This page provides links to recommended
books on the Bible versions controversy
available from Amazon
Differences Between Bible Versions
- By Gary F. Zeolla, the
director or Darkness to Light. This book discusses translation principles, Greek text-types, and KJV-onlyism.
It advocates a literal or formal equivalence translation principle and the use
of the Textus Receptus or the Majority Greek Text for translating the New
Testament. It discusses the potential problems with alternative translation
methods and the "Critical Text" Greek text. Over thirty versions of
the Bible are compared and evaluated. Kindle edition.
By Jay P. Green:
Jay Green's writings on Bible versions helped to convince this writer that a literal or formal equivalence version based on the Textus Receptus or Majority Text was the most reliable kind of Bible version. But it should be noted that Green does tend to go a little overboard in his writings, finding even more problems with many modern versions than there really are. His writings also tend on the "harsh" side. But even with these caveats, his writings on the subject are still very helpful.
Unholy Hands on the Bible
- A Comparison Between Six Major Bible versions. Very extensive discussions on
the NASB, NIV, RSV, NRSV, GNB, and NAB. Shorter discussions on many other
versions. A lengthy section on the "Gnostic Influence on the Bible"
which details how Gnostic attempts to corrupt Bible manuscripts are being
inserted into many modern versions.
The Gnostics, The New Version, and the Deity of Christ
- Shows how many new Bible versions eliminate or weaken
many proof-texts for the deity of Christ.
Other authors:
Causes of Corruption of the New Testament Text
- By
Dean J. Burgon. In the late 1800's. Burgon was in the forefront of fighting
against the then newly emerging Critical Text. Kindle edition.
Identity of the New Testament
- By Wilbur
Pickering. A very good demonstration of the superiority of the Majority Text.
Unholy Hands on the Bible: An Introduction to Textual Criticism
- By Dean J. Burgon. The book by same name above by Green is actually a sequel
to this book.
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