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FitTips for One and All - Vol. I, No.4

FitTips for One and All
Volume I, Number 4

Presented by Fitness for One and All
Director: Gary F. Zeolla

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Athletic Shoes: Finding a Good Match
By Fitness Pro Advantage

When you walk into an athletic-shoe store, chances are you'll be overwhelmed by the selection and feel the marketing magnet of sports celebrities and their namesake shoes. Superstores may carry hundreds of different jogging shoes from a dozen major brands. And the same goes for most other types of athletic shoes, from walkers and cross-trainers to basketball shoes and football cleats.

When seeking the best match between your feet and your sport, you face a decision right away. You can either shop at an athletic-shoe store where employees have special training, or you can spend a few minutes getting to know your feet and your sport or activity before you shop.

Finding the Right Shoe

Just as human feet vary, so do sports and fitness levels. For example, if you only jog a little every week and play some basketball in the driveway from time to time, an all-purpose cross-training shoe should be fine. But if you do a certain sport or activity three or more times a week, you should wear shoes specific to that sport or activity; they may help you avoid injuries such as "shin splints" or ankle sprains.

In general, people who run or do aerobics need shoes with a lot of impact-absorbing cushioning. Walkers need shoes that have extra shock absorption at the heel as well as soles that provide a good roll off the toes. People who play court sports need shoes that help keep the ankle stable during side-to-side movements, which means that the sole can't be too thick.

Which Features Do I Need?

To begin with, you should know if your feet have high, medium, or low arches. It's easy to tell which kind you have. Just wet the bottom of your bare foot and make a footprint on a hard surface. If the forefoot and heel areas are connected by a thin line, you have high-arched feet. If the footprint looks pretty much like the shape of your foot, you have a low arch. A medium arch falls somewhere in between.

For your high-arched foot --because it's not very flexible-- you'd ask to see a cushioned shoe. If you're flat-footed, your feet are too flexible, and you'd ask for a motion control shoe. Those who have medium arches would request something in the middle, sometimes called a stability shoe.

Keep in mind any foot problems you've had and try to find a shoe that can accommodate them. Do you have a history of ankle sprains? Then perhaps you should have a high-topped shoe for better ankle support. Have you had deep arch pain? Maybe you need a special arch support. Do you have bunions? Then you need a shoe with a wide toe box.

Getting the Right Fit

The American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society make several recommendations for getting a good fit:

Women should be cautious when selecting shoes. Downsized men's shoes have long been offered as "women's" shoes, and some still are. But their heels can be too loose, which prompts women to wear smaller sizes that can cause problems. Women should seek out shoes that fit their feet properly. Some companies, including Nike, Asics, and Reebok, now offer models specifically designed for women's feet. Saucony is noted for shoes that fit women's feet well, because its shoes tend to have narrower heels.

At Home With Your New Shoes

While it's true that new athletic shoes should feel comfortable immediately, that doesn't mean they're ready for heavy-duty use. In other words, don't buy a running shoe and run a marathon in it the next day. You need to allow some time for the shoe to adapt to your foot, and your foot to feel at home in the shoe.

Monitor the condition of your shoes as they age. After 300 to 500 miles, the cushioning on most shoes wears out, though air and gel cells may add extra life. It's not a bad idea, if possible, to have two or three pairs of shoes for an activity or sport and rotate them.

Athletic Shoes: Finding a Good Match Copyright © 2003 by Fitness Pro Advantage. Used by permission.

Director’s Comment

I know it sounds like an advertiser’s scam, but there is a difference between walking shoes, running, shoes, cross-training shoes, etc. And it is important to find the shoes that are appropriate to the activity you are engaging in.

Along with “brick and mortar” stores, there are also many places on the Internet to purchase quality athletic shoes.


Exercise: The key to weight loss
By Jeff Rustein

As we grow older it seems that we are in a constant battle with our waistline. The older we get the harder it is to lose weight.

Many of us have tried various fad diets which may take the weight off in the short run but undoubtedly it comes right back. In fact, over 95% of dieters will put the weight back on plus an extra five pounds.

Diets Just don't work. The key to permanent weight loss is through exercise and proper nutrition through behavior modification.

When we diet we are losing fat and also muscle. This decrease in muscle mass will cause our metabolism to slow down, so we are unable to burn as many calories. As we age this naturally begins to occur. After our mid 20s our metabolic rate decrease by approximately five percent per decade. One explanation for this is that our muscle mass decreases and our body fat increases due to inactivity. We get caught up in our work and spend our leisure time in front of the TV instead of taking care of our bodies. Being overweight is one of the major causes of hypertension, high blood pressure, certain types of cancer and an overall lackluster feeling.

As many dieters know, the weight is going to come back faster and faster the more you diet. Whether you're eating pre-packaged foods, diet shakes, or grapefruits and water, you're not going to be able to stay with it forever without going crazy. When you see that chocolate cake you won't be able to just have one piece you're; likely to eat the whole thing. It's a vicious cycle.

There is good news. Something can break this cycle--exercise. In order to lose weight we must create a caloric deficit.
That is, we must expend more calories than we are consuming. This is done through exercise and proper nutrition, not fad diets. Through exercise we are able to burn calories and add muscle. For every pound of muscle we obtain, an extra 350 calories per week is burned in order to sustain this. We'll be using up extra calories even while we sleep.

Aerobic exercises, such as walking and jogging, are excellent ways to bum calories. Always begin with a warm-up period of 3-5 minutes, gradually reaching your target heart rate. (60 to 80 percent of your maximal heart, which is estimated at 220 minus your age. For example, if you are 60 years old your target heart would be 96 beats per minute through 128 beats per minute.) Always start at the low end of your target heart rate. Exercising in this range for 15 through 20 minutes will allow for fat reduction to occur. A cool down of 3 to 5 minutes is recommended as this allows for your heart rate to gradually return to normal.

Remember, consult your physician about any exercise program you are considering.

In order to shape and tone our bodies we need to do body shaping exercises. This will add muscle and firmness to our physiques. Many women tend to deposit fat around their thighs and buttocks, while males tend to put fat around their stomachs.

Here are a few exercises that can help tighten these areas.

Outer thigh lift: Lying on your right side with your hips and ankles in line with your shoulders, slowly lift your left leg as high as possible, hold, then return to the starting position. Do 10 repetitions and switch sides.

Inner thigh lift: Lying on your left side with your hips and ankles in line with your shoulder. Right knee is bent to 90-degree angle. Slowly lift your left leg as high as possible. Hold, then return to the starting position. Do 10 repetitions and switch sides.

Abdominal crunches: Lying on your back with knees bent and hand behind your head, slowly curl your shoulders up. Pause, slowly lower to the starting position. Do 10 repetitions.

You will notice that you will be much more conscience of the foods you're eating when you exercise. Since you'll be taking care of your body you won't want to fill it up with junk foods.

It is best to eat three well-balanced meals and two nutritious snacks in between. This will help eliminate the binge eating that often happens when meals are skipped. Try to drink plenty of water and eat high fiber foods since this will give you a full feeling without adding extra calories.

The key to any exercise program is to get proper instruction. A competent personal trainer will make all the difference.

Jeff Rutstein is president of Custom Fitness, a one-on-one personal training company. Jeff has a degree from UMass / Amherst and is a certified personal and weight training instructor. Visit his website at

Exercise: The Key to Weight Loss. Copyright © 2003 by Fitness Pro Advantage. Used by permission.

Director’s Comment

The author is absolutely correct that exercise is vital to successfully losing weight and more importantly, keeping it off. Rutstein emphasizes aerobics exercise. This is important, but strength training is even more important. The simple exercises Rutstein mentions are a good start, but for real progress one needs to use strength training equipment, especially free weights.

Also, if you are doing aerobics and strength training on the same day, do the strength training first then the aerobics. A recent study done by Men’s Health magazine showed that more calories and more fat calories are burned with this order than with the reverse ("The Body Your Want." Men's Health. November 2003, p. 130).


New on Fitness for One and All

New Gear and Final Pre-Contest Workouts is a new discussion board post.

Training Routine and Two-Week Rotation (8/13/03 - 11/14/03) has been completed with details on all of my workouts before my upcoming contest.

I recently got some film developed and had the pictures put on a CD. So below are a couple of new pages with pictures.

IPA World Powerlifting Championships - 2003

My Powerlifting Trophies and Awards

About FOA and Its Director has a picture of yours truly added to it.

Also by Gary F. Zeolla: Darkness to Light Web site and Darkness to Light newsletter.
Christian Theology, Apologetics, Cults, Ethics, Bible Versions, and much more!


Disclaimer: The material presented in this newsletter is intended for educational purposes only. The director, Gary F. Zeolla, is not offering medical or legal advice. Accuracy of information is attempted but not guaranteed. Before undertaking any medical treatments or diet, exercise, or health improvement programs, consult your doctor. The director is in no way responsible or liable for any bodily harm, physical, mental, or emotional, that results from following any of the advice on this newsletter.

All material in this newsletter is copyrighted © 2003 by Gary F. Zeolla or as indicated otherwise.
