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Darkness to Light - Vol. XXII, No. 5

Darkness to Light Christian Newsletter
Volume XXII, Number 5


Presented by Darkness to Light Website
Director: Gary F. Zeolla

In This Issue

Subscription Information

Newsletter News

Audiobooks Update

ALT3c Now Available!

ALT Plans

Exodus Chapter Twenty ALT: Study Version

New on My Christian Website

New on My Fitness Website

New on My Politics Website

Subscription Information

    You are currently registered to receive this Darkness to Light Christian Newsletter. This newsletter is published every other month, usually during the first week of odd-numbered months. To unsubscribe, use the link at the bottom of this newsletter. To view back issues, click here.

    To subscribe to my FitTips for One and All newsletter, click here. It is published every other month, usually during the first week of even-numbered months. To view back issues, click here.

    Comments on these newsletters are welcome. Just respond to this email. See the posted Privacy Policy for details on the handling of emails and related details.

    Click any picture in this newsletter for a larger image. That is, assuming the pictures appear and work as I intended. If not, then possibly, if all you see is an empty box, clicking it should bring up the larger image.

God’s Sex Plan: Volume Two: What the New Testament Teaches About Human Sexuality - Many issues are discussed in this book that are related to sex, including but not limited to: monogamy, marital sex, polygamy, incest, homo-sexuality, premarital sex (fornication), extramarital sex (adultery), celibacy, transsexualism, reproduction, infertility, contraception, abortion, sexual harassment and assault, masturbation, pornography, gender roles, and school and other mass shootings (yes, those are related to this topic).

Newsletter News


      I am once again very late in publishing this issue of Darkness to Light Newsletter. That is because I have been very busy working on the projects discussed in this newsletter. Also, I have been dealing with a string of health setbacks, necessitating multiple medical appointments and leaving me too exhausted to get much work done if any on many days.

      However, I managed to enter my first powerlifting contest in 3-1/2 years. It was very difficult to do so, and the contest went good but not great. But it felt good to get back to the sport I love. Moreover, the incentive of entering a contest keeps me working out, which is essential to keep my health from completely collapsing. For details on the contest, see RPS Legion – 2024.

      Despite all of the problems, I am thankful that the LORD has enabled me to accomplish much since the last issue of this newsletter was published, as seen in the following sections. “But the Lord stood by me and gave me strength” (1Timothy 4:17a; ALT3c).


Audiobooks Update


      I have grown very frustrated with producing audiobooks through ACX over the past several weeks. I had multiple of my Christian books in production, but for most of them, the narrators bailed on me without warning. They didn’t even have the decency to let me know they were not going to finish the project. As such, I had to wait until the expiration dates of the contracts to cancel them. That prevented me from finding new narrators for the books.

      The only Christian book that has been completed to date is my God’s Sex Plan: Volume Two: What the New Testament Teaches About Human Sexuality, narrated by Sharon Wiles. Volume One is still in production, even though the initial deadline has longed passed. But the narrator keeps giving me one excuse after another as to why he needs more time. But at least he has had the decency to let me know about having problems.

      Five of my politics books have been completed. They include four of the five books in the series The 2020 Election, the January 6 “Insurrection,” and Their Aftermath (the fifth book should be forthcoming shortly) and my book Tearing the USA Apart: From Kavanaugh, to Incivility, to Caravans, to Violence, to the 2018 Midterm Elections, and Beyond.

    All of these books have great relevance right now in the heat of the presidential race. January 6th is being often mentioned by Kamala Harris and Dems and claims of fraud in the 2020 election by Donald Trump. The last book, with its discussion of political incivility, is prescient in light of the two assassination attempts on Trump.

      Just one of my fitness books has been completed, Overcoming Back Pain: A Mind-Body Solution.

      I am so frustrated over the multiple cancellations, I am holding off making any of those cancelled books or any other of my books available for production on ACX, at least for a while. I have other projects to work on that would be a better use of my limited work time, as will be detailed shortly.


ALT3c Now Available!

By Gary F. Zeolla


      The Analytical-Literal Translation of the New Testament: Third Edition (corrected) (ALT3c) provides a translation of all of the New Testament that will enable the English reader to come as close to the Greek texts as possible without having to be proficient in Greek. And the name of ALT3c reflects this purpose.

      “Literal” refers to the fact that ALT3c is a word for word translation. All words in the original text are translated—nothing is omitted. The original grammar of the text is retained as much as possible. Any words added for clarity are bracketed, so nothing is added without it being indicated as such.

      “Analytical” refers to the detailed “analysis” done on the grammar of the text. The grammar is then translated in a way which brings out “nuances” of the original text that are often missed in traditional translations. In addition, “analytical” refers to the aids that are included within the text which enable the reader to “analyze” and understand the text. Such information is bracketed.

      “Translation” refers to the conversion of the original Greek text into English. Modern-day English is used, and despite its literalness, ALT3c is a relatively easy to read and understand.

      With all of these points, ALT3c is the ideal version for studying the New Testament. It is being presented to the English-speaking Christian public in hopes it will enrich understanding of the Holy Bible, the most important book ever written.


New Version Notes:

      This version of the Analytical-Literal Translation of the New Testament (ALT: NT) published in September 2024 is a corrected text, not a full new edition. However, a few significant changes have been made to the text, corrections have been made throughout (mostly of punctuation), the addition of Book Introductions is an important upgrade, and the size of the gutter (inner margins) has been increased in the hardcopy versions to improve readability. As such, this edition of the ALT: NT could be called Edition 3.5. But for publication purposes, it was easier to just call it a corrected text, hence ALT3c.


Available Formats:

      The “Regular” paperback and hardback versions of ALT3c are printed on 8-1/2”x11” pages in double columns using Times New Roman 10-point font. This print size should be readable by most people with average eyesight. However, three specialty versions are available with different page and font sizes.

      The first specialty version is a Personal Size Version. It is printed on 6” x 9” pages in single columns using the same font size as the Regular version, Times 10. Many requested this smaller page size, so I am making it available. However, due to the smaller page size, the number of pages and thus the cost of the book is increased.

      The second specialty version is a Small Print Version. It is also printed on 6” x 9” pages in single columns but using Times 8 font. The smaller size of this version makes for an easier to carry and less expensive format. However, the print size is very small, only readable by those with very good vision.

      The third specialty version is a Large Print Version. Like the Regular version, it is printed on 8-1/2”x11” pages in double columns, but it uses Times 14 font. This font size is one-point larger than for the Large Print Version of ALT3 of 13-point. It is now very large and should be readable even by those with poor eyesight.

      Note that the Kindle versions of ALT3c listed on all four pages are identical. It has just been duplicated on each page. With the Kindle you can adjust the font size to whatever your eyesight needs. The same goes for the PDF and ePUB ebook versions available on Lulu.



Previous Versions:

      The preceding links to the various hardcopy versions of ALT3c are to Amazon. I am no longer publishing hardcopy books through Lulu, as they messed their system up with their latest “upgrade.” As a result, I was unable to update the various paperback and hardback versions of ALT3 to ALT3c. Consequently, if anyone wants ALT3 (2023 version) in a hardcopy format for comparison purposes, they are still available from Lulu, as is a PDF. For the various available formats of ALT3 and for earlier editions, see Previous Versions on the ALT3c Preview page. However, it is highly recommended the reader attain ALT3c rather than  earlier versions, as it contains the most up-to-date text.

Disclaimer: The preceding links to Amazon are advertising links, for which I receive a commission if a product is purchased after following the link.


ALT Plans


      As indicated above, I just updated the New Testament (NT) for my Analytical-Literal Translation of the Bible (ALT). With that project completed, I will now work on updating the rest of the volumes in the ALT. However, I will be reducing the number of volumes from the current number of seven to just four.

      First, I will work on an update of the four volumes comprising the ALT: Old Testament (OT), reducing the number of volumes to just two. I was unable to do such a reduction in 2023 when I last updated the OT as my old desktop PC could not handle such a large file as each of these two new volumes will comprise, but my new PC can. However, I cannot reduce it to just one volume, as that would be too much for even my new PC and it would cause the volume to greatly exceed the page limit on Amazon for hardcopy books.

      In any case, these will be Volumes One and Two of the updated ALT. Volume Three is the aforementioned ALT3c New Testament (NT). Volume Four will combine the current separate volumes for The Apocryphal/ Deuterocanonical Books and The Apostolic Fathers.

      Then I will update the ALT: Devotional Version (ALTD). That is only of the NT. But I will then produce two volumes for the OT and one for the Apocryphal/ Deuterocanonical Books and The Apostolic Fathers, so it will also be a four-volume set.

      I will publish each of the preceding volumes of the ALT and ALTD with the same quartet of hardcopy formats and trilogy of eBooks as the ALT3c. However, I am unsure if I will do audiobooks for any of the volumes.

      The ALTD is one of the books I had in production, but for which I had to cancel the contract (twice!), as mentioned above. Doing an audiobook of the NT or even half of the OT is a massive job, and apparently, narrators seem to realize the importance of it, but not the magnitude and bail out when that is realized.

      Lastly, I might do one last update of the ALT: NT, calling it ALT4. But that will be years away, as this project will take me several years to finish. How many years depends on my health situation and how much I am able to work on any given day. In fact, I might never finish it, as I am already 63-years-old. But if I do, I have one last plan for the ALT that will be mentioned in the next section.

      But here, do not let the possibility of a new edition of a desired ALT volume keep you from purchasing a current volume, as that update could be years away, if ever. Moreover, I would encourage anyone to get the current volumes, read them, and contact me if you find any needed corrections or updates you think would be worthwhile. That would be very helpful as I update each volume.

      Finally, I hope and pray I am able to finish these ALT plans, as I believe my Analytical-Literal Translation of the Bible is my greatest contribution to the Christian community and is by far the most important of any of the written works I have ever done. 


Exodus Chapter Twenty ALT: Study Version

By Gary F. Zeolla



      In additional to the preceding ALT Plans, God-willing, I hope to someday produce a “Study Version” of the Analytical-Literal Translation of the Bible. Along with the current aids within the text and the new Book Introductions, it would contain chapter/ section headings and more extensive study notes (indicated by “Note” in brackets). The following is what Exodus Chapter 20 would look like, if I ever produce such a work. The ALT text itself includes updates to be seen in the aforementioned upcoming new edition ALT: OT.


The Ten Commandments



And the Lord spoke all these words, saying:


[1]  2I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of [the] land of Egypt, out of [the] house of servitude. 3Different gods will not be to you besides Me [fig., You will have no other gods beside Me].


[2]  4“You will not make to yourself an idol, nor likeness of anything, as many [thing] as [are] in the heaven above, and as many things as [are] in the earth beneath, and as many things as [are] in the waters under the earth. 5You will not prostrate yourself in worship to them, nor serve them; for I am the LORD your God, a jealous God, recompensing [the] sins of [the] fathers upon [the] children, until [the] third and fourth generation to the ones hating Me, 6and making [or, showing] mercy to thousands, to the ones loving Me, and to the ones keeping My commandments.


[3]  7“You will not take the name of the LORD your God in vain; for the LORD your God shall not cleanse [or, acquit] the one taking His name in vain [i.e., in a disrespectable or blasphemous way].


[4]  8“Remember the Sabbath day to be keeping it holy. 9Six days you will labor and will do all your work. 10But the seventh day [is the] Sabbath to the LORD your God; you will not do any work in it, you and your son and your daughter and your male bond-servant and your female bond-servant, and your ox and your donkey and any of your livestock, and the foreigner, the one living as a sojourner [or, temporarily] among you. 11For in six days the LORD made the heaven and the earth and the sea and all the [things] in them [Acts 4:24], and He rested on the seventh day. Because of this, the LORD blessed the seventh day and made it holy. [cp, Luke 23:56]


[5]  12“Be honoring your father and your mother, that it may become well with you and that you shall become long-lived on the good land, which the LORD your God gives to you. [Matt 15:4; Eph 6:2,3]


[6]  13“You will not murder. [Matt 5:21; Jam 2:11]


[7]  14“You will not commit adultery. [Matt 5:27; Jam 2:11]


[8]  15“You will not steal. [Mark 10:19]


[9]  16“You will not give false testimony against your neighbor, [giving] false testimony. [Matt 19:18; Mark 10:19]


[10] 17“You will not covet [or, yearn to possess] the wife of your neighbor. You will not covet the house of your neighbor, nor his field, nor his male bond-servant, nor his female bond-servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor any of his livestock, nor as many things as are to your neighbor. [Rom 7:7; 13:9]


[Note: To comment on each Commandment:

1. Jesus said the greatest Commandment was to love the Lord your God (Matt 22:36f; Mark 12:29f). But He prefaced that comment by saying you had to be sure you had the correct God (Mark 12:29), the one true God, and that is what the LORD does here. He first identifies Himself as the Deliverer of Israel, then He commands exclusive worship. That means the greatest sin is to worship anyone or anything in addition to the LORD.


2. An idol is not just a physical object but anything that takes the place of God in our lives. The second half of this Commandment troubles some, but it refers to the propensity of sin to be generational. If a man is an alcoholic, then his children are likely to abuse alcohol. If a man is abusive, then his children are likely to be abusive when they get married and have children, etc. But this is only to the ones “hating” the LORD. That chain can be broken by repentance and turning to God, receiving His love, and loving Him in return (1Cor 6:9-11; 1John 4:10,19).


3. The modern-day common practice of using words like God, Lord, Christ, and Jesus as swear words is blasphemy and is an abomination to God.


4. The modern-day common practice of not having a day of rest once a week is not only also an abomination to God, but it is detrimental to our spiritual, emotional, and physical health. God created us and knows we need that one day of rest a week from our toils. That is why this Command is grounded in creation. Note also, “Six days you will labor” is just as much as a command as is resting on the seventh day. The idea of a two- or three-day weekend of rest is a modern-day convention with no Biblical basis. That is not to say you must work at your career six days a week, but other fruitful activity not leisure should be engaged in throughout the week.


5. Honor of parents is vital for the health of a family and of society. Note also, it is assumed a nuclear family unit consist of one man, one woman, and their children.  In other words, this Commandment precludes same-sex marriage.


6. The word here is “murder” not “kill.” Some forms of killing are justified even commanded. That is seen in the following chapters and books of the Torah where the killing of animals, capital punishment, and killing in war are commanded, while self-defense is allowed. As such, those forms of killing are not prohibited by this Commandment. But what is included is all forms of unjustified murder of another human being.


7. A healthy monogamous marriage is the bedrock of a family and society. Adultery harms not just that marriage but the children, the extended family, and society in general.


8. Respect for the property of others is vital for a functioning society. Without it, businesses cannot thrive, and the people will not have access to the goods and services they need and want.


9. Lying and misinformation of all forms is destructive to a relationship and to society, while giving false testimony in a court of law is particularly damaging. It can harm the entire judicial system of a society.


10. At the root of Commandments 6-9 is coveting, of wanting something that is not yours. That can lead to murder, adultery, theft, and lying. That is why Jesus expanded the Sixth and Seventh Commandments to include the inner heart attitudes that lead to the outward sins (Matt 5:21-28). The same could be said for the Eighth and Ninth Commandments.]


The Response of the People


            18And all the people were perceiving the voice [or, thundering] and the lightning flashes and the sound of the trumpet and the mountain smoking. But all the people having feared, stood at a distance. 19And they said to Moses, “You speak to us, and let not God be speaking to us, lest we die.” [cp. Heb 12:18-19] 20And Moses says to them, “Be taking courage, for God came to you* to test you*, that His fear shall become among you*, that you* shall not be sinning.” 21So the people stood at a distance, but Moses went into the darkness where God was.

      [Note: When confronted with the holiness and majesty of God, we can only cower in fear at a distance. That is, until we find forgiveness, are regenerated, and are brought into a right relationship with the LORD through faith in Christ (2Cor 5:17-6:2).]


Build an Altar for Sacrifices to God


       22Then the LORD said to Moses, “Thus will you say to the house of Jacob, and you will report [it] to the sons [and daughters] of Israel, ‘You* have seen that I have spoken to you* from heaven. 23You* shall not make to yourselves gods of silver, and you* shall not make to yourselves gods of gold. 24You* shall make to Me an altar of earth, and you* will sacrifice upon it whole burnt-offerings, and your* peace-offerings, and the sheep and your* calves in every place, where I shall record My name. And there I will come to you and will bless you.

      [Note: Because God is in heaven, He cannot be depicted by anything on earth. However, He can be worshipped, but only in His prescribed way. At this time, that included building an altar and sacrificing animals upon it. The latter shows the Sixth Commandment does not prohibit the killing of animals.]

      25‘But if you will make to Me an altar of stones, you will not build them of cut [stones]; for you have used your tool upon them, and they have been defiled. 26You will not go up to My altar by steps, that you shall not uncover your nakedness upon it.’

      [Note: The holiness of God demands a specific manner for the altar to be constructed. That theme will be expanded upon in the following chapters and books of the Torah. Also, men at this time wore robes and thus could expose themselves if they walked up open steps. As such, the altar was to be approached on flat ground or via a solid ramp.]


Scripture taken from the Analytical-Literal Translation of the Old Testament: Volume I: The Torah. Copyright © 2012, 2023, 2024 by Gary F. Zeolla (


New on My Christian Darkness to Light Website

Below are new items on my Christian website that have been posted since the last issue of this newsletter was published.

ALT3c Now Available!

Analytical-Literal Translation of the New Testament: Third Edition” (corrected) (ALT3c)

    ALT3c provides a translation of all of the New Testament that will enable the English reader to come as close to the Greek texts as possible without having to be proficient in Greek. The name of ALT3c reflects this purpose.

    “Literal” refers to the fact that ALT3c is a word for word translation. “Analytical” refers to the detailed “analysis” done on the grammar of the text and to study aids within the text. “Translation” refers to the conversion of the original Greek text into English. Modern-day English is used, and despite its literalness, ALT3c is relatively easy to read and understand.

     Many updates have been made for this new version, so much so it could have been called Edition 3.5. But for publication purposes, it was easier to just call it a corrected text, hence ALT3c.

     Available in a variety of hardcopy and eBook formats. See also this series on Amazon.


August 2024 Christian Commentaries is a new page. “God will not be mocked” (about the end of the Olympics) and “Trans Corruption of the English Language” (about misuse of pronouns).

My First Christian Audiobook!

God’s Sex Plan, Volume Two

What the New Testament Teaches About Human Sexuality


    My first Christian audiobook is now available from AmazonAudible, and iTunes.

     This book addresses the many hot button issues related to sexuality in our culture today: from abortion to transsexualism to sexual harassment and assault to men competing in women’s sports.

     Also covered are homosexuality and same-sex marriage, premarital sex (fornication), extramarital sex (adultery), monogamy, marital sex, polygamy, incest, celibacy, reproduction, infertility, contraception, masturbation, pornography, gender roles, and school and other mass shootings (yes, those are related to this topic).

     For other formats, see the Preview page.


Biden: Promoting the Sinful and Destructive LGBTQ Movement Revisited is a new article. The new Democrat presidential candidate will continue Biden’s support of the sinful and destruction LGBTQ movement.

The page My Social Media Pages has been updated to deal with all of the offensive and scam friend requests and messages I have been receiving. I will now refer any such people to this page.


New on My Fitness for One and All Website

Below are new items on my fitness website that have been posted since the last issue of this newsletter was published.

Powerlifting Workout Posts and Videos: July to September 2024 (Q3) will record my initial workouts post-contest.

RPS Legion – 2024 is a new page. It is the contest report for my latest powerlifting contest.

RPS Legion – 2024 – Pictures contains pictures from the contest.

Powerlifting Workout Posts and Videos: July to September 2024 records my final workouts leading up my contest this Saturday (9/7).

Vol. XXII, No. 4 is the latest issue of the free FitTips for One and All newsletter.

Getting a Good Night’s Sleep and the Importance Thereof is a new article.

The page My Social Media Pages has been updated to deal with all of the offensive and scam friend requests and messages I have been receiving. I will now refer any such people to this page.


Powerlifting Contest Plans is an update to Powerlifting Workout Posts and Videos: July to September 2024.

New on My Biblical and Constitutional Politics Website

Below are new items on my politics website that have been posted since the last issue of this newsletter was published.

September 2024 Political Commentaries is a new page. The New York Times distorts Trump's words about J6.

Debate Lies and False Implications By Kamala Harris and the Moderators is a new article.

“Interview with Comrade Kamala and Tampon Tim” has been to August 2024 Political Commentaries. My thoughts on the CNN interview. It was fraught with problems.

“Trump Just Lost the Election” has been added to August 2024 Political Commentaries. Trump’s change from pro-life to pro-choice will lose him the support of pro-lifers and evangelicals.

Now available in audiobook format!

Trump’s 2020 Election Tweets, Georgia Phone Call, and January 2021 Speeches

Did Trump’s Claims of Election Fraud Lead to the Capitol Building Uprising?

    Kamala Harris, Dems, and the media claim Trump incited an insurrection on January 6, 2021. But did he? This book reproduces all that Donald J. Trump said publicly from Election Day 2020 to the end of his presidency related to the 2020 presidential election. Reading (or listening to) this book will help the reader to decide if in fact Trump’s comments led to that tragic event. 

    Now available in audiobook format from: AmazonAudible, and iTunes. For other formats for this book, see the Preview page on my politics website.

#Trump #Biden #ElectionFraud #2020Election #2024Election #Insurrection #January6 #January6th #J6 #Ad 

Now available in audiobook format!

The Biased J6 Select Committee

The Public Hearings Were Half a Trial; This Book Gives You the Other Half

    Harris and Dems are sure to talk much about the January 6th “insurrection” throughout the campaign. Learn the truth about that day and the fraudulent nature of this Committee, upon which much of Harris and others will base their claims.

     Now available in audiobook from: AmazonAudible, and iTunes.

     The public hearings in the summer and fall of 2022 about the tragic events of January 6, 2021 (J6) were the prosecution presenting its case against Donald J. Trump, with the American public as the jury. But Trump was not afforded a defense. This book provides that defense, so the reader can make an informed decision about J6 and Trump’s role in it.

     For other formats for this book, see the Preview page:

#Trump #2020Election #2024Election #Insurrection #January6th #J6 #Incitement #CapitolBuildingRiot

DNC 2024 Lies and Divisiveness is a new article.

August 2024 Political Commentaries is a new page. God Will Not Be Mocked, Trump’s Presser vs. Kamala’s Gaggle, Kamala Crash of the stock market.

Now available in audiobook format!

Tearing the USA Apart

From Kavanaugh, to Incivility, to Caravans, to Violence, to the 2018 Midterm Elections, and Beyond

Available from: AmazonAudible, and iTunes.

     Though this book was first published in 2018, it still has great relevance for today. The bogus sexual assault allegations against Kavanaugh parallel those of E. J. Carroll against Trump. The political incivility called for by Dems and described in this book come to fruition in the assassination attempt on Trump. Biden and Harris need to take a tip from Trump on how to handle a border crisis. And the election shenanigans in 2018 foreshowed those of 2020 and are a warning for 2024. For other formats, see the Preview page.

Biden: Promoting the Sinful and Destructive LGBTQ Movement Revisited is a new article. The new Democrat presidential candidate will continue Biden’s support of the sinful and destruction LGBTQ movement.

“Biden Drops Out of the Presidential Race” has been added to July 2024 Political Commentaries.

Now available in audiobook format!

Tragic Ending to Donald J. Trump’s Great Presidency:

Capitol Building Uprising Leads to Impeachment 2.0, as Media and Big Tech Bias and Claims of Election Fraud Continues

    Available from: AmazonAudible, and iTunes.

       Biden, Democrats, and the mainstream media claim the events of January 6, 2021 (J6) were “a deadly insurrection incited by Donald J. Trump.” But this book demonstrates J6, though tragic, was not deadly (with one exception), it was not an insurrection, and it was not incited by then President Trump. For other formats, see the Preview page.

July 2024 Political Commentaries is a new page. Short comments on the attempted Trump assassination.

The page My Social Media Pages has been updated to deal with all of the offensive and scam friend requests and messages I have been receiving. I will now refer any such people to this page.

My First Politics Audiobook!

Alleged Corruption, Bias, and Fraud

Allegations of the Corruption of Joe Biden, Bias of the Media and Big Tech, and Fraud in the 2020 Election


My first politics audiobook is now available from AmazonAudible, and iTunes.

    There are many controversies about the 2020 election, with many claims of election fraud. Those need to be remembered, as we head into the 2024 election, as the same shenanigans are sure to occur again. In addition, Joe. Biden only took office with the help of a biased media and Big Tech. And they are at it again. This book points out what to watch out for this time.

     For other formats for this book, see the Preview page.

Also by Gary F. Zeolla:

Amazon Author Page

Audible Author Page

iTunes Author Page

Lulu Publishing Author Page is the personal website for Gary F. Zeolla.
Author of Christian and of fitness books, Web sites, and newsletters,
and a top ranked and multi-record holding powerlifter.

Fitness for One and All website and FitTips for One and All newsletter.
Helping people to attain their health, fitness, and performance goals,
with an emphasis on powerlifting.

Biblical and Constitutional Politics
“Political articles and commentary from a conservative Christian and politically conservative perspective”

Covid Fearmongering and Lies
Coronavirus Fearmongering on the Left, Covid-19 Lies on the Right

A Layman's View of What the Authorities Got Correct and Incorrect about SARS-CoV-2

All material in this newsletter is copyrighted © 2024 by Gary F. Zeolla or as indicated otherwise.

The links to Amazon are advertising links, for which I receive a commission in addition to my royalty if a product is purchased after following the link.
