Amazon Christian Books Recommendations
This page provides links to recommended
Hebrew and Greek
reference works available from Amazon.
Note: An even better approach to all of these books would be
to get the BibleWorks
software program.
Interlinear Greek-English New Testament
- By George
Ricker Berry. First published in 1897. The KJV is in the margin. Two
handy features of this interlinear are a brief Greek-English lexicon and a short
section of Greek synonyms. Based on the Textus Receptus (Stephens' 1550
but footnotes seven additional Greek texts, both other Textus Receptus and
Critical Text type of texts.
Interlinear Greek-English New Testament
- By Jay P.
Sr. Green. Based on the Textus Receptus (F.H.A. Scrivener's edition) with
the LITV in the margin. coded to Strong's concordance numbers. Excellent volume.
The Interlinear Bible: Hebrew-Greek-English
- By Jay P.
Sr. Green. Anyone serious about Bible study will appreciate The
Interlinear Bible, which pairs Hebrew or Greek (depending upon the passage)
in one column and English in the next. Word-by-word literal translations allow
the reader to look up specific words even without prior familiarity of Hebrew of
Greek. Coded to Strong's concordance numbers. Excellent volume.
NKJV Greek-English Interlinear New Testament
- An excellent interlinear. The Greek Majority Text (Hodges and Farstad's first
edition.). With a word for word and a phrase translation as needed in-between
the Greek text. Plus, footnotes in Greek and English for significant textual
variants. The NKJV in the margin. Unfortunately, it is now out of print and thus
is only available from third party sellers, so it is rather expensive. But if
you're a serious student of the Greek NT and subscribe to the Majority Text,
this might be worth the money as it is the only interlinear that use the MT.
Various Language Helps
Note: Volumes coded to Strong's numbers would be accessible to the non-Greek or non-Hebrew reader by using the above mentioned interlinears by Green or by using Strong's concordance.
Concise Lexicon to the Biblical Languages
- by
Maurice A. Robinson; Jay P. Sr. Green. Provides basic definitions of both Hebrew
and Greek words, along with Strong's concordance numbers and the page numbers in
Brown, Driver, and Briggs', Arndt-Gingrich's, Kittle's, and Thayer's lexicons
for each word.
Analytical Lexicon of the Greek New Testament
- By
Timothy Friberg; Neva F. Miller; Barbara Friberg. A very reliable and detailed
lexicon. Parses and defines every word in the NT.
Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature
- By Walter Bauer, THE standard lexicon of New Testament Greek,
there are no competitors. Knowledge of Greek is required to use this work.
Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament: Based on Semantic Domains
- By J. P. Louw and Eugene Albert Nida. Based on Semantic Domains. A very helpful lexicon,
proving detailed translations and explanations of Greek words. Recommended by
this writer's Greek professor at seminary. However, note that Louw and Nida
subscribe to a dynamic equivalence theory of translation, and some of their
suggested translates reflect this questionable viewpoint of Bible translation.
Knowledge of Greek required.
Greek New
- The Critical Text type of text produced by United Bible
Societies, edited by Bruce Metzger, Kurt Aland,
Although this writer disagrees with the CT, the textual apparatus in this volume
are indispensable for doing textual criticism studies. Also helpful is Metzger's
Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament
. It gives a good look into the
thinking of why the UBS committee chose on reading over another. At times, it
also includes textual information not found in the Greek text.
Manual Grammar of the Greek New Testament
By H.E. Dana and
Julius Mantey. A standard intermediate-level Greek grammar, utilizing the
eight-case system of Greek verb classification. For those who have had at least
one year of beginning Greek. The text this
writer used when studying intermediate Greek at seminary.
New Analytical Greek Lexicon
- By Wesley J. Perschbacher. Alphabetical list of parsings for
every word in the Greek NT. References the Textus Receptus, Majority Text, and
Critical Text. coded to Strong's numbers, but knowledge of at least the Greek
alphabet needed for finding parsings of specific words.
New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology (4 Volume Set)
- Edited by Colin Brown. Extensive discussions on the theological significance
of NT Greek words. But note, the theological slant is sometimes liberal not
Words listed by English translations.
New Linguistic and Exegetical Key to the Greek New Testament
By Cleon L., III Rogers and Fritz Rienecker. A very helpful resource. Goes
verse by verse through the NT providing parsings for verbs and making comments
on important Greek words. A knowledge of Greek is helpful but not necessary. The
Greek text referred to is the Critical Text, but comments generally apply to the
Textus Receptus or majority Text..
New Testament Greek: A Beginning and Intermediate Grammar
- By James A.
Hewett. The text this writer used in learning
Greek at seminary.
Synonyms of the New Testament
- By
R. C. Trench. A helpful reference for understanding the shades of differences
between synonyms in the the NT. Knowledge of Greek required.
Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament
By Joseph Thayer. An older lexicon; not as reliable as newer lexicons. But being
coded to Strong's numbers is a plus.
Word Pictures in the New
- By. A. T. Robertson. A very helpful resource from a
renowned Greek scholar. Goes verse by verse through the NT giving insightful details on
the Greek text. A knowledge of Greek is helpful but not necessary. Kindle edition.
Analytical Key to the Old Testament (4 book Set)
- By John J.
Owens. Provides complete parsing of
every word of the Hebrew text. This is a valuable set for anyone wanting to do
detailed analysis of the OT. Knowledge of Hebrew
Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon
standard Hebrew lexicon. Coded to Strong's concordance numbers.
Englishman's Hebrew Concordance of the Old Testament
- By George
V. Wigram. Word listings are in Hebrew, but the verse references are in English. Coded to
Strong's Numbering System.
Grammar for Biblical Hebrew
- by C. L. Seow. Beginning to intermediate grammar. The text this
writer used in learning Hebrew at seminary.
Old Testament Parsing Guide, Vol. 1: Genesis-Esther
and Old Testament Parsing Guide, Vol. 2: Job-Malachi
- By Todd S. Beall; Colin
Smith; William A. Banks. Parsing for every verb in the Hebrew OT. Knowledge
of Hebrew required.
Synonyms of the Old Testament
- R.B. Girdlestone. A helpful reference for understanding the shades of differences
between synonyms in the the OT. Words listed by English translations.
Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament
- By Robert Laird Harris. An excellent resource for getting detailed but not
excessively long discussions on Hebrew words. Coded to Strong's numbers.
Please note: If you order one or or more of these products and decide to order again at a later time, the only way this ministry gets "credit" for your subsequent purchases is if you go to Amazon's site by first coming here and clicking on one of the links on this site. So please return here before ordering a second time!
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