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Full Workout Logs - Starting 6/16/2010

Off-Season Training

Weeks 1-6 of 10

By Gary F. Zeolla

These workout logs are continued from Full Workout Logs: Starting 5/3/2010 - Alternate Weeks Routine - Weeks 7-12 of 12.

For background to this log, see Routine Review and Future Plans.

Age: 49.
Weight: See each week. Body fat and lean body mass being measured by digital body fat calipers.

Next contest:
Maybe a raw or single-ply equipped contest in November or December, 2010.

All lifts done completely raw.
Warm-ups are in brackets. All weights are in pounds. Format: pounds/reps.
Workout times includes set-up, warm-up, lifting, stretching, and clean-up.

See also:
Cardio Logs - First Half of 2010
Cardio Logs - Second Half of 2010

Week 1 (Week A; Bottom End Work)

Bodyweight: 122.0 pounds.
Body Fat: 12.7%.
Lean Body Mass: 106 pounds.


For the first couple weeks of this routine I will not be pushing very hard as I get used to the new exercises. As such, these weeks function as “deload” weeks. This pattern is described on pages 123-4 of my powerlifting book.


Bench Assistance

Wednesday – 6/16/10

DB Incline Bench [10s/20, 20s/10, 25s/6] 30s/9, 32s/7, 35s/5, 37s/3

Pull-ups: bwt./9, 2.5/7, 5/5

Preacher Reverse Curls: 35/12, 37/10, 40/8

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 0:58



Thursday – 6/17/10

Extra Low Squats: [45/20, 95/10, 115/6] 135/9, 155/7, 175/5, 195/3

BB calves: 115/12, 125/10, 135/10, 145/8

Bicycle Abs (reps to each side): 17, 17, 15

Adductor: 15 reps plus soccer ball squeeze

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:09

The foam box I’m used for depth checking for the Extra Low Squats was 3” lower than my regular foam box. But that proved to be too much. I was having a very hard time getting down that low, and I might have aggravated my adductor injury in the process.

I noticed a little soreness while I was doing the squats, but I didn’t think much of it. It wasn’t until I was doing my adductor exercise at the end of my workout that a twinge of pain hit, and I stopped that set. I’m hoping by next week the adductor’s okay. If not, then that could end my plans of competing before the end of the year,

On the Extra Low Squats, I still think they’ll be a good exercise to do, both for help on raw squats and to stretch out and strengthen my adductor, but I added a board to the bottom of the box, raising it ¾” of an inch. That should eliminate the undo stretching. The setup is described on the following page of my site: Extra Low Foam Squat Box.



Sunday – 6/20/10 (Father’s Day)

Legs Up, 3-Second Pause Benches: [45/20, 70/10, 85/6] 95/9, 105/7, 115/5, 125/3

BB Rows: [30/10, 65/6] 70/9, 75/7, 80/5, 85/3

CB Triceps Presses: [25/10] 30/12, 32/10, 35/8

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:03

For my bottom-end bench assistance exercise I am combing doing legs up benches (a.k.a. feet on bench benches) with extra long pause benches. These exercises are described on pages 152, 155, respectively, of my powerlifting book. Combining them will make my off-season benching more different than in-season, raw benching than doing just one of the alternative forms.

For the extra long pause, I am counting the reps with the bar paused at my chest – “1001, 1001, 1001” – “1002, 1002, 1002” – etc. Even without pushing very hard, I can tell this will be a tough but productive exercise.



Thursday – 6/24/10

Platform Deadlifts: [45/20, 135/10, 175/6] 205/9, 225/7, 245/5

Leg Curls (legs together): [10/10], 15/12. 17/10, 20/8

Side Bends: [--/10] 5/12, 6.25/10, 7.5/8

Adductor: skipped, soccer ball squeeze

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:07

Monday was my planned monthly extra day off, so that should have moved this workout to Wednesday. But on Tuesday afternoon I accidently melted some plastic in the kitchen. The smell circulated all through my home causing a serious allergic reaction. I couldn’t sleep, was partially paralyzed, felt feel horrid for the next couple of days.

As result, I didn’t work out again until Thursday, and even then, I still wasn’t feeling quite right. But at least it gave my adductor a couple of more days to heal. It fell okay for the first two sets of PDLs, but it started to bother me on the third set, so I thought it best to skip my final planned set of 265/3.

The platform I am standing on for the PDLs consists of four planks nailed together, which is 3” thick. This exercise is described on page 164 of my powerlifting book.

Week 2 (Week B; Top End Work)

Bodyweight: 120.2 pounds.
Body Fat: 12.3%.
Lean Body Mass: 105 pounds

With my problems the past week or so, I lost a couple of pounds including a pound of LBM. Not good.


Chapter 13 of my powerlifting book describes the band and chain work being done for this “top-end work” week.


Bench Assistance

Friday – 6/25/10

Overhead Presses [DBs: 10s/20, BB: 45/10, 55/9] 60/9, 65/7. 70/5, 75/3

V-Grip Chin-ups: bwt./9, 2.5/7, 5/5, 7.5/3

DB Curls [10s/8] 15s/12, 17s/10, 20s/8

Shoulder Horn: 2.5s/15, 3.75s/13, 4.5s/11

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:06

With missing last Wednesday’s workout, I lifted on Friday to make up for it, and the workout went well.



Sunday – 6/27/10

Chain Squats (chain setup weighs about 90 pounds):

[45/20, 95/10, add chains: 45/10, 75/9] 95/9, 115/7, 135/5

Side Step-ups (reps to each side): 3” box: 10, 10, 10

Crunches: 25/12, 27/10, 30/8

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:07

It had been a while since I used my chains for squats, and I hard a hard time remember how to set things up. But once I figured it all out, chain squats went okay. My adductor only bothered me slightly. But not wanting to push it, I again skipped my planned fourth set.

However, my adductor did bother me considerably on the sidestep-ups, so I did not do near as much as I had planned for them.



Monday – 6/28/10

Reverse Band Benches

(light, #3 bands choked around the top of my power rack, so there is very little tension at the top)

[45/20, add bands: 95/10] 135/9, 145/7, 155/5, 165/3

DB Rows (elbows in): [30/10, 37/6] 42/9, 45/7, 47/5, 50/5

Cable Flyes (reps with each arm): [5/10] 10/12, 10/12, 10/12

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:16

As with chain squats, it had been quite a while since I did Reverse Band Benches. I wasn’t sure which bands or how much weight to use. It took me a while to figure it all out, and even then, I went too light, so this ended up being a rather easy workout.

The Cable Flyes are basically Cable-Crossovers, but I only have one pulley, so I’m doing them one arm at a time, while holding onto my power rack with the other arm to keep my balance.



Wednesday – 6/30/10

Reverse Band Deadlifts (sumo):

(average, #4 bands choked around the top of my power rack, so there is very little tension at the top)

[45/20, add bands: 185/10, 235/6] 275/9, 295/7, 315/5

Good Mornings: [bwt/10] 45/10, 50/10, 55/8

Dip Bar Reverse Crunches: 15, 15, 15

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:11

I had better notes written down for the setup for RB DLs, so setup wasn’t much of a problem this time. And they went well.

Week 3 (Week A; Bottom End Work)

Bodyweight: 119.4 pounds.
Body Fat: 11.4%.
Lean Body Mass: 105 pounds.
More problems health-wise led to a loss of appetite this past week. But at least it appears the weight I lost was fat.


Bench Assistance

Thursday – 7/1/10

DB Incline Bench [10s/20, 20s/10, 27s/6] 32s/9, 35s/7, 40s/5, 42s/3

Pull-ups: [bwt./8] 2.5/9, 5/7, 7.5/5

Laterals: [3.75s/10] 7.5s/12, 8.75s/10, 10s/8

Preacher Reverse Curls: [30/10] 37/12, 40/10, 42/8

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:10

I keep trying to incorporate laterals to help with my weak right shoulder, but they always seem to be too much. I was very tired and my shoulders were overly sore after this workout.


Independence Day Squats

Sunday – 7/4/10

Extra Low Squats: [45/20, 95/10, 115/6] 135/9, 155/7, 175/5

BB calves: [105/10] 125/12, 135/10, 145/8

Bicycle Abs (reps to each side): 20, 20, 17

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: ~1:00

I added a board to the bottom of my extra low foam box, thus raising it ¾”. It is now 2-1/4” lower than my regular foam box. That depth worked much better. Still a struggle to get down, but there’s no undo stretching. I repeated my weights from last time and skipped my final set so as not to push it. My adductor only bothered me slightly.



Monday – 7/5/10

Legs Up, 3-Second Pause Benches: [45/20, 70/10, 90/6] 105/9, 115/7, 125/5, 135/3

BB Rows: [30/10, 65/6] 75/9, 80/7, 85/5

CB Triceps Presses: [25/10] 32/12, 35/10, 37/8

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:03



Wednesday – 7/7/10

Platform Deadlifts: [45/20, 135/10, 185/6] 225/9, 245/7, 265/5

Leg Curls (legs together): [12/10], 17/12. 20/10, 22/8

Side Bends: [--/10] 6.25/12, 7.5/10, 8.75/8

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:09

Week 4 (Week B; Top End Work)

Bodyweight: 119.2 pounds.
Body Fat: 11.4%.
Lean Body Mass: 105 pounds.


Bench Assistance

Thursday – 7/8/10

Overhead Presses [DBs: 10s/20, BB: 45/10, 55/6] 65/9, 70/7. 75/5, 80/3

V-Grip Chin-ups: [bwt./6] 2.5/8, 5/6, 7.5/4

DB Curls [12s/8] 17s/12, 20s/10, 22s/8

Shoulder Horn: 3.75s/15, 4.5s/13, 5.25s/11

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 0:58

I was rushing through this workout as I had a family dinner to get to, but the workout still went well. I was a little late for the dinner, but my brother was even later, so it worked out.



Sunday – 7/11/10

Chain Squats (chain setup weighs about 90 pounds):

[45/20, 95/10, add chains: 45/10, 85/9] 115/9, 135/7, 155/5, 175/3

Side Step-ups (reps to each side): 3” box: 12, 12, 12

Crunches: [25/10] 30/12, 32/10, 35/8

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:15

I was having problems health-wise over the weekend. I still felt terrible Sunday morning, so I had to skip my morning cardio. But by the afternoon I began feeling better and put in a surprisingly good workout.



Monday – 7/12/10

Reverse Band Benches

(average, #4 bands choked around the top of my power rack)

[45/20, add bands: 115/10, 135/6] 155/9, 175/7, 190/5, 205/3

DB Rows (elbows in): [30/10, 40/6] 47/9, 50/7, 52/5

Cable Flyes (reps with each arm): [5/10] 10/14, 11/12, 12/10

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:14

Last time on RB Benches I used light (#3) bands, but those did not provide enough of a “lift.” So I switched to average (#4) bands for this workout, but they provided too much lift. The problem is, with the bands choked around the top of my power rack, there is still too much tension at the top. I’ll have to try another setup next time.



Wednesday – 7/14/10

Reverse Band Deadlifts (sumo):

(average, #4 bands choked around safeties near the top of power rack, so there is very little tension at the top of the lift)

[45/20, 135/10, 265/6] 295/9, 315/7, 335/5, 355/3

Good Mornings: [bwt/10] 45/12, 50/10, 55/8

Dip Bar Reverse Crunches: 20, 20, 20

Adductor: 16

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:10

The RB DLs went very well. But then when I did the warm-up set for GMs with just my bodyweight, I felt a twinge in my hamstring. I couldn’t see how I had hurt myself just bending forward with no weight, so I ignored it and finished my workout.

I noticed a little soreness during the GMs, but it felt fine during my stretching and when I was cleaning up. But then when I was showering, pain flared-up, and it’s been hurting since. Needless to say, I am really upset and frustrated. It just makes no sense.

Week 5 (Week A; Bottom End Work)

Bodyweight: 117.6 pounds.
Body Fat: 11.7%.
Lean Body Mass: 104 pounds.
For some reason, I just haven’t been hungry lately, so I’ve been loosing weight.


Bench Assistance

Thursday – 7/15/10

DB Incline Bench [10s/20, 20s/10, 30s/6] 35s/9, 40s/7, 45s/5, 47s/3

Pull-ups: [bwt./8] 5/8, 7.5/6, 10/5

Preacher Reverse Curls: [35/10] 40/12, 42/10, 45/8

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:11



Sunday – 7/18/10

Extra Low Squats: [45/20, 95/10, 115/6, 135/3] 155/9, 175/7, 190/5, 200/3

BB calves: 135/12, 145/10, 155/8

Bicycle Abs (reps to each side): 20, 20, 15

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:10



Monday – 7/19/10

Legs Up, 3-Second Pause Benches: [45/20, 75/10, 100/6] 115/9, 122/7, 130/5, 137/3

BB Rows: [45/10, 65/6] 80/9, 85/7, 90/5

CB Triceps Presses: [27/10] 35/12, 37/10, 40/8

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:01



Wednesday – 7/21/10

Platform Deadlifts: [45/20, 135/10, 185/6] 245/9, 265/7, 285/5, 295/3

Leg Curls (legs together): [12/10], 20/12. 22/10, 25/8

Side Bends: [2.5/10] 7.5/12, 8.75/10, 10/8

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:10

The hamstring I was so worried about last week didn’t bother me at all this week, while my adductor was only bothering me slightly. As such, despite some health struggles, I was able to get into a little heavier lifting this week. Thanking the LORD for the progress.

Week 6 (Week B; Top End Work)

Bodyweight: 117.6 pounds.
Body Fat: 11.7%.
Lean Body Mass: 104 pounds.


Bench Assistance

Thursday – 7/22/10

Overhead Presses [DBs: 10s/20, BB: 45/10, 60/6] 70/9, 75/7. 80/5, 85/3

V-Grip Chin-ups: [bwt./8] 2.5/9, 5/7, 7.5/5

DB Curls [15s/8] 20s/12, 22s/10, 25s/8

Shoulder Horn: 4.5s/15, 5s/13, 5.5s/11

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:10

I was very tired for this workout, but I felt strong and got all my planned reps. But still, it’s good that Sunday was my planned monthly extra day off, so I wouldn’t be lifting again until Monday.



Monday – 7/26/10

Chain Squats (chain setup weighs about 90 pounds):

[45/20, 95/10, add chains: 45/10, 95/9] 125/9, 145/7, 165/5, 185/3

Side Step-ups (reps to each side): [3” step] 5” step: 12, 12, 12

Crunches: [25/10] 35/12, 37/10, 40/8

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: ~1:15

Good workout. Felt strong on squats. My adductor only bothered me while stretching.



Wednesday – 7/28/10

Reverse Band Benches

(average, #4 bands choked around the top of my power rack, so there is little tension at the top.)

[45/20, add bands: 185/10, 155/6] 175/9, 190/7, 205/5, 220/3

DB Rows (elbows in): [30/10, 42/6] 50/9, 52/7, 55/5

Cable Flyes (reps with each arm): [7.5/10] 11/14, 12/12, 13/10

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:14

I was in the hospital on Tuesday (7/27/10) with a serious setback health-wise, I thought for sure they’d keep me at least overnight, but they just gave me a prescription and sent me home. Stupid doctors. I still felt terrible Wednesday morning, but by the afternoon I began to feel better, so I figured I'd try to workout, and it went surprisingly well.

That said, I’ve tried different setups for the RB Benches, but I finally got it right. I have the bands choked around the top of my power rack, but with the bands outward. That lessened the tension enough so there is not too much tension at the top. The following pics show what I mean. The first is how I had them; the second is the new choking method. It doesn’t look like much, but it does make a difference.

Picture 1

Picture 2



Thursday – 7/29/10

Reverse Band Deadlifts (sumo):

(average, #4 bands choked around safeties near the top of power rack, so there is very little tension at the top of the lift)

[45/20, add bands: 185/10, 275/6] 315/9, 335/7, 355/5, 375/3

Good Mornings: [bwt/10, 45/6] 55/12, 60/10, 65/8

Dip Bar Reverse Crunches: 23, 23, 23

Stretching: 10-15 minutes

Workout time: 1:08

With the health difficulties, I had to skip my cardio all week. but somehow, I managed to put in a good week of lifting workouts. I think the main reason is my plan of alternating bottom end and top end work seems to be working well. I think especially the general plan of an Alternate Weeks routine provides sufficient but not too much variety for long term progress, as discussed in my powerlifting book on pages 117-8.

These training logs are continued at: Full Workout Logs: Starting 8/1/2010 - Off-Season Training - Weeks 7-10 of 10.

Full Workout Logs: Starting 6/16/2010 - Off-Season Training - Weeks 1-6 of 10. Copyright © 2010 By Gary F. Zeolla.

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Powerlifting and Strength Training: Full Workout Logs - 2005 - 2010

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