Fitness for One and All Home Page
Books and eBooks by the Director
About Fitness for One and All
I, Gary F. Zeolla, am the director of Fitness for One and All. I am an all-time top ranked and world record holding powerlifter, despite having experienced many health problems in my life. For about me, see My Life Story. With all I have been through, overcome, and accomplished, it is now my passion to help others achieve their health, fitness, and performance goals. To that end, I set up this Fitness for One and All (FOA) website. It went online July 12, 2003. I also began publishing the free FitTips for One and All email newsletter. I am the author of all items on this site and in the newsletter unless otherwise indicated.
Background of FOA
FOA actually has its roots in my Christian Darkness to Light (DTL) website. The DTL website went online in July of 1996. Its content was and is Christian oriented. But I eventually began posting information about the health problems I was suffering with and how I was dealing with them. I did so as it was my hope that my experiences would be of help to others. When I began powerlifting again, I also began posting articles about powerlifting and fitness in general.
But it seemed “out of place” to keep posting so much material on health, powerlifting, and fitness on my Christian DTL site. As such, I decided to combine these materials together into a separate site. It is because some of the articles on this site were previously posted on the DTL site that the date of initial posting as indicated on them is actually before the time this site went online.
The name “Fitness for One and All” reflects the diversity of the material covered in the articles and other items seen on this site and in the newsletter. There truly is information in these sources that are directed to people with a wide variety health, fitness, and performance goals.
Supporting this Website
Fitness for One and All is not incorporated as a tax-exempt organization, so donations are not tax deductible. The same goes for my other websites: Darkness to Light, Biblical and Constitutional Politics , and The reason they are not is I prefer to work for my income, and it is my personal income that enables all of my websites to operate.
My personal income comes primarily through sales of my books. Thus, rather than donations, what I prefer and would be more helpful long-term would be if those looking to support this website or any of my websites would be to purchase my books.
After you read each book, if you want to take it a step further, then write a review of it on Amazon. That would foster more book sales, which would be most helpful in the long run. And more importantly, that will mean more people might benefit from my writings.
Note that the articles on this website are available free of charge to anyone who cares to read them, just as the articles on my other websites are freely available to all. As such, you could encourage others to check out my websites.
In addition, all of my websites are free of the advertising that clutter most websites. The most you will see is an occasional mention of one of my books or an advertising link to a product on Amazon. It is through the sales of my books or commissions for sales through one of those Amazon links that I keep this and my other websites going.
Consequently, if you wish to support this website or any of my other ones, then purchase one or more of my fitness books, Christian books, or politics books, or follow an Amazon link and make a purchase. Again, after you read one of my books, write a review on Amazon and/ or wherever you purchased it. That will help others to decide to purchase it. You could also subscribe to my fitness newsletter or my Christian newsletter and encourage others to do so as well.
Also, follow me on Twitter or Facebook and “retweet” or “share” my posts when I mention a new article, a new issue of one of my newsletters, or a new book. In that way, more people might benefit from my writings and maybe purchase my books.
The only advertising that I will accept for this site is for companies and products that I personally utilize and can fully endorse. So you can be sure that any ads you see on this site are for worthwhile products. There are also ads for books I have written. I will try to keep the advertising as unintrusive as possible. But, of course, support of the advertisers and purchase of my books is greatly appreciated and will enable FOA to remain online and give me the ability to post new materials. See Recommended Online Merchants and Products for a list of advertisers and Books and eBooks by the Director for a list of my books.
It is my hope and prayer that this site will be of help to the reader, regardless of where you are health, fitness, or performance-wise. Be sure to check back often as I have lots of new materials to post in the near future. The What’s New? page will list all such materials. And don’t forget to subscribe to the FitTips newsletter! . To contact me, use the email link at Contact Information.
The above article was last updated January 5, 2019.
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