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Biden: Promoting the Sinful and Destructive LGBTQ Movement Revisited


By Gary F. Zeolla


This article is a follow-up to the three-part article Biden: Promoting the Sinful and Destructive LGBTQ Movement.


      This article is a follow-up to the three-part article Biden: Promoting the Sinful and Destructive LGBTQ Movement. I was going to wait until closer to the 2024 presidential election to run this article. But Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race on July 21, 2024.

      However, whoever is the new Democrat nominee, be it Kamala Harris or someone else, he or she will probably continue Biden’s support of the sinful and destruction LGBTQ movement. As such, this article is still relevant, but with Biden out, I figured I’d run it now.


Easter vs. Transgender Day of Visibility


      This year (2024), Joe Biden was celebrating “Transgender Day of Visibility” back on March 31, while real Christians were celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To make matters worse, Biden later tried to deny his desecration of Easter Sunday, the holiest day on the Christian calendar. But his prior words were recorded for all to hear and read:


      As Breitbart News reported, the president sparked controversy over the weekend when he used Good Friday to proclaim “Transgender Day of Visibility” on March 31, which coincided with Easter.

      “We honor the extraordinary courage and contributions of transgender Americans and reaffirm our Nation’s commitment to forming a more perfect Union — where all people are created equal and treated equally throughout their lives,” Biden said in his proclamation.

      “NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility. I call upon all Americans to join us in lifting up the lives and voices of transgender people throughout our Nation and to work toward eliminating violence and discrimination based on gender identity,” he continued (Breitbart. Trump).


Title IX and the Definition of Sex


      By “discrimination” in the preceding quote, Biden means not allowing men and boys who “identify” as female to compete in women’s and girls’ sports nor to enter women’s and girls’ locker rooms and restrooms. He is rectifying those “inequities” and forcing such to be allowed across the country. Ironically, he is using Title IX to do so, the law passed decades ago to ensure fairness in women’s sports.


      Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona defended the Biden Administration’s effort to broaden Title IX [to include trans “women”]. “Every student should be able to have the full experience of attending school in America, including participating in athletics, free from discrimination” (Breitbart. ‘Our).


The Biden administration expanded the definition of sex to include transgender with its Friday [4/19/24] release of updated Title IX rules….

“The Department of Education has placed Title IX, and the decades of advancement and protections for women and girls that it has yielded, squarely on the chopping block,” Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C, chairwoman of the House Education and Workforce Committee, told the Examiner (Newsmax. Biden Admin).


The rule change doesn’t directly address the issue of transgender females (biological males) playing in girls’ and women’s sports. However, a draft proposal would have forced schools receiving federal funds to permit men to compete against women.

But while rule change avoids that particular issue, it opens the door to schools losing federal funding if they refuse to permit male students identifying as females to use facilities reserved for females such as dorm rooms, restrooms and shower facilities.

In short, the rule change doesn’t protect girls and women as Title IX was designed — it sets them up to become victims. It’s now a weapon to be used against girls and women (Newsmax. Biden is).


      Biden is not yet forcing schools to allow males to enter female sports, as he knows that is too politically charged to do right now. But he most certainly will do so after the election. And that will destroy women’s sports, as I explain in my book God’s Sex Plan, Volume Two. But he is already destroying women’s privacy and safety.

      That is because Biden cares more about trans ideology than women. As two female college swimmers put it, “This has roots in misogyny, and allowing this to go on is misogynistic” (Breitbart. ‘Our).


LGBTQ Religious Calendar


      The aforementioned Trans Day is just one of 145 days now on the LGBTQ calendar celebrating various aspects of the new religion that is the LGBTQ movement. Biden makes sure to mention and celebrate each and every one of them on his X (formerly Twitter) feed.


      At the start of June, “Pride Month,” (which I call Pride in Sin Month), SRN News reported:

      The Biden campaign is stepping up its LGBT messaging during Pride Month. Joe Biden’s re-election team is launching new organizing efforts and media advertising to mobilize LGBT voters. The campaign says it will have a presence at over 200 Pride events in 23 states during June. At the end of the month, the president and first lady will host a fundraising event in New York City. The campaign touts Mr. Biden as “the most-pro-LGBTQ+ president in American history and his record proves that” (SRN News. Biden).


      That pro-LGBTQ effort began June 1st when Jill Biden joined in with Pittsburgh’s celebration of sin. Then at the end of Pride in Sin month, the following happened:


      The day after his catastrophic debate performance that has prompted some of the leaders in his own party to call for him to step aside, Joe Biden found solace in a group he knows he can count on for unconditional love and support — the “LGBTQI+” community.

      Joe Biden appeared Friday [6/28/24] with Elton John in New York as part of gay pride month to help open the Stonewall National Monument Visitor Center — a new venue in Greenwich Village commemorating the Stonewall riots of 1969 (Breitbart. Biden Celebrates).


      Appearing sharper than he did in a disastrous debate against Donald Trump the night before, 81-year-old Biden praised those who revolted on June 28, 1969 against yet another police raid on the Greenwich Village gay bar Stonewall Inn -- a foundational moment in the fight for LGBTQ rights.

      “You marked a turning point for civil rights in America and inspired the hearts of millions around the world. To this day, Stonewall remains a symbol of a legacy of leadership for the LGBTQ+ community, especially trans women of color,” he said (Newsmax. Biden Takes).


Trans Surgery for Minors


      Newly uncovered communications reveal that the Biden administration and Rachel Levine of Health and Human Services had an even greater role in removing age restrictions from guidance on the performance of sex change operations than previously known, with the Biden official personally meeting with the organization in charge of drafting the document, leading to concerns about political interference.

      A recent report found that the staff of Levine, a man who identifies as a woman, was in contact with members of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), urging them to remove age restrictions from guidance on sex change operations. These new documents show that Levine was more involved than previously understood and personally met with WPATH leadership as he lobbied the organization (Daily Wire. Biden Admin’s).


      Transgender advocate and Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine pushed to remove age limits from the draft guidelines for medical treatment of people who say they are transgender….

      [James] Cantor [PhD] writes in the document that, Levine “attempted to and did influence the substantive content of” the Standards of Care Rules, version 8 (SOC-8), “based on political goals rather than science” (Breitbart. Health Secretary).


      Draft guidelines from WPATH published in 2021 recommended establishing age minimums of 14 for hormonal treatments, 15 for mastectomies, 16 for breast augmentation and facial reconstruction, and 17 for genital reconstruction and hysterectomy. These were ultimately removed from the final draft (Washington Examiner Biden officials).


      Joe Biden and his disturbed Health Secretary have long believed it is perfectly okay to cut perfectly healthy breasts off of teenage girls and to remove their uteruses, or to do breast enhancement surgery on teenage boys, and to “reconstruct” the genitals of both. But now they think it is just fine to do the same to preteens! They call it “gender affirming care.” I call it the sexual mutilation of children.


Conclusion on Biden’s Support of LGBTQ


      All of the preceding is why I included the phrase “Promoting Sin” in the subtitle of some of my books on Biden’s failing presidency. Excerpts from those books on that subject are seen in the three-part article Biden: Promoting the Sinful and Destructive LGBTQ Movement. If you vote for Biden [now the new Democrat presidential candidate, whoever that is], the preceding is what you are voting for.



Biden’s Trans Day Post on X.

Breitbart. Biden Celebrates ‘LGBTQI+’ Pride at Stonewall with Elton John Following Debate Debacle.

Breitbart. Health Secretary Rachel Levine Opposed Age Limits for Transgender Treatment.

Breitbart. ‘Our Voices as Women, Were Silenced’: Senate Committee Releases Report on ‘Helplessness’ Felt by Female Athletes Due to Trans Inclusion.

Daily Wire. Biden Admin’s Rachel Levine Met With WPATH As He Pushed For Removal Of Trans Surgery Age Restrictions.

Breitbart. Trump: Election Day Will Be ‘Christian Visibility Day’.

Hill, The. Biden campaign looks to mobilize LGBTQ voters with Pride Month media blitz.

LGBTQ Nation. Here’s your complete list of LGBTQ holidays & commemorations.

NBC News. Biden campaign launches Pride Month push as allies work to shore up LGBTQ support.

Newsmax. Biden Admin Adds Trans Protection to Title IX.

Newsmax. Biden is Gutting Girls' and Women's Title IX Protections.

Newsmax. Biden Takes Stage with Elton John to Celebrate LGBTQ Milestone.

Postcard Agency. LGBTQ Days You Need to Know + 2024 LGBTQ Hashtag Calendar.

SRN News. Biden campaign steps up LGBT efforts, media advertising.

Townhall. ‘Didn’t Do That’: Biden Denies He Proclaimed Easter Sunday 'Transgender Day of Visibility' (He Did).

Townhall. KJP Classifies Backlash Over Biden's Assault on Easter as ‘Misinformation’.

Washington Examiner. Biden officials pressured health organization to remove age limits for transgender surgeries on minors.

Zeolla, Gary F. Joe Biden's Failing Presidency. See also this series on Amazon.


 Joe Biden Tweets During the First Year of His Failing Presidency:
Reversing Trump, while Dividing and Destroying America

Biden: Promoting the Sinful and Destructive LGBTQ Movement: Revisited. Copyright © 2024 By Gary F. Zeolla of Darkness to Light ministry (www.zeolla.org/christian).

God’s Sex Plan
Volume One
What the Old Testament Teaches About Human Sexuality

Volume Two
What the New Testament Teaches About Human Sexuality


The above article was first published in the free Darkness to Light newsletter.
It was posted on this website 1, 2022.

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