Biblical and Constitutional Politics
Books and eBooks by the Director
Joe Biden Tweets Distortions About Spring Holidays
Joe Biden claims to be a Christian. Yet, he supports the killing of unborn
babies, the sinful and destructive LGBTQ movement, the sexual mutilation of
children, pagan holidays, and he cannot even get the meaning of Jewish and
Christian holidays correct. I detail these unchristian positions by Biden in my
series on Biden’s failing
presidency. In
this article, I will look at the latter, his problematic comments about spring
holidays. Despite being a Catholic, he seems woefully unknowledgeable about the
import of Christian and Jewish holidays.
The following article is composed of excerpts from two of my
series of five books on
Biden’s failing presidency.
In the books, the referenced Bible passages are quoted in full from the
Translation of The Torah,
of the
Prophetic Books,
and of
the New Testament.
But for the sake of space, they are just referenced here.
Original tweets by
Biden are prefaced by the name line, “President Biden @POTUS.” Biden’s tweets
always end with the date of the tweet (e.g., July 1, 2021). Tweets are copied as
is, except to sometimes change the paragraphing for the sake of proper
formatting of URLs or for space.
I always preface my
comments with “To comment,” so the reader can distinguish between my comments
and the tweet. My comments within tweets are offset by brackets. They usually
indicate the length of a video or describe a tweeted picture, sometimes with
commentary by me. Longer comments by me are prefaced by a subtitle reading:
“Extended Comment” and the topic of the comment. They end with “Back to Biden.”
February 17, 2021
President Biden @POTUS
Today, I join Christians around the world in observing Ash Wednesday. As we
enter the season of Lent, we know this moment of repentance, reflection, and
renewal comes in the midst of a painful winter. Let us look with hope and
anticipation toward Easter and brighter days ahead. Feb 17, 2021 To
comment, Trump was vilified when he declared we could re-open the country by
Easter 2020. The problem then was we should never have closed anything to begin
with. The problem here is you are trying to tie Lent and Easter into the virus
[Covid]. But they have nothing to do with it. Lent is about preparing for Jesus’
death on the cross for our sins and then His victory over death in His
resurrection on Easter Sunday. That is spiritual, not physical.
March 26, 2021
President Biden @POTUS As
we recall the Passover story of overcoming adversity, finding hope, and becoming
free, we find a renewed salience. This weekend, as Seders close with the
familiar refrain, “Next year in Jerusalem,” we offer an additional prayer: Next
year in person. Next year, together. [2:22
video] Mar 26, 2021
Extended Comment
Passover and
Christ’s Sacrifice
Biden is ignoring all of the Biblical information about Passover and tries to
turn it into some kind of self-improvement day and a reference to overcoming
Covid. He also does not even mention God. That is a travesty. It is to miss the
whole point of the ceremony.
Passover is about God sovereignly delivering the Israelites out of slavery. That
deliverance occurred when the Angel of Death “passed over” the houses the Jews
by faith marked with blood. It was a foreshadowing of God’s greater deliverance
though the death of His Son. Now, God’s judgment will “pass over” those who are
marked by the blood of Christ by trusting in Jesus Christ and His death on the
cross for the forgiveness of their sins.
[Quoted in the book are Exodus 12:5-8,12-14; Matthew 26:26-28; Hebrews 11:28;
Back to Biden.
April 4, 2021
President Biden @POTUS
From our family to
yours, we wish you health, hope, joy, and peace. Happy Easter, everyone! [1:39
video of the Bidens wishing everyone a Happy Easter, while promoting faith
and the vaccines] Apr 4, 2021
Extended Comment
The Real Reason for Easter
Joe and Jill Biden
danced around it, but there was no specific mention of the Real Reason for
Easter in this message. Easter is a celebration of the resurrection of our Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ. But Biden knows if he dares to mention Jesus, the left
will go nuts. Thus, he gives this vanilla greeting, while ignoring what the day
is all about.
[Quoted in the book is
Matthew 28:1-10].
Back to Biden.
President Biden @POTUS
Although this year
looks different, the rich history of Easter at the White House carries on. Tune
in as I deliver remarks. [10:25
video] Apr 5, 2021
Extended Comment
The Real Reason for Easter Again
Almost ten and a half
minutes, and you still don’t mention the Real Reason for Easter. You must really
be afraid of upsetting the radical left, despite, as a Catholic, supposedly
believing in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Instead of being shy about it,
you should be proclaiming it.
[Quoted in the book are
Habakkuk 2:4; Romans 1:16-17; 8:11; 10:8-10].
Back to Biden
April 6, 2021
President Biden @POTUS
Our Easter celebrations
looked different this year, like they did for so many others across the country.
But we look forward to next year when the White House will ring with the joy of
the season — and God willing, there’ll be an Easter Egg Roll once again.
[picture of Joe and Jill Biden on a White House balcony with the Easter Bunny,
all wearing a mask, including the bunny!] Apr 5, 2021
Extended Comment
The Real Reason for Easter Once
You finally mention God
in connection with Easter, but it is in regard to the silly Easter Egg Hunt, not
in regard to God raising Jesus from the dead. You really do not get the reason
for Easter, do you?
[Quoted in the book is
Acts 2:22-24]. Back to Biden.
May 2, 2021
President Biden @POTUS
Jill and I extend warm wishes
to all of our friends in the Orthodox Christian community observing Easter. May
2, 2020
To comment, the
Orthodox have it right when it comes to the timing of Christmas and Easter. The
former should be a winter holiday, and the latter a spring holiday. But with
Christmas on December 25, it is often not snowy at all, at least here in the
Pittsburgh, PA area. And late March/ early April is often not yet warm and
sunny. But the Orthodox have Christmas on January 7 and Easter in mid-April/
early May, when it is more likely to be snowy and warm/ sunny, respectively.
March 2, 2022
Ash Wednesday
President Biden @POTUS
Today, I join
Christians around the world in observing Ash Wednesday — and pray for those who
have lost loved ones during the past year. Lent is a time to deepen our faith as
we prepare for the joy of the Easter season. Mar 2, 2022
Extended Comment
Lenten Season
Though losing a loved
one is a terrible event, that is not what the Lenten Season is about. Lent is a
time for reflection and repentance, as we reflect upon our sins and our need for
forgiveness before a holy and righteous God. That forgiveness can be found by
faith in Christ and His death on the cross for our sins.
On Ash Wednesday — the
beginning of Lent — Roman Catholic, Anglican and other churches hold services in
which churchgoers are marked with a cross of ashes as a symbol of death and
sorrow for sin (Fox News. Lent).
The ashes do not
symbolize the deaths of our loved ones but our own deaths, as we all will
inevitably die. That universality of death came into the world because of sin.
But Christ died so that we can be forgiven of our sins and live forever with
[Quoted in the book is
Romans 5:12-21]. Back to Biden.
April 15, 2022
Passover and Good
President Biden @POTUS
Happy Passover to all
who celebrate in America, Israel, and around the world. May God bless you all
during this season of renewal, this festival of freedom. From our family to
yours: Chag sameach. Apr 15, 2022
To comment, it is good
Passover and Good Friday fall on the same day this year, as the former
prefigures the latter. Jesus was celebrating Passover with His disciples when He
instituted the Eucharist, a prefigurement of His death on the cross for our sins
(Exodus 12:1-13; Matthew 26:17-28).
Extended Comment
The passages I
reference in the preceding comment read as follows:
[Quoted in the book are
Exodus 12:1-13; Matthew 26:17-19,26-28].
Back to Biden.
President Biden @POTUS
Jill and I join our
fellow Christians in observing Good Friday. Today, we remember Jesus’s sacrifice
on the cross, pray for all who suffer, and seek to love others as God has loved
us. Apr 15, 2022
To comment, your
articulation of the meaning of Good Friday is correct though incomplete. To
expand, Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross was to pay the debt for our sins, so that
we can be reconciled to God (Isaiah 53:4-9). And yes, Good Friday is about God’s
love, but it is demonstrated in Christ’s death for our sins, so that we can be
reconciled to God (Romans 5:6-11).
Extended Comment
Good Friday
The passages I
reference in the preceding comment read as follows:
[Quoted in the book are
Isaiah 53:1-9; Romans 5:6-11].
Back to Biden.
April 17, 2022
Easter Sunday
President Biden @POTUS
As we reflect today on
Christ’s Resurrection, we are reminded that with faith, hope, and love — even
death can be defeated. From our family to yours, we wish you hope, health, joy,
and the peace of God, which passes all understanding. Happy Easter and may God
bless and keep you. Apr 17, 2022
To comment, at least
this year you mention Christ’s Resurrection, the reason for Easter. However,
“death” is not defeated by just any faith. It is defeated by faith in Jesus
Christ and His death on the cross for our sins. His resurrection then
demonstrates God accepted Christ’s sacrifice for our sins (Romans 4:23-25).
Extended Comment
The Real Reason for Easter
Following is the
message I sent out to family and friends on Easter.
The Real Reason for Easter Happy
Easter everyone!
“He is risen! He is
risen indeed!” That is the real reason for Easter. Not Easter egg hunts
nor Easter candy, as fun and tasty as those might be. It is a celebration of the
resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, a demonstration that God has
accepted His sacrifice for our sins.
[Quoted in the book are
Matthew 28:1-10; Acts 2:22-24; Romans 4:23-25].
Back to Biden.
April 18, 2022
President Biden @POTUS
Tune in as the First
Lady and I deliver remarks at the 2022 White House Easter “EGGucation” Roll. [20:08
video] Apr 18, 2022
President Biden @POTUS
After the pandemic kept
us apart last year, it was an honor to welcome folks to the People’s House for
the 2022 White House Easter EGGucation Roll. [3 picture collage of the egg roll]
Apr 18, 2022
To comment, at least
this tradition is a bit better than the pardon the turkey nonsense at
Thanksgiving. But both miss the real point of the respective holidays.
Thanksgiving is for thanking the LORD for the blessings He has bestowed on us.
Easter is a celebration of the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
That said, what is not
seen in this video is Biden wandering off aimlessly and having to be redirected
by the Easter Bunny. It’s bad enough when Biden needs to depend on Jill to tell
him where to go, but the Easter Bunny? That is just so sad. It is a signal to
our enemies of Biden’s weakness and to all of us of his cognitive difficulties.
May God help us.
April 19, 2022
President Biden @POTUS
Thanks to everyone who
joined us for this year’s White House Easter EGGucation Roll. It was a day full
of joy, laughter, and learning. [0:53
video] Apr 19, 2022
To comment, and thanks
to the Easter Bunny for keeping you from wandering off aimlessly.
April 24, 2022
Orthodox Easter
President Biden @POTUS
Jill and I send warm
wishes to all our friends in the Orthodox Christian community who are observing
Easter today. We rejoice with you over the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and the
triumph of light over darkness. May the peace of Christ be with you today and
always. Apr 24, 2022
To comment, it is good
that you mention the Real Reason for Easter, that of Christ’s resurrection, on
both Orthodox Easter and on “regular” Easter this year, after not mentioning it
at all last year. Maybe you read my book rebuking you for missing the whole
reason for Easter last year.
Conclusion I
was being facetious in saying Biden changed his spring holiday tweets and
mentioned Jesus in his second year in office due to reading my book. I seriously
doubt he ever did so. However, it is true many prominent Christians and
political conservatives called him out on that point, and that is probably why
he changed his tune in his second year in office. I will let the reader decide
for yourself what having to be goaded into mentioning Jesus says about the
genuineness of Biden’s Christian faith (see Matt 10:32-33).
But here, I omitted in this article the extended Scripture quotes found in the
books, as including them would have doubled the length of this article, and I
have had complaints about my newsletter articles being too long. But I would
encourage the reader to look up those passages for yourself.
However, I want to close this article by quoting one Bible passage that was not
referenced that nicely sums up the message of all of the mentioned spring
holidays, and another that articulates what a person’s response should be to
that message.
I handed down [or, delivered] to you* first what also I received, that Christ
died on behalf of our sins according to the Scriptures 4and that He
was buried and that He had been raised on the third day according to the
Scriptures 5and that He appeared to Cephas [i.e., Peter], then to the
twelve. 6Afterwards, He appeared to over five hundred brothers [and
sisters] at once, of whom the greater part remain until now, but some also fell
asleep [fig., have died]. 7Afterwards, He appeared to James, then to
all the apostles (1Corinthains 15:3-7).
what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart”
[Deut 30:14]—that is, the word of the faith which we are preaching, 9that
if you confess with your mouth [the] Lord Jesus [or, [that] Jesus [is] Lord],
and believe in your heart that God raised Him from [the] dead, you will be
saved! [cp. 1Cor 12:3] 10For with the heart it is believed to
righteousness, and with the mouth it is confessed to salvation (Romans 10:8-10).
Scripture taken from:
Translation of the Old Testament: Volume I: The Torah.
Copyright © 2012, 2023 by Gary F. Zeolla (
Translation of the Old Testament: Volume IV: The Prophetic Books.
Copyright © 2014, 2023. by Gary F. Zeolla (
Translation of the New Testament: Third Edition.
Copyright © 2023 by Gary F. Zeolla of Darkness to Light ministry (
Previously copyrighted © 1999, 2001, 2005, 2007, 2012 by Gary F. Zeolla.
The links to
are advertising links, for which I receive a commission in addition to my
royalty if a product is purchased after following the link. First Year: Second Year: Fox News.
Lent: What is it and why do we observe it?
Joe Biden Tweets Distortions About Spring Holidays. Copyright 2024 by Gary F. Zeolla.
Scripture Workbooks
The doctrinal and ethical teachings of the Bible as presented in these books encompass an overall way of viewing the world that differs greatly from the prevailing secular worldview. It is hoped these books will enable the reader to not only understand this Biblical worldview but also why it is true and thus to come to trust in it, and then to be prepared to defend this Biblical worldview before an unbelieving world (Luke 24:27,45; Acts 14:14-18; 17:22-31). The most recent and comprehensive is the first book listed.
Scripture Workbook, Third Edition: For Personal and Group Bible Study and Teaching the Bible
Scripture Workbook: For Personal Bible Study and Teaching the Bible: Second Edition
Scripture Workbook: For Personal Bible Study and Teaching the Bible: Edition 1.1
See also this series on Amazon.
The above article was published in Darkness to Light
and posted on this website March 1, 2024.
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