-up, warm-up, lifting, stretching, and clean-up).

Gear as indicated; if not indicated, then completely raw (no supportive gear).

Rotation V


Week A

Bodyweight: 122.0 pounds.


Bench Assistance (Week D, Rotation IV)

Sunday – 1/26/20

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.

Bar: Cambered Bar, Heavy Duty Power Bar, Curl Bar, Shoulder Horn.



WG Cambered Bar Decline Bench: [35/13, 55/9, Pa: 70/7, 85/5, MC: 100/4, add gear: 112/3] (5, 3, 1) 125/6, 132/4, 140/2, 8-12, raw: 101.5/10

Shoulder Horn (alternate arms): [5.5/11] (16, 14) 7.5/16!, 7.75/14!

Workout Time: 0:46

This workout went well and as planned. Except, I had to change the rotator cuff (RC) exercise I planned to do, as I didn’t want to take the time to move my FID bench out of the way then back again for my afternoon workout and to lay down mats to lie on. I now know I need to do my RC work on my Bench days. My flat bench is easier to move out of the way and for which I already have mats on the floor to lay on, which I need to do for most RC exercises.

I’m not bothering to count “1001” etc. at my chest, as that was getting too tedious. But I still want to pause the weight a bit. That is what the “Pa” stands for, “Pause.” It is a reminder to me to do so.


Video 1

The videos for today and tomorrow look strange, as I am using my phone rather than my tablet. But I just got a new tablet, so I hope to have it ready for Wednesday’s workouts.



Medium Grip Incline Bench: [10s/15, 45/9, Pa: 65/7, 80/5, SMC: 95/4, Gear: 110/3] (5, 3, 1) 125/5*, 125/3*, 130/2, 8-12, raw: 97.5/10

MG Super Curl Bar Preacher Curls: [35/11, 45/9] (10, 8, 6) Wrist Wraps: 52.5/11!, 55/9!, 57.5/7!

Lying Twisting Leg Raises (2 x amrap) 11, 11 (repos to each side)

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout Time: 1:19

Total Workout Time: 2:05

I completely messed up tis workout by not doing what I originally planned on doing. My warmups felt so easy, I bumped up my planned weight for the first work set by five pounds. That caused me to miss a rep and to work far to hard to get even the fifth rep. I stayed with the same weight for the next set, but I was so gassed from the first set, I only got three reps. But the final geared work set and my raw set went as planned, for which I used what I planned on in the first place.

With moving my RC work to Benches, next time, I will do Rows here. That is so I can separate the grip work I will do here next time from the reverse curls I will do on Bench days next time.

Video 2


Squats/ Deadlifts – 1

Monday – 1/27/20

Gear: Crain power belt; APT: wrist bands; Ace knee sleeves.

Shoes: Inzer Pillar Squat Boots, Sabo Deadlift Shoes.

Equipment: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Ohio Deadlift Bar.



Two Chain Squats: [--/15, 65/9, Chains: 135/7, 185/5, SMC: 225/4, Gear: 265/3] (5, 3, 1) 295/5, 310/3, 325/1, 8-12, raw: 227.5/10

Workout Time: 1:01*

Video 1



Conv 1-1/2” (2 Boards) Deficit: [--/15, 45/9, 135/7, 185/5, SMC: 230/4, Gear: 75/3] (5, 3, 1) 310/5, 325/3, 340/1, 8-12, raw: 237.5/10

Standing Rocking DB Calves: [30/9, 45/7] (10, 8, 6) 55/11!, 57.5/9!, 60/7!

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout Time: 1:22

Total Workout Time: 2:19

Two very good workouts. It feels so good to be back to doing heavy singles. And they are going well. That probably shows that my periodization plan of starting with slightly higher reps then moving to lower reps is working. But I will see what happens as I progress through this rotation on my other lifts and especially on the actual powerlifts.

Video 2



Wednesday – 1/29/20

Gear: Crain power belt. APT wrist wraps.

Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes, Coleman sneakers.

Equipment: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Super Curl Bar, Hand Grippers.



Cambered Bar Benches (not dead stop): [35/15, 55/9, 75/7, Pa: 90/5, SMC: 105/4, add gear: 120/3] (5, 3, 1) 135/5, 140/3, 145/1, 8-12, raw: 110/10

RC: Lying, Down: [4.5/11] (16, 14) 6.0/16!, 6.25/14!

Workout Time: 0:50

Video 1

I forgot to record the second set of Benches, so I recorded the backoff set to make up for it.



Reverse Band Benches: [45/15, 65/9, Bands: 95/7, Pa: 120/5, SMC: 140/4, Gear: 160/3] (5, 3, 1) 175/5, 182/3, 190/1, 8-12, raw: 142.5/10

BB Reverse Curls: [50/9] (10, 8, 6) 60/10!, 62/8!, 65/6!

Decline Sit-ups: [2.5/9, 10/7] (10, 8, 6) 17.5/12*, 20/10*, 22.5/8*

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout Time: 1:21

Total Workout Time: 2:11

Both of these workouts went very well. Sit-ups even took a big jump.

Video 2


Squats/ Deadlifts – 2

Thursday – 1/30/20

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves, APT: wrist bands; Ace knee sleeves.

Shoes: Inzer Pillar Squat Boots, Sabo Deadlift Shoes.

Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Ohio Deadlift Bar, Hyperextension Bench.



Dead Stop Squats: [--/15, 65/11, DS: 125/9, 160/7, SMC: 190/5, Gear: 225/3] (5, 3, 1) 245/5!, 257/3!, 270/1!, 8-12, raw: 190/10

Workout Time: 0:56

Video 1



Sumo 2-1/4” Deficit Deadlift: [--/15, 45/9, 135/7, 190/5, SMC: 240/4, Gear: 290/3] (5, 3, 1) 320/5!, 335/3!, 352/1!, 8-12, raw: 245/10

Hyperextensions: [--/9, 5/7, 10/5] (10, 8, 6) 17.5/10!, 20/8!, 22.5/6!

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout Time: 1:28

Total Workout Time: 2:24

Two very good workouts. I’m back to doing isolation exercises, due mainly to concerns about my tender areas. Hypers going so well show they do work in that regard.

Video 2

Week B


Powerlifting Contest Plans Set

At the start of this Training Week, I submitted my registration for my next contest. It will be: Valhalla | APF/WPC Meet, Saturday, April 4th 2020 - 9:00 am, True North Fitness | 1525 Highpointe Ct. | Zanesville, OH 43701. I also renewed my APF membership card and made motel reservations. Thus, God-willing, I will be entering this contest. Here’s praying all goes well in my training over the next two months as I prepare for this contest.


Bodyweight: 122.8 pounds.


Bench Assistance (Week A, Rotation V)

Sunday – 2/2/20

Gear: Crain: power belt, APT wrist wraps.

Shoes: Coleman sneakers, Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.

Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Curl Bar, Hand Grippers.



3 Count Pause Decline Bench: [45/15, 65/9, 85/7, 3-C: 105/5, MC – 120/4, Add gear: 135/3] (5, 3, 1) 150/5, 157/3, 167.5*/1, 8-12, raw: 2-C: 125/10

Hand Gripper: [5.5/9] (10, 8, 6) 8.0/10!, 8.5/8!, 9.0/6!

Workout Time: 0:51 

I misloaded on the last geared work sets by putting a 2-1/2 on side that should not have been there. Despite the extra weight and the imbalance, I still got the rep. Otherwise, a good workout.

Video 1

You see me looking up at the end of the first recorded set. That is because I noticed some cobwebs in the rafters above my power rack that I needed to knock down after this workout.



Close Grip Incline Bench: [10s/15, 45/11, 65/9, Pa: 80/7, SMC:95/5, Gear: 105/3] (5, 3, 1) 115/5, 120/3, 125/2*, 8-12, raw: 95/9

Close Grip Curl Bar Rows: [Wrist Wraps: 50/9, 70/7, 90/5, 105/3] (6, 4, 2) 120/6!, 125/4!, 130/2!

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout Time: 1:16

Total Workout Time: 2:07

A very good workout. I even got an extra rep on the final geared set.

Video 2


Squats/ Deadlifts – 3

Monday – 2/3/20

Gear: Crain power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves; APT: wrist bands; Ace knee sleeves.

Shoes: Inzer Pillar Squat Boots, Sabo Deadlift Shoes.

Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Ohio Deadlift Bar.



3-Count Pause Two Chain Squats: [--/15, 65/11, Add chains: 135/7, 3-C: 175/5, SMC: 215/4, Gear: 255/3] (5, 3, 1) 285/5!, 300/3!, 315/1!, 8-12, raw: 1-C: 225/10

Workout Time: 1:01*

An excellent workout.




Conv Deadlifts: [--/15, 45/9, 135/9, 195/5,250/4, Gear: 305/3] (6, 4, 2) 335/5*, 352/3*, 370/1*, 8-12, raw: 260/10

Adductors/ Abductors (alternate legs): [--/11, 3s/9] (15, 15) 6s/15, 6s/15

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout Time: 1:19

Total Workout Time: 2:20

I wanted 6,4,2 reps on the geared work sets, but only got 5,3,1. I’m not sure if that is because I just did Conv Deadlifts two weeks ago, per my “experiment.” Or if it was because I have already dropped down to 5,3,1 on the rest of my lifts, and I just wasn’t prepared to go back up to 6,4,2. Either way, it messes up my experiment, so I might change my plans a bit.




Wednesday – 2/5/20

Gear: Crain power belt. APT wrist wraps.

Shoes: Coleman sneakers, Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.

Equipment: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Super Curl Bar.



Wide Grip Benches: [45/15, 65/9, 85/7, Pa: 100/5, SMC: 115/4, Add gear: 130/2] (3-4, 1-2) 140/4, 147/2, 8-12, raw: 110/10

Rotator Cuff: Lying on side: [4.5/11] (14, 12) 7.25/14!, 7.5/12!

Workout Time: 0:49

After my first two workouts this week, it was apparent I was overdoing it just a bit, as I was a little overly tired after them. As such, I tried reducing from three to two geared work sets, but I didn’t like it. I then remembered I tried the same idea early in this Training Plan and did not like it then. The reason at both times was the same—I didn’t feel like a powerlifter doing just two low rep geared sets, then a high rep raw set and an isolation exercise, also for high reps. More time was spent on non-powerlifting specific work than on powerlifting specific work. I also like doing three geared sets, adding weight each set, just like the three attempts at a contest. Consequently, I am going to stick with three work sets, but figure something else out to reduce the workload somewhat. That said, this workout went okay, even though it did not feel good.

Video 1



3-Count Pause Close Grip Benches: [45/15, 65/9, 80/7, 3-C: 95/6, SMC: 110/5, Add gear: 125/3] (5, 3, 1) 137/5!, 142/3!, 150/1!, 8-12, raw: 1-C: 115/10

MG Super Curl Bar Curls: [35/11, 45/9] Wrist Wraps: (10, 8, 6) 55/10, 57.5/8, 60/6

Dip Bar Leg Raises (legs together): [--/11, 3s/9] (18, 18) 6s/18, 6s/18

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout Time: 1:18

Total Workout Time: 2:07

 Video 2


Squats/ Deadlifts – 4

Thursday – 2/6/20

Gear: Crain power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves; APT: wrist bands; Ace knee sleeves.

Shoes: Inzer Pillar Squat Boots, Sabo Deadlift Shoes.

Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Ohio Deadlift Bar.



Squats with Sleeves: [--/15, 65/9, 135/7, 170/5, SMC: 205/4, Gear: 240/3] (5, 3, 1) 265/5, 280/3, 295/1, 8-12, raw: 205/10

Workout Time: 0:55

Squats felt great. I felt strong in the hole, and I am just shy of hitting new 50s PRs. I am also on track to hit what would be my goals for my upcoming contest, if I were to compete with sleeves. At this point, I am planning on using warps, though I might open with sleeves as I did at my last contest. But whatever the case, this was an excellent workout.




Sumo Deadlifts: [--/15, 45/9, 135/7, 195/5, SMC: 250/4, Gear: 305/3] (6, 4, 2) 335/6, 352/4, 370/2, 8-12, raw: 260/10

Lying Leg Curls (one leg at a time): [3.5/9] (10, 8, 6) 5.25*/10!, 5.75/10!*, 6.0/8!, 6.25/6!

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout Time: 1:17

Total Workout Time: 2:12

I moved regular Sumo Deadlifts up a week, so I am now using my Trinity plan for them, doing them every third week. That will enable me to get in an extra workout before my upcoming contest. And they went great. With that and the change in plan, I am back on track to hit my goals for the contest.

The weights I used here were identical to what I used for Conv Deadlifts earlier this week, but I only got 5, 3, 1 reps for them, while I got 6, 4, 2 reps here for Sumos. The Conv workout was done after just two weeks, while Sumos were done after three weeks, and Squats with Sleeves after four weeks. I think that shows I am best off doing a given lift every three or four weeks, which is to say, to use my Trinity or Tetra Plans, rather than every other week, as would be the case with my Two by Two Plan. What that means is, I will stick with my Tetra/ Trinity Plan from now on. I will probably start with the Tetra Plan, but then switch to the Trinity Plan as a contest schedule warrants it.

Leg Curls got a bit messed up. I misloaded and started too light. But that means my hamstring is doing better.


Week C

Bodyweight: 123.2 pounds.


Sunday – 2/9/20

Bench Assistance (Week B, Rotation V)

Gear: Crain: power belt, APT wrist wraps.

Shoes: Coleman sneakers, Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.

Bar: Cambered Bar, Heavy Duty Power Bar, hand Grippers.



Cambered Bar Decline Bench: [35/15, 55/9, Pa: 75/7, 95/5, MC: 112/4, Add gear: 127/3] (5, 3, 1) 142/5!, 150/3!, 157/1!, 8-12, raw: 120/10

Hand Gripper, Holds: [Turns/secs: 5.0/9] (10, 8, 6) 7.5/10!, 8.0/8!, 8.5/6!

Workout Time: 0:49

Video 1



3-Count Pause Incline Bench: [10s/15, 45/9, 65/7, 3-C: 80/5, SMC: 95/4, Gear: 107/3] (5, 3, 1) 120/5, 125/3, 130/1, 8-12, raw: 1-C: 97.5/9

Wide Grip Cambered Bar Rows: [35/9, 50/7, 65/5] (6, 4, 2) 80/6, 85/4, 90/2, 1 x 8-12: 67.5/12

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout Time: 1:17

Total Workout Time: 2:06

Two excellent workouts.

I figured I’d try a backoff set with Rows. It felt pretty good, so I might stick with it. but I did too may reps. I think 80% of my top set will work better rather than the 75% I used here.

Video 2 


Squats/ Deadlifts – 5

Monday – 2/10/20

Gear: Crain power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves; APT: wrist bands; Ace knee sleeves.

Shoes: Inzer Pillar Squat Boots, Sabo Deadlift Shoes.

Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Ohio Deadlift Bar.



Extra Low Reverse Band Squats (#3, light bands): [--/15, 65/11, Add bands: 155/7, 190/5, SMC: 225/4, Gear: 255/3] (5, 3, 1) 280/5, 295/4*, 315/2*, 8-12, raw: 225/12

Workout Time: 0:59

An excellent workout.




Conv Snatch Grip Deadlifts: [--/15, 45/9, 135/7, 175/5, SMC: 215/4, Gear: 250/3] (5, 3, 1) 280/5, 295/4*, 315/2*, 8-12, raw: 225/12

Standing Barbell Calves: [---/11, 135/9] (10, 8, 6) 157/10, 165/8, 172/7*

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout Time: 1:16

Total Workout Time: 2:15

Almost too good of a workout. I had to do extra reps on the second and third sets and add extra weight on the final set. I think what happened is I skipped this workout two rotations ago, but I still built strength by my other Conv Deadlifts lifts, so I was still where I would have been if I hadn’t skipped that workout. But I didn’t know that until I got into the workout. In fact, I should have done another rep on the first set but just wasn’t thinking in that way. But that skipped workout will keep me from hitting 50s PRs on this lift. That shows I need to do six workouts for each exercise to ensure new 50s PRs.




Wednesday – 2/12/20

Gear: Crain power belt. APT wrist wraps.

Shoes: Coleman sneakers, Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.

Equipment: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Cambered Bar, Curl Bar, Hand Gripper.



Benches: [45/15, 65/9, 1-C: 85/7, SMC:105/5, Gear: 125/3] (5, 3, 1) 140/5, 147/3, 155/1, 8-12, raw: 116.5/10

RC: Lying, up: [4.5/11] (14, 12) 6.5/14!, 6.75/16*!, 7.5/12!

Workout Time: 0:46

Benches went as planned and were not overly difficult. But still, my Bench is down from my last training plan. But since I missed my third attempt at my last contest, I might be able to better what I did then. It will depend on how my final workouts go and how I do at the contest. But still, Benches are down overall from my best in my 50s. I’m not sure if that is because of advancing age or because my right should that I messed up in a bicycle accident years ago has been bothering more than usual lately. It is probably the latter, as I have been trying or breaking 50s PRs for many of my Squats and Deadlift exercises, unless advancing age affects the upper body more than the lower body.

Video 1



One Chain Dead Stop Cambered Bar Benches: [35/15, 55/9, Chains, DS: 75/7, 95/5, SMC: 112/4, Gear: 127/3] (5, 3, 1) 142/5, 150/3, 157/1, 8-12, raw: 117.5/10

MG CB Reverse Curls: [35/9, 50/7] (10, 8, 6) 62/10!, 65/8!, 67/6!

Abs: Sit-ups: [--/9, 10/7] (10, 8, 6) 20/10, 21.25/8, 22.5/6

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout Time: 1:15

Total Workout Time: 2:01

This unique Bench exercise went well, but still down from my 50s PR.

My hamstring was bothering me a bit after doing the sit-ups. The same happened last week when I did dip bar leg raises. Therefore, I don’t think it will work doing abs on my Bench days. My legs just are not warmed up enough.

Video 2


Squats/ Deadlifts – 6

Thursday – 2/13/20

Gear: Crain power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves; APT: wrist bands; Ace knee sleeves.

Shoes: Inzer Pillar Squat Boots, Sabo Deadlift Shoes.

Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Ohio Deadlift Bar.



Two-Count Pause Squats: [--/15, 65/9, 135/7, 2-Count, 165/5, SMC: 195/4, Gear: 225/3] (5, 3, 1) 245/5, 260/3, 275/1^, 8-12, raw: 1-C:195/10

Workout Time: 0:56




Sumo 3” Deficit RB Deadlifts: [--/15, 45/9, Bands: 155/7, 210/5, SMC:265/4, Gear: 315/3] (5, 3, 1) 350/5!, 367/3!, 385/1!, 8-12, raw: 270/10

Two-Count Hyperextension: [--/9, 5.0/7] (12, 10, 8) 10/12, 12.5/10, 15.0/8

Both of these workouts went very well. However, my hamstring was bothering a bit throughout them, but not enough to keep me from doing what I had planned. I thought it would be okay after I iced it after I showered. However, due to a problem that occurred, I was not able to do so. As a result, my hamstring felt worse as the evening progressed. It was not until several hours later I was able to ice it. By then, it was really bothering me. But I’ve been icing it since then, and it is beginning to feel better. I am not sure if I will be okay for my workouts next week or not. If not, that could end my contest plans. Here’s praying that does not prove to be the case.

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout Time: 1:19

Total Workout Time: 2:15


Week D

Bodyweight: 122.0 pounds.


Sunday – 2/16/20


With the problems I had over the past few days and with my hamstring bothering me, I thought it best to take an extra day off. I haven’t done so in five weeks, so I was due for one anyway.


Bench Assistance (Week C, Rotation V)

Monday – 2/17/20

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.

Equipment: Cambered Bar, Heavy Duty Power Bar, Curl Bar, Hand Grippers.



3-Count Pause RB Cambered Bar Decline Benches: [35/15, 60/9, Bands: 95/7, 3-C: 120/5, MC: 140/4, Add gear: 160/3] (5, 3, 1) 175/5, 185/3, 195/1, 8-12, raw: 1-C: 145/10

Hand Gripper (holds + reps): [turns/reps: 4 secs + 4.5/5] (6, 4, 2) 7.5/6!, 8.0/4!, 8.5/2!

Workout Time: 0:55

Video 1



Wide Grip Incline Bench: [10s/15, 45/9, 65/7, 80/5, SMC: 95/4, Gear: 107/3] (5, 3, 1) 120/5, 125/3, 130/1, 8-12, raw: 97.5/10

Medium Grip Curl Bar Rows: [Wrist Wraps: 45/9, 65/7, 85/5, 102/3] (6, 4, 2) 112/5.5*, 115/4^, 120/2^, 1 x 8-12: 96/10

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout Time: 1:27

Total Workout Time: 2:22

Two very good workouts. 

Video 2


Squats/ Deadlifts – 7

Wednesday – 2/19/20

Gear: Crain power belt, Genesis wrist wraps, 2.5-meter knee wraps; APT: 2.5 meter knee wraps, wrist bands; Ace knee sleeves.

Shoes: Inzer Pillar Squat Boots, Sabo Deadlift Shoes.

Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Ohio Deadlift Bar.



Squats with Wraps: [--/15, 65/9, 135/7, 170/5, SMC: 205/4, Gear: APT, 2.5m: 255/3] (5, 3, 1) 285/3*, Crain wraps: 300/18, APT wraps: 315/1

Workout Time: 1:08*

This workout did not go as planned, I wanted 5,3,1 reps but only got 3,1,1. That could have been because I was a bit concerned about my hamstring, so I didn’t want to push it too much. But still, I got the top single, which is what matters most, so I am still on track for my upcoming contest.

I was experimenting a bit with different wraps. I think I prefer the APT Black Mambas over the Crains. They seemed to be a bit more effective, more comfortable, and easier to use due to the Velcro, so I don’t have to mess around with gum bands. But APT is out of business, so I cannot get more form them. But then I saw that Lifting Large has a product it calls “Guardian/ Black Mamba” that looks to be the same. I emailed them, and they said they think they are the same but couldn’t say for sure. I would like to get them in 3.0 meters, which LL has, but I cannot afford them right now. Therefore, I will stick with the 2.5-meter APTs for training then switch to my 3.0 meter Crains for my peaking workout and my contest.




Conv 2-/14” Block Pulls: [--/15, 45/9, 135/7, Blocks: 185/5, SMC: 235/4, Gear: 285/3] (6, 4, 2) 315/6, 332/4, 350/2, 10-12 raw: 245/12

Step-ups: 2:00

Jump Rope: 0:30

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout Time: 1:13

Total Workout Time: 2:11

I was going to do regular Conv Deadlifts here, but after them not going well two weeks ago, I figured I would go back to my Tetra Plan for them. As such, I substituted Block Pulls. They felt good, but I didn’t go too hard since I hadn’t done them in quite a well, and I was a bit concerned about my hamstring.

But I thank the LORD, my hamstring felt okay for both of these workouts. I noticed it a bit on my work sets, but not enough to keep me from doing mostly what I had planned. As long as that remains the case, I should still be good to enter the contest on April 4, 2020.

Rather than doing isolation exercises, that seem to just be causing me problems, I am going back to what I used to do, step-ups and jumping rope after my Squat and Deadlift workouts. Except now that I am doing both lifts on the same day, I will do both of these exercises on the same day. But I am more doing them to give a little more work to various muscles than for cardio, though the latter will also be a benefit.




Thursday – 2/20/20

Gear: Crain power belt. APT wrist wraps.

Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes, Coleman sneakers.

Equipment: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Super Curl Bar, Hand Grippers.



Close Grip Dead Stop Cambered Bar Benches: [35/15, 55/9, 75/7, DS: 95/5, SMC: 110/4, Add gear: 125/3] (5, 3, 1) 140/5, 147/3, 155/1, 8-12, raw: 116.5/10

Shoulder Horn (alternate arms): [6.0/11] (14, 12) 8.25/14!, 8.5/12!

Workout Time: 0:52

Video 1

I only recorded the final set of the Bench exercise.



4-Count Pause Reverse Band Benches: [45/15, 65/9, Bands: 95/7, 4-C: 115/5, SMC: 135/4, Gear: 155/3] (5, 3, 1) 170/5, 177/3, 185/1, 8-12, raw: 2-C: 140/10

Close Grip Camber Rows: [35/9, 55/7, 70/5, wrist wraps: 85/5] (6, 4, 2) 95/4!, 90/6!, 100/1+2!, 1 x 8-12: 80/9

Pullups (2 x amrap) 4, 4

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout Time: 1:24

Total Workout Time: 2:16

I started too heavy on the Rows, so they got a bit messed up. But otherwise, two very good workouts.

Video 2


Squats/ Deadlifts – 8

Sunday – 2/23/20

Gear: Crain power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves; APT: wrist bands; Ace knee sleeves.

Shoes: Inzer Pillar Squat Boots, Sabo Deadlift Shoes.

Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Ohio Deadlift Bar.



Dead Stop Squats: [--/15, 65/9, DS: 125/7, 160/5, SMC:195/4, Gear: 225/3] (5, 3, 1) 250/5!, 262/3!, 275/1!, 8-12, raw: 192.5/10

Workout Time: 1:00




Sumo Two Chain Deadlifts: [--/15, 45/9, 135/7, 2 Chains: 225/5, 265/5, SMC: 305/4, Gear: 345/3] (5, 3, 1) 380/5!, 400/3!, 420/1!, 8-12, raw: 295/10

Step-ups: 2:30

Jump Rope: 0:45

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout Time: 1:31*

Total Workout Time: 2:31*

Two excellent workouts, with 50s PRs across the board. My hamstring only bothered me a bit after each workout, so I think it will be okay. Thank God.


Rotation VI


Week A

Bodyweight: 121.6 pounds.


Bench Assistance (Week D, Rotation V)

Monday – 2/24/20

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.

Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Cambered Bar, Dumbbell Bar, Hand Grippers.



WG Cam Bar Decline Bench: [35/15, 55/9, Pa: 75/7, 90/5, MC: 105/4, add gear: 120/3] (5, 3, 1) 132/5, 140/3, 147/1, 8-12, raw: 110/10

Hand Gripper: 2 x 20 secs, 5.0 turns, 5.0 turns

Workout Time: 0:41

This workout went very well, except, it is very hard to pause with the wide grip.

Video 1



Medium Grip Incline Bench: [10s/15, 45/9, Pa: 65/7, 85/5, SMC: 100/4, Gear: 112/3] (5, 3, 1/ 6, 4, 2) 115*/6, 120/4, 125/2, 8-12, raw: 95/10

One-Arm DB Rows, Parallel Grip: [30/9, 45/7, 57/5] (6, 4, 2) 65/6, 67/4, 70/2, 1 x 8-12: 56/10

Pushups (2 x amrap) 17, 17

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout Time: 1:26

Total Workout Time: 2:07

This workout did not go at all as planned. I was supposed to do 125/5 for the first work set, but I misloaded, forgetting a five on each side. But that was a good thing, as I would not have been able to do what I had planned. I realized my mistake part way through the set, so I did an extra rep. That was good, as I went ahead with that and planned on 6, 4, 2 rather than 5,3, 1.

I think what happened is last item I did this exercise was the first time I had done it in months. I started too heavy, and that messed up my planned reps then. Maybe that threw me off for this workout. Whatever the case, hopefully things will go better next time.

Video 2

I recorded the final set of each exercise.


Squats/ Deadlifts – 1

Wednesday – 2/26/20

Gear: Crain power belt; APT: wrist bands; Ace knee sleeves.

Shoes: Inzer Pillar Squat Boots, Sabo Deadlift Shoes.

Equipment: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Ohio Deadlift Bar.



Two Chain Squats: [--/15, 65/9, Chains: 135/7, 185/5, SMC: 230/4, Gear: 275/3] (5, 3, 1) 305/5^, 320/2*, 335/1^, 8-12, raw: 235/10

Workout Time: 0:58

The first set was really hard. That is probably why I missed a rep on the second set. But I got the final single, and that was the most important set. As such, this was still a very good workout.




Conv 2-1/4” Deficit Deadlifts: [--/15, 45/9, 135/7, 185/5, SMC: 235/4, Gear: 285/3] (5, 3, 1) 315/5, 332/3, 350/1, 8-12, raw: 245/10

Decline Sit-ups: [2.5/9, 12.5/7] (10, 8, 6) 22.5/10, 25/8, 27.5/6

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout Time: 1:13

Total Workout Time: 2:11

An excellent workout. I added back in isolation exercises, as my abs were sore after this workout, so I figured they need the direct work. Also, I had some problems getting set up on Squats, and I have always found Calves Raises help with the walkout, so I will be doing them also.




Thursday – 2/27/20

Gear: Crain power belt. APT wrist wraps.

Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes, Coleman sneakers.

Equipment: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Super Curl Bar, Hand Grippers.



Cambered Bar Benches (not dead stop): [35/15, 55/9, 75/7, Pa: 95/5, SMC: 110/4, add gear: 125/3] (5, 3, 1) 137/4*, 142/2*, 147/1, 8-12, raw: 112.5/10

RC: Lying, Down: [4.5/11] (14, 12) 6.5/14!, 6.75/14!

Workout Time: 0:56

Not good. I missed reps on the first two sets, but at least I got the final single. But I was hoping I could bump it up a bit, but I wasn’t able to do so. Benches just are not going well.

Video 1

I only recorded the final set of Benches.



Reverse Band Benches (#2, monster minis): [45/15, 65/9, Bands: 95/7, Pa: 120/5, SMC:145/4, Gear:162/3] (5, 3, 1) 177/5, 185/3, 192/1, 8-12, raw: 145/10

One-Arm DB Rows, Overhand: [30/9, 45/7, 60/5] (6, 4, 2) 67/6, 70/4, 72/2, 1 x 8-12: 57.5/10

MG Super Curl Bar Preacher Curls: [35/11, 45/9] (10, 8, 6) Wrist Wraps: 55/8, 55/8, 60/skip

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout Time: 1:28

Total Workout Time: 2:24

I got my planned reps, but again, I was hoping to bump up the weights on the last two sets but wasn’t able to do so. With Benches not going well, I am going back to doing what I was doing when they were going better; namely, Rows and Curls or Reverse Curls after my Bench exercise on both my BA and Bench days.

Video 2


Squats/ Deadlifts – 2

Sunday – 3/1/20

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves, APT: wrist bands; Ace knee sleeves.

Shoes: Inzer Pillar Squat Boots, Sabo Deadlift Shoes.

Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Ohio Deadlift Bar, Hyperextension Bench.



Squats with Sleeves: [--/15, 65/9, 135/7, 170/5, SMC: 205/4, Gear: 245/3] (5, 3, 1) 270/5^, 275*/4, 300/1!, 8-12, raw: 210/10

Workout Time: 1:02*

I misloaded on the second set. It was supposed to be 285/3. If I had done that, it would have been a 50s PR. It also meant I had to jump more than usual for my final set. But thank God, I still got it for a new 50s PR. My next Squats with Sleeves workout will be a peaking workout. Even though I am planning on using wraps at my upcoming contest, I still want to peak on sleeves, just in case. And besides, that should help my Squats with Wraps anyways.




Sumo Deadlifts: [--/15, 45/9, 135/7, 195/5, SMC: 255/4, Gear: 315/3] (5, 3, 1) 345/5, 365/3, 385/1, 8-12, raw: 270/10

Rocking DB Calves: [30/9, 40/7, 50/5] (10, 8, 6) 57.5/10!, 60/8!, 62.56!

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout Time: 1:31*

Total Workout Time: 2:33*

An excellent workout. However, all I have left is my peaking workout. I really could use one more regular workout, but there just isn’t time.


Week B



Bodyweight: 123.4 pounds.


Bench Assistance (Week A, Rotation VI)

Monday – 3/2/20

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes, Coleman sneakers.

Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Curl Bar.



3 Count Pause Decline Bench: [45/15, 65/9, 85/7, 3-C: 105/5, MC: 125/4, Add gear: 140/3] (5, 3, 1) 155/5, 162/2*, 170/1, 8-12, raw: 2-C: 127/9

Hand Gripper, Reps: [6.0/9] (10, 8, 6) 8.5/10!, 9.0/8!, 9.5/6!

Workout Time: 0:48

The first set of Declines was really hard, which is probably why I missed a rep on the second set. But the final single felt good, but still five pounds short of a 50s PR.

Video 1



Close Grip Incline Bench: [10s/15, 45/9, 65/7, Pa: 80/5, SMC: 95/4, Gear: 107/3] (5, 3, 1) 117/5, 122/3, 127/1, 8-12, raw: 95/10

Wide Grip Curl Bar Rows: [Wrist Wraps: 45/9, 60/7, 75/5, 90/3] (6, 4, 2) 100/6, 105/4, 110/2, 1 x 8-12: 87.5/10

MG CB Preacher Reverse: [35/9, 40/7] (10, 8, 6) 45/10, 47.5/8, 50/6

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout Time: 1:30

Total Workout Time: 2:18

A good workout, but I am still not happy with my progress on Bench exercises.

Video 2


Squats/ Deadlifts – 3

Wednesday – 3/4/20

Gear: Crain power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves; APT: wrist bands; Ace knee sleeves.

Shoes: Inzer Pillar Squat Boots, Sabo Deadlift Shoes.

Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Ohio Deadlift Bar.



3-Count Pause Two Chain Squats: [--/15, 65/11, Add chains: 135/7, 3-C: 180/5, SMC: 225/4, Gear: 265/3] (5, 3, 1) 295/5!, 310/3!, 325/1!, 8-12, raw: 1-C: 227/10

Workout Time: 0:55

An excellent workout.




Conv Deadlifts: [--/15, 45/9, 135/9, 195/5,250/4, Gear: 305/3] (5, 3, 1) 340/4*, 355/3, 372/1, 8-12, raw: 261/10

Adductors/ Abductors (one leg at a time): [--/11, 3s/9] (15, 15) 6s/15, 6s/15

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout Time: 1:25

Total Workout Time: 2:20

Disappointed I missed a rep on the first set. That forced me to lower the weights a bit for the next two sets. But at least I got my planned reps on them.




Thursday – 3/5/20

Gear: Crain power belt. APT wrist wraps.

Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.

Equipment: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Cambered Bar, Super Curl Bar.



Benches: [45/15, 65/9, Pa: 85/7, 100/5, SMC:115/4, Gear: 130/3] (5, 3, 1) 145/5, 152/3, 160/1, 8-12, raw: 120/10

Rotator Cuff: Lying on side: [5.0/11] (14, 12) 7.5/16!, 7.75/14!

Workout Time: 0:48

This was my best Bench workout this year. I’m very happy about that. My Bench progress is still disappointing overall, but at least this workout sets me up for possibly having a decent day at my upcoming contest. But it will depend on how my peaking workout goes in three weeks and of course how the contest itself goes.

Video 1

I recorded all three geared sets of Benches.



3-Count Pause Close Grip Benches: [45/15, 65/9, 80/7, 3-C: 95/5, SMC: 110/4, Add gear: 125/3] (5, 3, 1) 140/4*!, 145/3!, 152/1!, 8-12, raw: 1-C: 116.5/9

MG Cambered Bar Rows: [35/9, 50/7, 65/5, wrist wraps: 65/5] (6, 4, 2) 82/6, 87/4, 92/2, 1 x 8-12: 75/9

CG Super Curl Bar Curls: [wrist wraps: 35/9, 55/7] (10, 8, 6) 60/10, 62.5/8, 65/6

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout Time: 1:30

Total Workout Time: 2:18

I was disappointed with missing a rep on the first set. That forced me to lower the weights a bit for the next two sets. But at least I got my planned reps on them. I’m not sure why my morning workout went so much better than this one. It could be because I did Benches three weeks ago but CGBPs four weeks ago. But I am not sure on that. I will see what happens next week, when I again do exercises I did four weeks ago.

Video 2


Sunday – 3/8/20


It has only been three weeks since my last extra day off, but I only have three more weeks of training until I take a break before my upcoming contest, so I thought it best to split it evenly. And besides, I was dragging and had a lot of work stuff to get caught up on, so the day off was useful. But it does mean I cannot miss another workout until that pre-contest break. Here’s praying nothing goes wrong that causes me to do miss a workout before then.


Squats/ Deadlifts – 4

Monday – 3/9/20

Gear: Crain power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves; APT: wrist bands; Ace knee sleeves.

Shoes: Inzer Pillar Squat Boots, Sabo Deadlift Shoes.

Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Ohio Deadlift Bar.



Two-Count Pause Squats: [--/15, 65/9, 135/7, 2-C: 165/5, SMC: 195/4, Gear: 225/3] (5, 3, 1) 250/5^, 265/3!, 280/1!, 8-12, raw: 1-C: 200/10

Workout Time: 0:54

This workout went very well and felt very good. It was done after 25 days since I last did this exercise. That is important, as I am trying to figure out if I am better off doing a given lift every three or every four weeks. This workout basically split the difference, so it didn’t tell me anything in that regard, except to confirm what I have already figured out, that either my Trinity or my Tetra Plan would work well.


I forgot to record the second set as usual, so I recorded the backoff set instead.



Sumo 2-1/4” Deficit Deadlifts: [--/15, 45/9, 135/7, 190/5, SMC: 245/4, Gear: 295/3] (5, 3, 1) 325/5!, 340/3!, 355/1!, 8-12, raw: 247.5/10

Hyperextensions: [--/9, 5/7, 10/5] (10, 8, 6) 17.5/10^, 20/8^, 22.5/6^

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout Time: 1:26

Total Workout Time: 2:20

This workout did not go quite so well. The weights felt very heavy, and I had to drop them a bit after the first set. That is probably because it had been 37 days since I last did this lift. That confirmed something else I had already figured out, that a “Penta Plan” would not work.

These differing times are due to moving things around a bit and my extra days off. But they do show me how to handle my extra days off. With my Trinity Plan, it would probably be best to push my workouts back a day. I can do that and still make progress, as shown by the first workout. But with my Tetra Plan, it would be best to skip my BA workout and only use a Trinity Plan for it. In that way, I wouldn’t go over 28 days since doing a given lift, avoiding the problems of this workout.


Week C

Wednesday – 3/11/20


Gear: Crain power belt. APT wrist wraps.

Shoes: Coleman sneakers, Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.

Equipment: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Cambered Bar, Curl Bar, Hand Gripper.



Wide Grip Benches: [45/15, 65/9, 80/7, Pa: 95/5, SMC: 110/4, Add gear: 125/3] (5, 3, 1) 140/4*, 145/3, 152/1, 8-12, raw: 115/10

RC: Lying, up: [5.0/11] (14, 12) 7.5/16*!, 7.75/14*!

Workout Time: 0:46

 It had been five weeks since I died WG Benches. That is probably why I missed a rep on the first set and had to drop the weights for the next two sets.

Video 1



One Chain Dead Stop Cambered Bar Benches: [35/15, 55/9, Chains: DS: 75/7, 95/5, SMC: 115/4, Gear: 132/3] (5, 3, 1) 145/5, 152/3, 160/1, 8-12, raw: 120/10

WG Cambered Bar Rows: [35/9, 55/7, 75/5] (6, 4, 2) Wrist Wraps: 85/5*, 90/3*, 95/1*, 1 x 8-12: 75/9

DB Curls: [12.5s/9] Wrist Wraps: (10, 8, 6) 22.5s/10, 24s/8, 25s/8*

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout Time: 1:28

Total Workout Time: 2:29

It had been four weeks since I did this Bench exercises, and it went as planned.

I was overly optimistic on Rows and increased by five rather than 2.5 pounds. But after the first set, I figured I’d go with it and see how 5,3,1 felt on Rows. The single did seem a bit weird, but otherwise, it felt okay, especially with the backoff set.

Video 2


Squats/ Deadlifts – 5

Thursday – 3/12/20

Gear: Crain power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves; APT: wrist bands; Ace knee sleeves.

Shoes: Inzer Pillar Squat Boots, Sabo Deadlift Shoes.

Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Ohio Deadlift Bar.



Extra Low Reverse Band Squats (#3, light bands): [--/15, 65/11, Add bands: 155/7, 190/5, SMC: 225/4, Gear: 260/3]  (5, 3, 1) 290/5!, 305/3!, 320/1!, 8-12, raw: 227.5/10

Workout Time: 0:57

Video 1



Conv Snatch Grip Deadlifts: [--/15, 45/9, 135/7, 185/5, SMC: 225/4, Gear: 265/3] (5, 3, 1) 300/5^, 315/3^, 330/1^, 8-12, raw: 230/10

Dip Bar Leg Raises: [--/11, 3s/9] (18, 18) 6s/18, 6s/18

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout Time: 1:07

Total Workout Time: 2:04

I did my main exercise in both of these workouts one month (31 days) ago, and both went great. In fact, I could have bumped the weights up a bit, but I didn’t want to push it and risk getting buried on Squats and hurting my hamstring in Deadlifts. But that does change my previous thoughts. Maybe it wouldn’t be a problem to push my workouts back a day for my extra off day when using my Tetra Plan.

Video 2


Sunday – 3/15/20

Bench Assistance (Week B, Rotation VI)

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.

Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Cambered Bar, Curl Bar.



Cambered Bar Decline Bench: [35/15, 55/9, Pa: 75/7, 95/5, MC: 115/4, Add gear: 130/3] (5, 3, 1) 145/5!, 152/3!, 160/1!, 8-12, raw: 122.5/10

Hand Gripper, Holds [Turns/secs, 5.5/9] (10, 8, 6) 8.0/10!, 8.5/8!, 9.0/6!

Workout Time: 0:47

An excellent workout.

Video 1



3-Count Pause Incline Bench: [10s/15, 45/9, 65/7, 3-C: 80/5, SMC: 95/4, Gear: 110/3] (5, 3, 1) 130*/3, 125/4*, 135/1, 8-12, raw: 1-C:101.5/9

Close Grip Curl Bar Rows: [Wrist Wraps: 50/9, 70/7, 90/5, 110/3] (6, 4, 2) 122/6!, 127/4!, 132/2!, 1 x 8-12: 105/10

TPB Reverse Curls: [45/9, 55/7] (10, 8, 6) 60/10, 62/8, 65/6

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout Time: 1:39*

Total Workout Time: 2:26

I misloaded on the first set. It was supposed to be 122/5. But I put a five and a 2-1/2 on each side, rather than a 2-1/2 and a 1-1/4. I then tried to fix it by dropping the weight, hoping to get my set of five on the second set, but I still went too heavy. Then on the last set, I did what I had originally planned and got my planned single.

At this point, I thought my contest was still on. See an article I wrote about it for my politics website. Gathering Bans and My Upcoming Powerlifting Contest

Video 2


Squats/ Deadlifts – 6

Monday – 3/16/20

Gear: Crain power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves; APT: wrist bands; Ace knee sleeves.

Shoes: Inzer Pillar Squat Boots, Sabo Deadlift Shoes.

Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Ohio Deadlift Bar.



Dead Stop Squats: [--/15, 65/9, DS: 125/7, 160/5, SMC:195/4, Gear: 230/3] (5, 3, 1) 255/5!, 267/3!, 280/1!, 8-12, raw: 195/10

Workout Time: 0:52

An excellent workout.


I forgot to record the second set, so I recorded the backoff set instead.



Sumo 3” Deficit Reverse Band Deadlifts: [--/15, 45/9, Bands: 155/7, 210/5, SMC:265/4, Gear: 320/3] (5, 3, 1) 355/5!, 365*/1, 375/3!, 395/1!, 8-12, raw: 275/10

Lying Leg Curls (one leg at a time): (3.5/9) (10, 8, 6) 5.5/10!, 5.75/8!, 6.0/6!

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout Time: 1:26

Total Workout Time: 2:18

As was setting up for this workout, I listened to the President’s press conference, and I knew that was the end of my planned upcoming powerlifting contest in early April. As a result, I had a hard time getting psyched up for the workout and was having a hard time concentrating. Hence why I misloaded on the second set. I realized it on the first rep, as it was too easy, so I stopped and reset. But I got my head into it for the next two sets. I even bumped up the weights a bit for the second and third sets.

But still, I am saddened about all the canceled contest and more so for the country. For details, see the article I posted on my politics website a couple of days later: Sadness, Predictions, and More on the Coronavirus


Week D

Bodyweight: 123.0 pounds.


Wednesday – 3/18/20


Gear: Crain power belt. APT wrist wraps.

Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes, Coleman sneakers.

Equipment: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Super Curl Bar, Hand Grippers.



Close Grip Dead Stop Cambered Bar Benches: [35/15, 55/9, 75/7, DS: 95/5, SMC: 112/4, Add gear: 127/3] (5, 3, 1) 142/5, 150/3, 157/1, 8-12, raw: 117.5/10

Shoulder Horn (alternate arms): [6.5/11] (14, 12) 8.5/14!, 8.75/14!

Workout Time: 0:50

An excellent workout, though the final rep of each work set was a full max, a bit harder than I expected. That could be because I am only doing limited CG work.

Video 1



4-Count Pause Reverse Band Benches: [45/15, 65/9, Bands: 95/7, 4-C: 115/5, SMC: 135/4, Gear: 155/3] (5, 3, 1) 172/5, 182/3, 192/1, 8-12, raw: 2-C: 145/10

Close Grip Camber Rows: [35/9, 55/7, 70/5, wrist wraps: 82/3] (6, 4, 2) 92/5*!, 97/3*!, 102/2!, 1 x 8-12: 81.5/10

MG SCB Curls: [35/11, 47.5/9, Wrist Wraps] (10, 8, 6) 57.5/10, 60/8, 62.5/6

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout Time: 1:33*

Total Workout Time: 2:23

Another excellent workout. This time, I was able to add a bit extra to the second and third sets. That was encouraging.

Video 2


Squats/ Deadlifts – 7

Thursday – 3/19/20

Gear: Crain power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT: 2.5 met4er knee wraps, wrist bands; Ace knee sleeves.

Shoes: Inzer Pillar Squat Boots, Sabo Deadlift Shoes.

Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Ohio Deadlift Bar.



Chain Squats: [--/15, 65/9, Chains: 135/7, 185/5, SMC:225/4, Gear: 255/3, 285/1] (4, 3, 2,1) 315/4!, 322/3!, 330/2!, 337/1!

Workout Time: 1:01*




Conv 2 boards Deficit Deadlifts: [--/15, 45/9, 135/7, 185/5, SMC: 225/4, Gear: 265/3, 295/1] (4, 3, 2, 1) 325/4, 335/3, 345/2, 355/1^

Twisting Sit-ups: (2 x amrap) 11, 8

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout Time: 1:09

Total Workout Time: 2:10

Even though my contest is canceled, I still planned on doing my peaking workouts, as if I was still entering a contest. But I figured I’d try something a bit different and do them for not just the actual powerlifts but for all of my main lifts for the final week plus of this Training Plan, starting with this day’s workouts. And they both went great. In a way, that was frustrating, as it could mean I would have been looking at having a great day at the contest. But I will see what happens with the rest of my peaking workouts next week before getting too upset.


Amazon Author Page for Gary F. Zeolla (#ad)

These workout logs are continued at: 2019-20 Tetra-Trinity #1 Powerlifting Training Plan: Peaking Week.

2019-20 Tetra-Trinity #1 Powerlifting Training Plan; Rotations V and VI of VI. Copyright © 2020 By Gary F. Zeolla.

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