Amazon Christian Books Recommendations
This page provides links to recommended
books on theology available from Amazon.
For Beginners
Scripture Workbook: Second Edition; 2 Volumes in 1.
- For personal Bible study and teaching the Bible. Contains 40, in-depth,
topical Bible studies. Covers everything from what the Bible teaches about
itself to what the Bible teaches about divorce and re-marriage. Dozens to
hundreds of Scriptures references included in each study. By the director of
Darkness to Light, Gary F. Zeolla. Kindle edition
Concise Theology: A Guide to Historic Christian Beliefs
- A Guide to Historic Christian
Beliefs. By J. I. Packer. Theology matters! At last it can be understood easily,
thanks to this "layman's language" approach to biblical belief. Covers
nearly 100 major Christian beliefs from a Reformed perspective
Decide for Yourself: A Theological Workbook
- Gordon R. Lewis surveys
Christian doctrine, encouraging readers to draw their own conclusions from the
evidence and arguments. Dr. Lewis was one of my professors at Denver Seminary.
Introducing Christian Doctrine
- By Millard J. Erickson. An abridged and less technical version of
Erickson's Christian Theology
Theology for Ordinary People
- What You Should Know to
Make Sense Out of Life. By Bruce L. Shelley. Takes readers step-by-step
through the essential beliefs of Christianity, offering clear and careful
discussions of topics many Christians have wondered about for years: suffering,
the Trinity, the Fall, and more. Shelley was one of my professors at seminary.
He can present difficult concepts in a way that is understandable to the average
Integrative Theology, 3-Volume Set
- By Gordon R. Lewis and Bruce A.
Demarest, two of this writer's seminary professors. So this systematic theology was, of
course, the main one when this writer studied theology at seminary. From a Baptist-Reformed
viewpoint. Kindle edition.
Christian Theology
- By Millard J. Erickson. A very
good and extensive systematic theology. From Baptist-modified Reformed viewpoint. One of the
volumes this writer used in studying theology at seminary.
Kindle edition.
Institutes of the Christian Religion
- By John Calvin.
This is the new and definitive English-language edition of one of the monumental
works of the Christian church. Of course, from a Reformed, along with a infant
baptism, perspective. Kindle edition.
Systematic Theology
- By Louis Berkhof. This landmark edition combines Berkhof's standard,
systematic treatment of the doctrines of the Reformed faith--his magnum
opus--with his Introduction to the Study of Systematic Theology. A good
theology, but from an infant baptism perspective. Kindle edition.
Systematic Theology - (3-Volume Set)
- By Charles Hodge. A very good theology, from a Reformed-infant baptism
perspective. Kindle edition.
Evangelical Dictionary of Theology
- By Walter A. Elwell. Lengthy articles on a variety of theological
Wycliffe Dictionary of Theology
- Provides a good overview of a wide range of theological topics and perspectives.
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