Books and eBooks by the Director
Dear Gary: Many thanks for the copies of your publication Darkness to Light. You are doing a very fine piece of scholarly work that is readable! This should make a significant contribution in the thinking of those who will take time to work through it. I am encouraged to see what you have been able to produce and wish you the best in further issues. May you have a meaningful celebration of the incarnation of the eternal Logos and a productive and fulfilling new year!
Warmly in Christ,
Gordon R. Lewis, PH.D.
Professor of Systematic Theology and Christian Philosophy
Denver Seminary
Editor's Note: Dr.
Lewis has many fine books available. These include:
Confronting The Cults, 198 pages.
Decide For Yourself: A Theological Workbook, 174 pages.
What Everyone Should Know About Transcendental Meditation,
92 pages.
Testing Christianity's Truth Claims, 363 pages.
Integrative Theology, Volume 1, Knowing Ultimate
Reality, The Living God, 394 pages. Volume 2, Our
Primary Need, Christ's Atoning Provisions, 574
pages. Volume 3, forthcoming.
These books may be ordered from:
Denver Seminary Bookstore
P. O. Box 10,000
Denver, CO 80210
(303) 761-2482.
Say Gary: I just read your Darkness to Light newsletter. It was good. Yea, possibly by the time you get this letter I will be in bootcamp in Missouri. I don't know what my address will be but I'll try to keep in touch with you.
Let me also encourage you in your newsletter ministry! I think it is VERY professional and thorough. A person couldn't get his hands on much more researched material if he wanted to. Keep it up. You've got a very gifted and blessed ability in your scholarship.
See ya buddy,
Don; Dickerson, TX
Editor's Intro: A while back the leaders of a Christian single's group I had been attending told me this newsletter presents "an overly dogmatic and unloving attitude." When writing to friends in Denver I asked their opinions on this complaint. Below are their replies.
Gary: I hope your health has improved since you last wrote. It sounds as if your ministry is doing quite well. I'm sorry to hear that you have withdrawn from the single's group you are attending. I cannot, however, disagree with your decision based on the information you have given me. No, I do not consider your newsletters overly dogmatic or unloving.
The quest for and the presentation of the truth is never an easy tack - and you are going to offend some people. Be this as it may, everyone is entitled to their opinion - right or wrong; at the same time, they should be open to discussion and examination of their opinions. How old were most of the people in the single's group you are attending?
The only suggestion I can make is that you might want to seek out an older single's group. It's been my experience, limited as it is, that most people in their early to mid-twenties have a glass bubble or egg shell view of reality, or what they'd like to believe is reality; let's face it, reality is often unpleasant. Many people are unwilling and/or unable to face reality, this includes myself for a long period of time.
This is my opinion, but it is based on what I believe to be the, if you'll pardon the expression - "the cold, hard facts of life." I hope this has helped or will encourage you some. Even though we are created in the image of God, we are all still different; and I've learned the importance of tolerance and acceptance of other's faults - and my own.
Your friend in Christ,
Brian; Denver, CO
My dear friend Gary: What a pleasant surprise to get a year-end receipt for my giving to DTL. I'm glad you are so involved with ministry work - you have a lot of knowledge to share, which can be of help to others.
Regarding the singles group calling you too dogmatic and unloving - the very nature of your apologetic ministry almost cause you to be dogmatic - or should I say APPEAR to be dogmatic. People are called to the ministry and given the gifts, talents, abilities, Anointings to operate in the ministry, but without a well-developed character, they can fall.... Yes it's sin or the flesh or maybe the devil who may cause us to fall, but if we are unshakable in character, firmly footed on the Rock, Who is Jesus Christ, we will not so easily fall when tempted.
God is building character in me and in you. Our character can be measured by how we handle everyday circumstances - do we REACT to them in haste or not thinking about our actions, or do we respond after careful consideration and in agreement with the Holy Spirit?
I personally fall very short of walking in love. I desire to grow in this area and walk in greater love in time to come. Are you unloving? Of course not.
God expresses love by allowing His Son to be crucified. There are many expressions of love, and some people may read things we do or say as unloving, but God knows the heart.
When I am experiencing more love (receiving it) in my life, I consequently seem to act and think more lovingly. Being single, we must find love in our relationships with: 1) God, 2) family, 3) friends, 4) anywhere we can recognize it.... A stranger opening a door for you, smile from the grocery clerk - love is everywhere if we simply are open to receive it.
Love and peace,
Gloria; Denver, CO
Books and eBooks by Gary F. Zeolla, the Director of Darkness to Light
The above letters originally appeared in Darkness to Light
newsletter in 1992.
They were posted on this Web site in July1996.
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