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2018-19 Trinity Powerlifting Training Plan
Rotations III and IV of IV
These workout logs are continued from 2018-19 Trinity Powerlifting Training Plan: Rotations I & II of IV.
Age: 57.
Height: 5'1".
Bodyweight: See each week.
Next Contest: God-willing, IPA PA States, March 16, 2019 in York, PA.
330/6 – Pounds/Reps (all weights are in pounds).
[45/15] – Warm-up sets are in brackets.
(7,5,3) – Target reps for the work sets are in parentheses.
! – Sets marked with an exclamation point are new
50s PRs.
^ – Sets marked with a caret tied 50s PRs.
* – Items marked with an asterisk did not go as planned.
1:58 – hours : minutes (workout times include set-up, warm-up, lifting,
stretching, and clean-up).
Gear as indicated; if not indicated, then completely raw (no supportive gear).
Rotation III
Week A
Bodyweight: 123.2 pounds.
Sunday – 2/3/19
This was my planned monthly extra day off. That worked out well, as it enabled me to watch the Super Bowl.
Monday – 2/4/19
Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps, APT heavy knee sleeves.
Shoes: Dexter boots.
Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar.
Two Chain Squats: [--/15, Chains: 135/9, 185/7, 230/5, Gear: 275/3] (5, 3, 1) 305/5^, 320/3^, 335/1^
Olympic Squats: [--/11, 115/9, 150/7, 185/5, Gear: 215/3] (5, 3, 1) 240/5^, 252/3!, 265/1!
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:46
An excellent workout. The weights for the three sets of wo Chain Squats are my goal weights for my attempts at my upcoming contest. That is significant, as I have found the weights I use on Chain Squats are about the same as I can do for Squats with 3.0 meter wraps, which I will be using at the contest. But I still got over a month of training to go, so I will see what happens.
Some technical difficulties on the last set. Not sure why.
Music: Pandora –Secular Classic Heavy Metal
Wednesday – 2/6/19
Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.
Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.
Bars: Cambered Bar, Heavy Duty Power Bar, Dumbbell Bar.
Dead Stop Cambered Bar Benches: [35/15, 55/11, 75/9, DS: 90/7, 105/5, Add gear: 120/3] (5, 3, 1) 135/4*, 140/2*, 145/1
Rack Benches: [95/9, 115/7, 135/5, Add gear: 150/3] (5, 3, 1) 165/4*, 172/2*, 180/skip
One-Arm DB Rows (underhand): [30/9, 40/7, 47/5, 55/3] (7, 5, 3) 62/7, 65/5, 67/3
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:25
A terrible workout. The loss of week during this week finally caught up to me. The whole workout, I felt like just lying on my bench and taking a nap. I not sure if skipping my BA contributed or not. But as it was, I did not try the final sets on the first two sets of Cambered Bar Benches, and the first ser of Rack Benches. I tried the third rep on the second set of the latter and got buried. I was so tired and discouraged at that point that I didn’t bother to reset for the third set and just skipped it. Rows, however, went well. But those I forgot to record.
Music: Pandora – Secular Modern Hard Rock.
Thursday – 2/7/19
Gear: Crain power belt; APT wrist bands, Ace knee sleeves.
Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes.
Bar: Ohio Deadlift Bar.
Sumo 2-1/4” Deficit RB (purple, light, #3 bands) Deadlifts: [--/13, 45/11, Bands: 155/9, 215/7, 265/5, Gear: 315/3] (5, 3, 1) 345/5, 362/3, 380/1
Conv SLDLs: [--/11, 135/9, 165/7, 195/5, Gear: 220/3] (6, 4, 2) 245/6, 257/4, 270/2
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:35
I still felt terrible for this workout, but it went okay, with me getting all of my planned reps. I thank the LORD for that. But if I don’t start sleeping at night, that will not be the case for very long, as my body will start breaking down.
Music: Pandora – Christian White Metal 3
Morning Workouts
Sunday – 2/3/19
This was my planned monthly extra day off.
Day 2
Monday – 2/4/19
Speed Two Chain Squats: [Regular: --/15, 65/11, Speed, Chains: 135/9, 150/7] (4 x 8-9, 6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 162/9^, 170^/7, 177/5^, 185/3^
Abs: Sit-ups: [10/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 17.5/12, 18.75/10, 20/8
Workout Time: 0:37
Day 3
Wednesday - 2/6/19
Speed Dead Stop Cambered Bar Benches: [Regular: 35/15, 55/11, Speed: 55/9, 65/7] (9, 7, 5, 3) 75/9!, 77/7!, 80/5!, 82/3!
Wrist Roller (underhand) [1.25/5] (6, 4, 2) 2.0/6, 2.25/4, 2.5/2
Workout Time: 0:35
Day 4
Thursday – 2/7/19
Sumo Jump Deadlifts: [Regular: --/15, 45/11, Jump: 45/9, 60/7] (9, 7, 5, 3) 75/9!, 80/7!, 85/5!, 90/3!
Adductors/ Abductors (one leg at a time): [3s/11] (2 x 15-20, 10-15) 6s/15!, 8s/10!
Leg Raises (amrap): 20^, 20^
Workout Time: 0:37
Not getting much height on my jumps for the Jump Deadlifts, so I will repeat these weights next time.
Week B
Bodyweight: 121.2 pounds.
Bench Assistance (Week C)
Sunday – 2/10/19
Gear: Crain power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.
Shoes: Coleman sneakers, Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.
Bars: Heavy Duty Power Bar.
CG Decline Benches: [45/15, 65/11, 85/9, 105/7, 120/5, Gear, 135/3] (5, 3, 1) 147/5, 155/3, 162/1
DB Seated Presses: [10s/9, 17s/7, 25s/5, Add gear: 30s/3] (6, 4, 2) 35s/6!, 37.5s/4!, 40s/2
MG BB Bar Rows: [45/9, 60/7, 72/5, 85/3] (7, 5, 3) 95/7, 100/5, 105/3
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:35
I got a good rest on Saturday and final a good night’s sleep Saturday night, so I felt much better for this workout than last week. As a result, it went very well.
Music: Pandora – Christian Modern Hard Rock 2
Monday – 2/11/19
Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves.
Shoes: Dexter boots.
Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar.
Extra Low Reverse Band Squats (#3, yellow, light bands): [--/13, 65/11, Add bands: 155/9, 195/7, 235/5, Gear: 270/3] (5, 3, 1) 300/5, 315/3, 330/1
Squats with Sleeves: [--/13, 65/11, 135/9, 170/7, 205/5, Gear: 230/3] (5, 3, 1) 250/5, 262/3^, 275/1^
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:55
Unfortunately, once again, a sleepless night before this workout. But thank God, I was able to take a nap before this workout, so I felt okay for it. And it went very well. I reversed the two exercises, so as to focus more on top end work. I am glad I did, as it felt better doing the Extra Low lift first. But I wasn’t sure if I would go extra low on sleeves or not. I went back and forth on my first couple of warmups and realized it would be too demanding to do two extra low lifts in the same workout. That experimenting added to the workout time.
Music: Pandora – Secular Modern Hard Rock 2
Wednesday – 2/13/19
Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.
Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.
Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Super Curl Bar.
Benches: [45/13, 65/11, 85/9, 100/7, 115/5, Gear: 130/3] (5, 3, 1) 145/5, 152/2*, 157/1
3 Count Pause One-Chain Benches: [Chains: 85/9, 3-Count: 100/7, 115/5, Gear: 130/3] (5, 3, 1) 145/4*, 152/3, 162/1
MG Super Curl Bar Rows: [45/9, 65/7, 85/5, 100/6] (6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 107/6!, 112/4!, 117/2!
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:36
Still very frustrated with Benches. There’s no doubt now my Bench will be down for my upcoming contest. All I can do is hope for the best, then make some changes to my training for next time.
I only recorded the final set of Chain Benches.
Music: Pandora – Secular Christian Hard Rock 1
Thursday – 2/14/19
Gear: Crain power belt; Genesis 24” wrist wraps; APT wrist bands; Ace knee sleeves.
Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes.
Bar: Ohio Deadlift Bar.
Sumo Deadlifts: [--/15, 135/9, 195/7, 255/5, Gear: 315/3] (5, 3, 1) 350/5, 370/2*, 385/miss*
Conv 1½” Deficit Deadlifts: [--/15, 135/9, 185/7, 235/5, Gear: 285/3] (5, 3, 1) 315/skip, 332/ skip, 350/ skip
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:24
Absolutely terrible workout. Sumos started out okay, but the first set really took it out of me. The second rep of the second set was so hard, I didn’t even try the third. Then I couldn’t even budge the final planned single. Then my warmups for the second exercise felt terrible, with the final warmup feeling very heavy, so I stopped the workout there, and didn’t even try my work sets.
I think what is happening is threefold. First, I have been experimenting with my pre-workout snack, and what I ate before this workout did not work out. I felt like it was sitting in my stomach, then as the workout progressed, I began to feel sick in my stomach. Maybe I’ll write an article about this later.
Second, I have not been sleeping well. Though I slept straight through the two nights before this workout, it was not a sound sleep.
Third, two days before this workout, I got a new phone and have really been working to get it all set up. My data and apps restored from the Cloud okay, but I still had lots of user settings to set, which only partially restored. Plus, I’ve been trying out new security apps for my phone, tablet and desktop PC and having troubles syncing everything between the three. Overall, I have been really stressed out lately over tech and other personal issues, and that had me very distracted.
But whatever the case, I will be busy on Friday, but hopefully, I can rest on Saturday, then get back into it on Sunday. But my plans for my contest are a bit messed up now.
Music: Pandora – Christian White Metal 2
Morning Workouts
Day 1 (Week C).
Sunday – 2/10/19
Heavy Bag: 12:00 (minutes : seconds)
CG Curl Bar Curls: [42/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) add wrist wraps: 52/12!, 55/10!, 57/8!
Workout Time: 0:31 (hours : minutes)
Day 2
Monday – 2/11/19
Speed Squats: [Regular: --/15, 65/11, Speed: 95/9, 115/7] (4 x 8-9, 6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 130/9^, 135/7^, 140/5^, 145/3^
Standing DB Calves: [30/9] (12, 10, 8) 40/12!, 42.5/10!, 45/8!
Workout Time: 0:41
Day 3
Wednesday – 2/13/19
Speed Benches: [Regular: 45/15, 65/11, Speed: 65/9, 77/7[ (4 x 8-9, 6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 87/9, 92/7, 97/5, 102/3
Rotator Cuff: Shoulder Horn (Arms Together): [5.0/11] (2 x 15-16, 13-14) 7.25/16!, 7.5/14!
Hand Gripper, holds (turns/secs): [3.5/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 5.5/12!, 6.0/10!, 6.5/8!
Workout Time: 0:34
Day 4
Thursday – 2/14/19
Sumo Speed 1-1/2” Deficit Deadlifts: [Regular: --/15, 45/11, Speed: 115/9, 140/7] (4 x 8-9, 6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 155/9!, 162/7!, 170/5!, 177/3!
Lying Leg Curls (alternate legs): [3.5/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 5.0/12!, 5.25/10!, 5.5/8!
Workout Time: 0:34
Week C
Bodyweight: 121.8 pounds.
Bench Assistance (Week A)
Sunday – 2/17/19
Gear: Crain power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.
Shoes: Coleman sneakers, Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.
Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar.
WG Decline Bench: [45/15, 65/11, 85/9, 105/7, 122/5, add gear: 137/3] (5, 3, 1) 152/5, 160/3, 167/1
MG Seated Presses: [45/9, 57/7, 67/5, add gear: 77/3] (5, 3, 1) 87/5!, 92/3!, 97/1!
CG Barbell Rows: [45/9, 60/7, 75/5, add wrist wraps: 90/3] (7, 5, 3) 100/!7, 105/5!, 110/3!
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:45
After a good rest on Saturday and a decent night’s sleep, I felt much better for this workout than last week, and it went well and as planned.
Music: Pandora – Christian Rap
Monday – 2/18/19
Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps, Genesis 2.5-meter knee wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves.
Shoes: Dexter boots.
Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar.
Squats with Wraps: [--/13, 65/11, 135/9, 175/7, 215/4, Gear: 265/3] (5, 3, 1) 290/4*, 305/1*, 320/1
One-Count Pause Squats: [--/11, 135/9, 1-Count: 165/7, 195/5, Gear: 225/3] (5, 3, 1) 250/5!, 262/3!, 275/1!
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 2:04*
I could not get myself psyched up for this workout, as once again, I was having a mental block over using wraps. As I was warming up, I was thinking it would be so much easier to just use sleeves, even thinking how to go about doing so for my upcoming contest. But as I have expressed many times, I need to use wraps to hit my goals, and I prefer training for wraps in terms of the type of assistance work that needs to be done.
As such, I kept going with wraps, but didn’t try the planned fifth rep on the first set, as the fourth was very difficult. Then the first rep of the planned triple on the second set felt so hard, I just gave up and didn’t even try a second rep. But then I finally got my head together for the final set. It helped that one of my favorite songs came on, and I got the planned single cleanly. And watching the video, the single with 320 looked easier than the previous set with 305.
That final single kept this workout from completely messing up my plans for my upcoming contest, though I would be in better shape if I had at least gotten a double on the second set. But as it is, I am unsure on what I will do in my peaking workout in two weeks, the next and last time I will use wraps before my contest. I might use wraps again next week to make up for this workout, but I fear using wraps three weeks in a row could lead to burnout before the contest.
Showing it was a mental problem with using wraps is the Pause Squats went as planned, for which, I use sleeves.
Music: Pandora – Christian White Metal 1
Wednesday – 2/20/19
Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.
Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.
Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Super Curl Bar.
3 Count Pause Benches: [45/13, 65/11, 85/9, 3-Count: 100/7, 115/5, Gear: 130/3] (5, 3, 1) 142/4*, 147/3, 157/1
Close Grip Benches: [65/9, 85/7, 105/5, Gear: 120/3] (5, 3, 1) 132/4*, 142/3, 150/1
WG Super Curl Bar Rows: [45/9, 65/7, 85/5, add wrist wraps: 102/3] (6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 112/6!, 117/4!, 122/2!
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:45
I had my head in this workout, and it went very well, despite a couple of missed reps. Both Bench exercises went the same. The fourth rep of the first sets were so hard, I didn’t try a fifth rep. The second sets were grinders, but I got my planned triples. The final singles were with a bit of strength to spare.
Music: Pandora – Christian White Metal 3
Thursday – 2/21/19
Gear: Crain power belt; APT: wrist bands; Ace knee sleeves.
Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes.
Bar: Ohio Deadlift Bar.
Sumo 1-1/2” Deficit Deadlifts: [--/13, 135/9, 190/7, 245/5, Gear: 300/3] (5, 3, 1) 330/5!, 347/3!, 365/1!
Conv Deadlifts: [--/13, 135/9, 190/7, 245/5, Gear: 300/3] (5, 3, 1) 330/5, 347/3, 365/1
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:45
I reversed the order of these two exercises, so as to focus more on Sumos, which is how I will be competing. With doing so, it was interesting that I used the exact same weights for all sets for both exercises. But only my work sets on the first were new 50s PRs. Most importantly, this workout went very well and as planned, much better than last week’s Deadlift workout.
Music: Pandora – Christian White Metal 3
Morning Workouts
Day 1 (Week A)
Sunday – 2/17/19
Heavy Bag: 11:00 (minutes : seconds)
Dumbbell Curls (arms together) [12.5s/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) add wrist wraps: 20s/12, 21.5s/10, 22.5s/10, 24s/8
Workout Time: 0:32 (hours : minutes)
I’m still too light on the curls, so I did an extra set.
Day 2
Monday – 2/18/19
Jump Squats: [Regular: --/15, 65/11, Jump: 55/9, 70/7] (9, 7, 5, 3) 85/9!, 90/7!, 95/5!, 100/3!
Standing Rocking Barbell Calves: [135/9] (12, 10, 8) 155/12!, 162/10!, 170/8!
Twisting Sit-ups (2 x amrap) 11, 11 (reps to each side)
Workout Time: 0:39
Day 3
Wednesday - 2/20/18
Speed Dead Stop Benches: [Regular: 45/15, 65/11, Speed: 60/9, 70/7] (4 x 8-9, 6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 80/9!, 85/7!, 90/5!, 95/3!
SCB MG Reverse Curls: [50/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 60/12!, 62.5/10!, 65/6*
Workout Time: 0:37
Day 4
Thursday – 2/21/18
Speed Conv 1-1/2” Deficit Deadlifts: [Regular: --/15, 45/11, Speed: 115/9, 130/7] (9, 7, 5, 3) 140/9!, 147/7!, 155/5!, 162/3!
Dip Bar Twisting Leg Raises (alternate legs): [2s/11] (15-20, 10-15) 4s/20, 6s/15
Workout Time: 0:32
Rotation IV
Week B
(skipped Week A)
Bodyweight: 122.0 pounds.
Sunday – 2/24/19
This was a planned off day.
Bench Assistance (Week B)
Monday – 2/25/19
Gear: Crain power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.
Shoes: Coleman sneakers, Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.
Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar.
MG Decline Bench: [45/15, 65/11, 85/9, 105/7, 125/5, add gear: 140/3] (5, 3, 1) 155/5, 162/3, 170/1
CG Seated Presses: [45/9, 55/7, 65/5, add gear: 75/3] (5, 3, 1) 85/5, 90/3, 95/1
WG Barbell Rows: [45/9, 60/7, 75/5, add wrist wraps: 90/3] (7, 5, 3) 100/6!, 105/4!, 110/2!
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:38
This workout was done in the cold and dark, as my power was out! It had been out since the night before, and it remained out until late this day. It was out for almost 27 hours. I felt like I was back in Boy Scouts on a campout, with having to do everything with a flashlight or lantern and with two sweatshirts and pairs of socks on.
But despite the difficulty, this workout went well and as planned.
No video, as I was trying to preserve power in my devices.
Music: Pandora –Christian Modern Hard Rock 1
Tuesday – 2/26/19
Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves.
Shoes: Dexter boots.
Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar.
Extra Low Reverse Band Squats (#3, yellow, light bands): [--/13, 65/11, Add bands: 155/9, 195/7, 235/5, Gear: 275/3] (5, 3, 1) 305/5, 320/3, 335/1
Squats with Sleeves: [--/13, 65/11, 135/9, 170/7, 205/5, Gear: 235/3] (5, 3, 1) 255/5!, 267/3!, 280/1!
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:59
Normally, I take Tuesday off of lifting and do my wash. But with the week being messed up from the power outage, and with having taken Sunday off, I lifted today and planned on doing my wash on Wednesday. But I wasn’t sure what I was going to do this day. I thought it best to skip my Week A workout, as I felt I had peaked on Chain Squats, but I still had progress to make on RB Squats and Squats with Sleeves, so I could do my Week B workout. Or I could do Squats withy Wraps, but then follow that up with the Close Stance Squats I was going to do after Chain Squats. But with my peaking workout next week, that would have me doing Squats with Wraps three weeks in a row.
In the end, I decided to do my Week B workout, and it went very well. The weights on the three work sets of RB Squats are what I am hoping will be my attempts at my upcoming contest. But I have no idea how XL RB Squats relate to Squats with 3.0-meter wraps. But it was good to get the 335 on my back, as that weight is an important goal for my contest.
This training routine was the first time I did XL RB Squats with my new light (#3) bands, so I had no 50s PRs for them. But it felt good hitting 50sd PRs on Squats with Sleeves for doing them second in a workout, even though I had only done them second once before for a training plan.
Music: Pandora – Christian White Metal 2
Thursday – 2/28/19
Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.
Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.
Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Super Curl Bar.
Benches: [45/13, 65/11, 85/9, 100/7, 115/5, Gear: 130/3] (5, 3, 1) 145/5, 152/1*, 160/1
3 Count Pause One-Chain Benches: [Chains: 85/9, 3-Count: 100/7, 115/5, Gear: 130/3] (5, 3, 1) 145/5, 155/2*, 165/1
MG Super Curl Bar Rows: [45/9, 65/7, 85/5, 100/6] (6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 110/5*, 115/3.8*, 120/1.8*
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:48
A strange workout. The first and third sets of both Bench exercises went as planned, but the second sets did not. On Benches, I got buried on the second rep. I think I lost concentration. Actually, I had problems concentrating from the start, as I was once again dealing with tech problems shortly before this workout. Then on Chain Benches, the second rep was so hard, I didn’t try the third. But then, I increased the weights more than usual, as I didn’t want to just repeat what I did last time. But even with those miscues, the singles going as planned was encouraging, as those are of course the most important. But I will see what happens in my peaking workout next week.
Rows did not go well. I’m not sure why.
Music: Pandora – Christian White Metal 2
Gear: Crain power belt; Genesis 24” wrist wraps; APT wrist bands; Ace knee sleeves.
Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes.
Bar: Ohio Deadlift Bar.
Sumo Deadlifts: [--/15, 135/9, 195/7, 255/5, Gear: 315/3] (5, 3, 1) 345/5, 365/3, 385/1
Conv 1½” Deficit Deadlifts: [--/11, 135/9, 185/7, 235/5, Gear: 285/3] (5, 3, 1) 310/5, 327/3, 345/1
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:46
This was the workout that did not go well at all two weeks ago. This time, I dropped the planned weights five pounds for all of my work sets. With doing so, I got all my planned reps. And good thing I dropped the weights, as every set was a grinder, especially the 385. But I am glad I got all of them. But still, with dropping the weights, I am a bit off for my goals for my upcoming contest. But I will see what happens in my peaking workout next week.
On an interesting note, comparing this workout to last week’s workout, for both Sumo and Conv 1½” Deficit Deadlifts, I used 20 pounds less than for the regular lift. That is good to know for future reference.
Music: Pandora – Christian White Metal 1
Morning Workouts
Day 1
Monday – 2/25/19
Heavy Bag: 10:00* (minutes : seconds)
MG Curl Bar Curls [50/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) add wrist wraps: 60/9*, 60*/8, 60*/8
Workout Time: ?
With being done in the cold and dark, this workout did not go well.
Day 2
Tuesday – 2/26/19
Speed Two Chain Squats: [Regular: --/15, 65/11, Speed, Chains: 135/9, 150/7] (4 x 8-9, 6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 162/9^, 170^/7, 177/5^, 185/3^
Abs: Sit-ups: [10/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 17.5/12, 18.75/10, 20/8
Workout Time: 0:37
Day 3
Thursday - 2/28/19
Speed Dead Stop Cambered Bar Benches: [Regular: 35/15, 55/11, Speed: 55/9, 65/7] (9, 7, 5, 3) 75/9!, 80/7!, 82/5!, 85/3!
Wrist Roller (underhand) [1.25/5] (6, 4, 2) 2.25/6, 2.5/4, 2.75/2
Workout Time: 0:37
Day 4
Sunday – 3/3/19
Sumo Jump Deadlifts: [Regular: --/15, 45/11, Jump: 45/9, 65/7] (9, 7, 5, 3) 75/9!, 85/7!, 90/5!, 95/3!
Adductors/ Abductors (one leg at a time): [3s/11] (2 x 15-20, 10-15) 6s/18!, 8s/13!
Leg Raises (amrap): 23!, 22!
Workout Time: 0:42
Peaking Week
Bodyweight: 123.0 pounds.
Bench Assistance (Week C)
Monday – 3/4/19
Gear: Crain power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.
Shoes: Coleman sneakers, Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.
Bars: Heavy Duty Power Bar.
CG Decline Benches: [45/15, 65/11, 85/9, 105/7, 120/5, Gear, 135/3] (5, 3, 1) 150/5, 157/3, 165/1
DB Seated Presses: [10s/9, 17s/7, 25s/5, Add gear: 32.5s/3] (6, 4, 2) 37.5s/6!, 40s/4!, 42.5s/2
MG BB Bar Rows: [45/9, 60/7, 72/5, 90/3] (7, 5, 3) 100/7!, 105/5!, 110/3!
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:39
An excellent workout.
Music: Pandora – Christian White Metal 2
Squats Peaking Workout
Wednesday – 3/6/19
Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps, Genesis 3.0-meter knee wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves.
Shoes: Dexter boots.
Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar.
Squats with Wraps: [--/15, 65/11, 135/7, 175/5, 215/3, Gear: 265/1-2] (4, 3, 2, 1) 295/2*, 305/miss, 320/skip, 330/skip
Squats with Sleeves: [135/3, 185/3, Belt: 215/3, Sleeves: 245/3, (?) 275/4, 285/3!, 295/1
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:55
A completely messed up workout. First, let me say, I have been having a terrible time sleeping of late, and that is significantly affecting my health and my life. But I was able to rest before this workout, so I felt okay for it. I’ve also started brewing black tea (Choice Organic Earl Grey), cooling it, then drinking it during my workouts. I’ll do the same for my upcoming contest. That probably helped get me through this grueling workout.
That said; once again I had problems with wraps. I just do not know what is going on, but it is probably time to give up on them. My warm-up set with wraps did not feel good, so I dropped my planned weight for my first work set by five pounds. It was supposed to be for four reps, but I got only two. Watching the video, I might have been able to get a third, if my mind had been into it. I also dropped the planned weight for the second set, but I am not sure what happened on it. I should have gotten as least one rep, but I leaned back a bit too much and dumped the weight.
At that point, I thought of trying my Titan THP wraps, to see what might happen with them. But I knew that if I did, and it did not work out, I would be too tired to switch to sleeves. Consequently, I thought I best to just switch to sleeves and plan on using them for my upcoming contest. But at that point, I was so tired, I was not sure what I would be able to do. I doubted I would be able to do four sets, so I increased set to set a bit more than I would have otherwise. Good thing too, as I did not have the energy for fourth set.
The first two sets of Squats with Sleeves went very well, despite sucking air. The second set was even a 50s PR. The third set felt good. I doubt I would have gotten a second rep, but the single was not quite a full max. That means, I should be good for a bit more. I squatted 300 with sleeves at my last contest, so 305 will be my goal for this contest. If I get that, all things considered, I will be happy.
I recorded both sets of Squats with Wraps and the first and third set of Squats with Sleeves.
Music: Pandora – Christian Modern Hard Rock 2
Benches Peaking Workout
Thursday – 3/7/19
Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.
Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.
Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Dumbbell bar, Hand Gripper.
Benches: [50/15, 70/9, 90/7, 105/5, Gear: 120/3, 135/1] (4, 3, 2, 1) 147/4, 152/3, 157/1*, 160/1
One-Arm DB Rows (underhand): [30/9, 40/7, 50/5, 57/3] (6, 4, 2) 65/6, 67/4, 70/2
Hand Gripper, holds (turns/secs): [4.0/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 6.0/12!, 6.5/10!, 7.0/8!
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:25
The first two sets of Benches were real grinders. That is probably why I got buried on the second rep of the third set, which I shouldn’t even have tried. I started a bit too heavy, leading to the grinders and not pausing some of the reps. I should have started with 145 then increased by five-pounds per set from there. But I adjusted for the final set, doing what I would have done if I had followed that plan, and that single felt good. But with the way Benches were going, I tried pushing a bit too much, trying to salvage them for the contest. But as it is, I will plan my attempts as if I had started with 145 and will just have to accept my Bench will be down from my last contest.
I recorded all four sets of Benches, plus the final set of DB Rows, just to show off I had six 10s on the 10-pound dumbbell bar for the first time in quite a while. But I didn’t push too hard on Rows, doing one less rep on each set than I had originally planned, as I was getting tired by then after yet another sleepless night.
Music: Pandora – Christian Modern Hard Rock 2
Deadlifts Peaking Workout
Gear: Crain power belt; Genesis 24” wrist wraps; APT wrist bands; Ace knee sleeves.
Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes.
Bar: Ohio Deadlift Bar.
Sumo Deadlifts: [--/13, 45/10, 140/8, 200/6, 260/4, Gear: 330/2] (4, 3, 2, 1) 360/4^, 372/3!, 385/2!, 395/1!
Lying Leg Curls (alternate legs): [3.75/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 5.25/12!, 5.5/10!, 5.75/8!
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:34
This was the last of my peaking workouts and the first that went as planned. Actually, it went even better than planned. The first set felt so good, I bumped the planned weight ups a bit for the next three sets. With doing so, I set new 50s PRs on those sets and am back on track for my goals for my contest this Saturday (3/16). It helped that I finally got a good night’s sleep the night before this workout. Sadly, that did not last, as I barely slept the night after this contest. But here’s praying I can get some sleep this week, so I feel good for the contest.
In the meantime, my bodyweight this morning (Monday, 3/11) was 122.0 pounds. I need to weigh 114.5 pounds at 8:00 am on Friday (3/15) to make weight for my powerlifting contest the next day. That means, I need to lose 7.5 pounds in four days. I’ve done that before, so it shouldn’t be too much of a problem.
Music: Pandora – Christian White Metal 1
Bench Assistance (final workout pre-contest)
Monday – 3/11/19
Gear: Crain power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.
Shoes: Coleman sneakers, Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.
Bars: Heavy Duty Power Bar.
WG Decline Benches: [45/15, 65/10, 85/8, 105/6, 125/4, Gear: 140/2] (4, 2, 8) 155/3*, 157/2, 125/8
MG Seated Presses: [45/8, 55/6, 65/4, Gear: 75/2] (4, 2, 8) 85/4, 90/2, 70/8
CG BB Bar Rows: skipped
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:14
This was my last workout before my contest on Saturday, March 16, 2019. I wasn’t sure how hard to go for it, given that I had already started cutting weight. I decided to work as hard as I could without getting physed up. I also experimented with a slightly different warmup plan and to try a sets x reps plan I have not used in some but remember as being effective. Both went well, so I might incorporate them into my next routine. I now need to focus on cutting weight.
I recorded the second set of Declines and first two sets of Presses.
Music: Pandora – Christian Metalcore
Morning Workouts
Day 1
Monday – 3/4/19
Heavy Bag: 10:00* (minutes : seconds)
CG Curl Bar Curls add wrist wraps: [45/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 55/12!, 57*/10!, 60/8!
Workout Time: 0:31
I got really tired on the heavy bag. Hitting it once a week might not be working out so well, but that is call I can fit into my schedule.
Rest of morning workouts skipped, as there was non sense tiring myself out with them at this point.
For my contest report, see IPA Pennsylvania State Powerlifting Championships - 2019.
These workout logs are continued at: Powerlifting Training Strategy: 2019 Trinity #1, Stage One.
2018-19 Trinity Powerlifting Training Plan: Rotations III and IV of IV. Copyright © 2019 By Gary F. Zeolla.
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