Covid Fearmongering and Lies Home Page
Other Websites, Newsletters, and Books by the Director
Gary F. Zeolla is the director of
Covid Fearmongering and Lies (CFL) and the author of
all articles and commentaries on this website. I do not have a medical
background, but I do have a degree in Nutrition Science (Penn State; 1983). That gives me some
background in physiology, microbiology, and the like. But most of all, it gives
me experience in looking at health research studies and evaluating comments by
health experts. That can be seen on my
Fitness for One and All website and in my books
God-given Foods
Eating Plan and
Diet: Second Edition. That website and those books are filled with research studies demonstrating my
recommendation on fitness and diet are scientifically based.
I apply that experience to my writings about Covid, being sure to base what I say on the scientific evidence and comments by those who do have relevant backgrounds, all documented extensively. As such, I am not appealing to my authority, but to those with the appropriate credentials to do research and to make comments on this matter.
That said, I began writing about Covid-19 in March of 2020, as I was very concerned about what I saw as fearmongering. My main issue was that it was obvious that Covid affected different people groups differently, with only the elderly and those with specific health conditions who were mainly vulnerable to serious bouts of Covid. However, the authorities, especially those on the left (or liberals, usually Democrats), did not recognize this distinction and treated all people groups the same, with lockdowns and mandates for all, without distinction.
But then that fearmongering on the part of the left caused those on the right (conservatives, usually Republicans) to overreact and to began to lie about Covid. They denied its seriousness even for the elderly and those with those specific comorbidities. Some on the right even denied Covid existed, saying the entire pandemic was a hoax.
Those attitudes then led the right to deny the need for the Covid vaccines when they became available even for those at high risk from Covid. Even worse, they exaggerated the side effects of the vaccines. Those lies led many of the right to not get vaccinated, which in turn, led to far more Republicans than Democrats to die from Covid. Meanwhile, the problems caused by the lockdowns and mandates pushed by the left became apparent, just as I feared.
This website overviews all of these problems by way of articles and commentaries I posted throughout the pandemic and even into the now endemic phase of Covid-19. These items are listed in chronological order (oldest on top, newest on bottom). In this way, the reader can follow the chronology of the pandemic and the evolution of my thoughts thereupon, from being a Covid-denier to recognizing the seriousness of Covid-19 and the need for the vaccines for high-risk groups.
Background to this Website
Most of the articles and commentaries posted on this website were originally posted on a Coronavirus section of my politics website. I was going to redo those items into chapters for a book. That book was to be titled, Coronavirus Fearmongering on the Left, Covid-19 Lies on the Right: A Layman's View of What the Authorities Got Correct and Incorrect about SARS-CoV-2.
However, I realized it would be a lot of work to reformat all of those webpages into book format and to wade through all of the information presented on that Coronavirus materials and reduce it into what would fit into a book. But I wanted to make this material more accessible than just as a section on that website.
Consequently, in October of 2023, I decided to move that material to its own website. That is why the dates at the bottom of most articles and commentaries as to when the item was posted predates this website going online. But that move to a separate website gave this material an easy URL to refer people to: That URL is similar to the URLs for my Christian, fitness, and politics websites. Just add any of those words to, and you have the URL for those sites. In addition, with this format, I could set up a search engine for just this Covid site and give a list of all articles in alphabetical order.
I used that planned book title and subtitle as the blurb under the name for this site, and reduced the title for the name of this site to “Covid Fearmongering and Lies.” The change from using “Coronavirus” to “Covid” leads to the next point.
The terms Coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19,
Covid-19, Covid, and are used interchangeably on this website, even though that
is not technically accurate. Coronavirus is
a general term for a class of viruses, which includes the common cold virus, while
the other terms most specifically refer to the disease caused by that virus,
each with less specificity. But for a layman's viewpoint, those distinctions are
not worth noting.
I initially used “Coronavirus” for my articles and commentaries, as that is how most in the media was referring to the “novel” virus. But it was so tedious typing that word out that I often abbreviated it as CV. But somewhere along the way, the media more used the term COVID-19. But then people got sloppy and dropped the “19” and stopped using all capitals, even though that is most accurate as COVID-19 is an acronym meaning “coronavirus disease of 2019.” But most began using just Covid, and that became my practice also. Note that the most accurate term is SARS-CoV-2, which means, “severe acute respiratory syndrome 2” (Good Rx Health).
Similarly, the terms left, liberal, and Democrat will be used interchangeably, as will right, conservative, and Republican. There are distinctions between the terms in each of these sets, such as between left and liberal, and not all Democrats are leftists or liberal, and not all Republicans are on the right or conservatives. However, that is the trend, and the minor distinctions are not sufficient to matter for the purposes of this website. What is important is the widely disparate attitudes between the first group and the latter group by most of those who would identify as being in one or the other group.
Additional Notes
Click on any picture on this website for a larger image.
Links to Amazon throughout this website are advertising links for which the director receives a commission if a product is ordered after clicking on the link. They generally open in a new window.
The material presented on this website is intended for educational purposes only. The director, Gary F. Zeolla, is not offering medical, economic, or legal advice. Accuracy of information is attempted but not guaranteed. The director is in no way responsible or liable for any economic, legal, or bodily harm (physical, mental, or emotional) that results from following any of the advice on this website. It is strongly recommended the reader consult with your personal doctor before following anything mentioned on this website.
This page was posted on this website October 17, 2023.
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