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Twinlab, Calcium Citrate Caps, Plus Magnesium

Well absorbed

Each capsule of this product contains: calcium: 150 mg; magnesium: 75 mg. As the name implies, the calcium is in the form of citrate. This form of calcium is better absorbed than the more common carbonate form. The magnesium is in the form of oxide. Other forms, like magnesium aspartate, are supposed to be better absorbed than the oxide. However, I have found the magnesium in this product to be well absorbed. I say this as I suffer from a condition called neurological “tics.” These are minor muscle twitches that can barely be seen by others, but they can be very irritating, especially when they flare-up at night. I have found that an adequate intake of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and/ or potassium (K) helps to keep them in check.

For several years I took this product, and my tics were under better control than when I was taking three prescription drugs for them. But eventually this product stopped working for me, so I tried other Ca and Mg products. But after a while I found even those were not needed as I am getting plenty of calcium and magnesium from my diet. And as long as I keep my negative motions under control, my tics are mostly under control. I discuss my eating plan in my book God-given Foods Eating Plan.

But if you feel you need supplemental calcium and magnesium, then this product is probably better than most. In fact, I have had my mom taking this product for several years now for her osteoporosis, along with Twinlab's Vitamin D Caps. And during those years, her osteoporosis has not gotten worse, so it seems to be helpful.


Twinlab, Allergy D3 Caps

Good if you can't eat fish or get sunshine

I have had my mom taking this product for several years now for her osteoporosis, along with Twinlab's Calcium Citrate Caps. And during those years, her osteoporosis has not gotten worse, so it seems to be helpful. But I should say, a better way to get vitamin D is by eating fish and getting sunshine. But my mom does neither, so I have her taking this product. The reason the word "allergy" is in the name of this product is because it does not contain any common allergens, like fish. So if you cannot eat fish or get sunshine, then this product is for you.


Twinlab, Lutein

Good if you don't eat dark greens

I have had my mom taking this product for several years now for her macular degeneration, three capsules a day, for a total of 18 mg. And during those years, her macular degeneration has not gotten worse, so it seems to be helpful. But I should say, a better way to get lutein is to eat dark greens, like collard greens, kale, and romaine lettuce. But my mom refuses to eat such foods, so I have her take this product. There is much more in dark greens besides lutein, so eating them is to be preferred to taking a pill. But if like my mom you refuse to do so, then this product would be beneficial.


Country Life, Gluten Free, Calcium-Magnesium, with Vitamin D Complex

Vitamin D a nice addition

I suffer from a condition called neurological “tics.” These are minor muscle twitches that can barely be seen by others, but they can be very irritating, especially when they flare-up at night. I have found that an adequate intake of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and/ or potassium (K) helps to keep them in check. For several years I took Twinlab's Calcium Citrate Caps, and my tics were under better control than when I was taking three prescription drugs for them. But eventually that product stopped working for me, so I switched to this product. The Ca and Mg content is similar to the Twinlab product, but the addition of Vitamin D is nice. I get 700 IUs in my multi, but much research is now showing that the DV of 400 IUs is too low. More like 1000 IUs is now being recommended by many authorities.

However, I eventually discovered that this product was not necessary. I get more than enough calcium and magnesium from my diet and the small amount of them in my multi. So additional supplemental Ca and Mg are not necessary. As long as I carefully follow my diet, my tics do not flare up. Keeping negative emotions in check also help. Also, I am now walking outside regularly, so I am getting vitamin D in the most natural way possible, from sunshine. I also get vitamin D form the fish and eggs I eat on most days. That along with the 700 IUs in my multi, give me more than enough vitamin D. But if you're not getting enough Ca, Mg, or vitamin D from these natural sources, then this product would be helpful.


Country Life, Gluten Free, Magnesium Potassium Aspartate

Helped with tics, sleep, and "regularity"

I suffer from a condition called neurological “tics.” Another product I also used to take for it is Country Life’s Calcium. Magnesium with D. But along with for that reason, I used to take Country Life’s Magnesium Potassium Aspartate for two additional reasons. First off, I took one caplet at bedtime, and it seemed to help me sleep at night. Second, it seemed to make it easier for me to “move my bowels” in the morning. However, it I took two caplets then I ended up with “runny stools.”

But then in June 2009 , I receive a "bad" bottle of this product. By bad, I mean it smelled, and when I tried taking it, I gagged on it. I have no idea how minerals can go bad, but they did. So I did not take this product for a year. But then I decided to try ordering a new bottle. It was okay, no foul smell or taste, but it did not seem to provide any benefit beyond what I was getting from a careful attention to my diet while not taking this product. My diet gives me more than enough magnesium and potassium. But if the reader feels you need supplemental calcium and potassium, this product is one of the best.


Jarrow Formulas, Zinc Balance

Be careful about getting too much zinc

Copper is included in this product as taking zinc without copper can lead to a copper deficiency. At one time, I took this product along with Twinalb's CellMins: Potassium & Magnesium (aspartate hydrochloride) at bedtime. And these two supplements together basically give the equivalent of the popular bodybuilding supplement ZMA. One of the main benefits weightlifters report from ZMA is that it helps them sleep better at night. ZMA is also purported to raise testosterone levels. However, ZMA tends to be rather expensive. So I took the two products together for a while, and they did seem to help with sleep, but they never did seem to help with raising T levels. But after a while, the combo no longer seemed to be helping with sleep, so I stopped taking both products.

Moreover, zinc is a nutrient that too much of can cause problems. Taking excessive zinc can depress the immune system. And with 15 mg in my multi, another 15 in the Zinc Balance, plus the 14 mg I average a day from my diet, I was getting over 40 mg a day. And that much zinc is too much given that the RDA for a adult male is now only 11 mg and the Upper Tolerable Limit is 40 mg. But if you need a separate zinc supplement, Zinc Balance would be better than most since at least it also contains copper.

In fact, I have my mom taking this since her eye doctor recommend additional zinc for her macular degeneration, along with Twinlab's Lutein. And in the several years she's been taking these two sups, her macular degeneration has not gotten worse. But if you take this supplement, be careful about getting too much zinc.


MRM, All Natural Egg White Protein, French Vanilla


I am allergic to this MRM Egg White Protein. That is strange as I am not allergic to eggs, as long as they are from chickens that have not received hormones or antibiotics, but that is what the label says is the case with this product. I am also allergic to many artificial ingredients, but the label says this product is all natural. This product has a very strong vanilla taste and smell, almost to the point of being sickening. Maybe that is why it bothered me, but I’m not allergic to other vanilla products. So I’m not sure why I am allergic to this product, unless the label has inaccurate info.


Bluebonnet Nutrition, Chelated Magnesium, 60 Vcaps

Doctor's Best, Magnesium, High Absorption, 100% Chelated

Didn't help, and made me lackadaisical

I was hoping these sups would help me to sleep better at night; they didn’t. But what they did do is make me feel lackadaisical during the day, thus making it difficult to get psyched up for my powerlifting workouts. But when I stopped them, I was able to start working out at a high intensity again.


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