Additional Books and eBooks by the Director
Translation of the Apostolic Fathers
Volume Seven of the ALT
Translated by Gary F. Zeolla, the Director of Darkness to Light
This final volume of the Analytical-Literal Translation contains the writings of the Apostolic Fathers (APF). These are the Church leaders of the late first to early second centuries (c. 80-150 AD). Some of these books were seriously considered for inclusion in the canon of the New Testament. They were ultimately rejected for the canon, but all of these books were popular in the early centuries of the Church. They provide insight into the mindset of the early Church immediately after the apostles and give background to the New Testament.
Available Formats
Kindle Reading Device eBook: $3.25. Order and download from Amazon.
Paperback: 124 pages (8-1/2"x11"). $8.95. Order from Amazon.
Hardback: 124 pages (8-1/2"x11"). $16.75. Order from Amazon.
Lulu Publishing:
PDF (Acrobat Reader) eBook: 212 pages (6"x9"). 2,058 KB. $3.50. Order and download from Lulu Publishing.
ePub (for iPad, Nook, etc.) eBook: $3.75..Order and download from Lulu Publishing.
Paperback: 124 pages (8-1/2"x11"). $9.25. Order from Lulu Publisher.
Hardback: 124 pages (8-1/2"x11"). $17.25. Order from Lulu Publisher.
Personal Size Version
The “Regular” paperback and hardback versions of the ALT: APF listed above are printed on 8-1/2”x11” pages in double columns using Times New Roman 10-point font. However, there is also available a Personal Size Version. It is printed on 6” x 9” pages in single columns using the same font size, Times 10. Many requested this smaller page size, so I am making it available. However, due to the smaller page size, the number of pages and thus the cost of the book is greater.
Paperback: 220 pages. $9.75. Order from the publisher via their website: Amazon.
Hardback: 220 pages. 17.50. Order from the publisher via their website: Amazon.
Lulu Publishing:
Paperback: 220 pages. $9.75. Order from the publisher via their website: Lulu Publishing.
Hardback: 220 pages. $17.75. Order from the publisher via their website: Lulu Publishing.
Notes: Different formats and publishers might have different covers, but the content is the same in all of them. The newest version of the ALT: APF published in 2023 is a corrected text not a full new edition. Only minor corrections have been made, plus the appendixes and covers have been updated. Look for “2023” in the copyright notices on pages 2 and 4 for the latest version.
The Kindle versions of the ALT listed on both Amazon pages are identical. It has just been duplicated on each page.
Also, I've been asked about reducing the number of volumes of the ALT by combining some of the volumes. That would not be possible due to page limitations with my current method of publishing my books and technical difficulties of working with what would be very large files.
The links to Amazon are advertising links, for which I receive a commission in addition to my royalty if a product is purchased after following the link.
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The Analytical-Literal Translation of the Holy Bible (ALT) is translated by Gary F. Zeolla ( The ALT consists of seven volumes. They are.
Volume I – The Old Testament: The Torah (Genesis
to Deuteronomy)
Volume II – The Old Testament: The Historical Books
(Joshua to Esther)
Volume III – The Old Testament: The Poetic Books (Job
to Song of Solomon)
Volume IV – The Old Testament: The Prophetic Books
(Isaiah to Malachi)
Volume V – The Apocryphal/ Deuterocanonical Books
Volume VI – The New Testament
Volume VII – The Apostolic Fathers
Volumes I to IV contain the Old Testament (OT). All 39 of these books are
considered canonical by Jews and all Christian groups. The word “canon”
means list of authoritative books, so canonical books are those which are
included in this list. They are believed to be inspired by God and reliable
for basing doctrine and practice upon. As such, all 39 of these OT books are
a trustworthy guide to correct faith and practice and to spiritual
Volume V is the Apocryphal/ Deuterocanonical (A/D) Books. These are the “extra” books found in the OTs of Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Bibles as compared to Jewish Bibles and the OTs of Protestant Bibles. There is much debate over if these books are canonical or not. They were all written in the period between the end of the OT and the beginning of the New Testament (NT). They are thus included in the ALT as, inspired or not, they are worth reading and provide background to the NT.
Volume VI contains the NT. All 27 of these books are considered canonical by all Christian groups. They are thus the bedrock on which Christian doctrine and practice are built upon and provide much spiritual benefit.
This Volume VII of the ALT contains the Apostolic Fathers (APF). These are the writings of Church leaders of the late first to mid-second centuries, most of whom were direct disciples of the apostles. Some of these books were seriously considered for inclusion in the canon of the NT. These are marked with an asterisk on the Table of Contents. They were ultimately rejected for the canon, but all of these APF books were popular in the early centuries of the Church. They give insight into the mindset of the early Church shortly after the apostles and provide background to the NT. As such, they are very much worth reading.
But most Christians today are unaware of these APF books, and there are only a few English translations of the Greek language they were originally written in. To remedy these deficits, this Analytical-Literal Translation of the Apostolic Fathers is being presented to the English-speaking Christian public in hopes it will enrich understanding of the NT and of the time immediately after the apostles.
The purpose of the ALT is to provide a translation of these APF books that will enable the English reader to come as close to the Greek texts as possible without having to be proficient in Greek. And the name of the ALT reflects this purpose.
“Literal” refers to the fact that the ALT is a word for word translation. All words in the original text are translated—nothing is omitted. The original grammar of the text is retained as much as possible. Any words added for clarity are bracketed, so nothing is added without it being indicated as such.
“Analytical” refers to the detailed “analysis” done on the grammar of the text. The grammar is then translated in a way which brings out “nuances” of the original text that are often missed in traditional translations.
In addition, “analytical” refers to the aids that are included within the text which enable the reader to “analyze” and understand the text. Such information is bracketed. It includes the following:
1. Alternative translations for words and phrases.
2. Possible figurative meanings or paraphrases of words and phrases.
3. Modern-day equivalents for measurement and monetary units and time designations.
4. Explanatory notes.
5. References for when an OT or NT verse is quoted in the APF, along with other cross-references.
As such, the ALT is the ideal version for studying these important books. No other translation of them provides the accuracy and attention to detail the ALT provides.
For background and in-depth discussions of the canonicity of all of the OT books, the A/D books, the NT books, and these APF books, see the translator’s three volume set, Why Are These Books in the Bible and Not Others? (see Appendix Two).
Table of Contents
Copyright Information
….……………. 4
Preface .….………………………….. 5
Abbreviations and Notations
................ 6
The Apostolic Fathers – 9
*The Didache (Teaching of the Twelve Apostles)
……. 11
*1Clement (First Epistle of Clement to the
Corinthians) . 15
2Clement (Second Epistle of Clement)
……………….. 30
*Epistle of Barnabas …………………………………
Ignatius to the Ephesians ………………………………
Ignatius to the Magnesians …………………………… 48
Ignatius to the Trallians
….…………………………… 50
Ignatius to the Romans ………………………………..
Ignatius to the Philadelphians
…………………………. 54
Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans
…………………………… 56
Ignatius to Polycarp …………………………………..
Polycarp to the Philippians …………….…………….. 60
Martyrdom of Polycarp ………………………………
Epistle to Diognetus ………………………………….
*Shepherd of Hermas:
Visions …………………………………………….. 73
....……………………………………….. 82
Appendixes – 113
One – Original Language Texts and Translator’s
Notes . 115
Two – Additional Books by the Translator
……………. 117
Three – The Translator’s Websites, Newsletters,
and Social Sites/ Contacting the Translator
……………. 123
Notes: Page numbers
are for the hardcopy regular versions. Asterisks indicate books that were most
seriously considered for inclusion in the canon of the New Testament. Sample Passages from the
ALT: APF Abbreviations and Notations Following are the meanings of abbreviations and
notations seen in the ALT text. Abbreviations and Notations in Brackets
[River] –
Words added for clarity are bracketed (e.g., Did 2:1). But note, very often
the definite article (“the”) is not used in the APF with the word kurios
(“LORD” or “Lord”). But the
added article is not bracketed in this case only as its frequency made it
prohibitive to do so.
[Gen 35:10] –
Reference for when the
OT, NT, or A/D books are quoted in the APF (e.g., Did 8:2).
about –
Modern-day equivalent for measurements and monetary units (e.g., HV4 1:2).
– Anno Domino, Latin for “In the year of the Lord.” The traditional
marker for the Common Era (CE).
and throughout/ and in
The bracketed information applies to all occurrences of the preceding word
or phrase throughout the given range (e.g., Did 3:1).
APF – Apostolic
– “Before Christ.” The traditional marker for Before the Common Era (BCE).
cp. –
Compare. A cross reference (e.g., Did 3:8).
fig. –
Figurative. Possible figurative meaning or paraphrase of preceding literal
translation (e.g., Did 1:5).
Gr. –
Greek. The Greek word previously translated, with the Greek letters
transliterated (changed) into English letters (e.g., Did 10:6).
i.e. –
Explanatory note (“that is” or “in explanation”) (e.g., Did 1:5).
literal. The strictly literal translation when a less than literal rendering
is used in the main translation (SV3 1:8).
or –
Alternative, traditional, or slightly less literal translation (e.g., Did
see –
Cross reference (e.g., 1Cl 10:7).
Miscellaneous Abbreviations and
But –
Indicates the use of the Greek strong adversative (alla
e.g., Did 1:6) instead of the
weak adversative (de, translated as “but” when used in an adversative
sense – e.g., Did 1:1).
– Lord – The former
indicates the Hebrew OT being quoted has Yahweh (the Hebrew proper
name for God –1Cl 12:5). The latter indicates the Hebrew OT has adonai
(the general word for “lord”) (e.g., 1Cl 18:15).
you –
Indicates the pronoun is emphasized in the Greek text (also, he,
she, etc. – e.g., Did 1:3).
you* –
Indicates the original is plural (also, your*
e.g., Did 1:3). With no asterisk the second person pronoun is singular
(e.g., Did 1:1).
{…} – Encloses words that are
bracketed in the Greek text, indicating the evidence is split as to if they
were part of the original text or not (e.g., Did 1:1). Also used to indicate
textual variants, using the abbreviation “mss” for manuscripts, thus “some
mss” indicates only some Greek texts have the enclosed words (e.g., 1Cl
– Preceding this notation is a
direct quote for which the translator was not able to determine the source,
even with checking the OT, NT, A/D books, and even some OT pseudepigraphical
books and NT apocryphal books. If the reader is able to find the source,
please contact me (see Appendix Three).
– Apocryphal/ Deuterocanonical Books Note: Below are excerpts from some of these APF
books. Each excerpt begins with the header for the book to be found in the ALT
[in brackets]. Then are excerpts from the book itself. The Didache
(Teaching of the
Twelve Apostles) 1There are two ways--one of the life and
one of the death; but much difference between the two ways. 2Therefore, on the
one hand, [the] way of the life is this: First, you will love God, the One
having made you; second, your neighbor as yourself; and all [things], as many as
if you shall desire not to be happening to you, also you stop doing to another
[cp. Matt 22:37-39; 7:12; Tob 4:15] (Did 1:1-2). 1Now [the] second commandment of the
Teaching: 2You will not commit murder. You will not commit adultery. You will
not commit pederasty [or, sexually abuse boys]. You will not commit fornication.
You will not steal. You will not practice magic. You will not practice
witchcraft [or, use enchantments]. You will not murder a child with corruption
[fig., by an abortion], nor will you kill one having been begotten. You will not
desire [or, covet] the [things] of your neighbor. 3You will not swear falsely
[or, commit perjury]. You will not bear false witness. You will not speak evil
[or, use abusive language]. You will not bear a grudge. [Exod 20:12-16; Deut
5:16-20; Matt 19:18] (Did 2:1-3). 1But concerning baptism [or, immersion],
in this way baptize [or, immerse]: Having said beforehand all these [things],
baptize into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit in
living [fig., running] water. [Matt 28:19] 2But if you shall not have living
water, baptize into other water; and if you are not able in cold [water], in
warm [water]. 3But if you shall not have both [or, either], pour out water three
times upon the head into [the] name of [the] Father and Son and Holy Spirit.
4But before the baptism let the one baptizing be fasting, and the one being
baptized, and if any others are able; but order the one being baptized to fast
one or two [days] before (Did 7:1-4). 1Clement
(First Epistle of
Clement to the Corinthians) [After discussing various OT figures, Clement writes:] 3Therefore, all were honored and
exalted, not because of them or their works or the just dealings which they
produced, but account of His will. 4Therefore also we, having been called by His
will in Christ Jesus, are not justified by ourselves, nor by our wisdom or
understanding or godliness or works which we have produced in holiness of heart,
but by the faith through which from the beginning Almighty God justified all
[people], to whom be the glory into the ages of the ages. [fig., forever and
ever.] So be it!. 1Therefore, what shall we do, brothers
[and sisters]? Shall we become idle from the well-doing and forsake the love? No
way may the Master permit this indeed to become in us! But let us hasten with
earnestness and eagerness to be accomplishing every good work. [cp. Eph 2:8-10]
(1Cl 32:3-4; 33:1). [After quoting Psalm 50:16-23, Clement
writes:] 1This [is] the way, beloved, in which we
found our Savior—Jesus Christ, the High Priest of our offerings, the Defender
and Helper of our weaknesses. 2By means of this One we gaze into the heights of
the heavens. By means of this One we see as in a mirror His unblemished and
supreme appearance. By means of this One the eyes of our heart are opened. By
means of this One our senseless and having been darkened mind grows again into
the light. By means of this One the Master willed [for] us to taste of the
immortal knowledge, who being [the] outshining of His majesty is by so much
greater [than] are the angels, as much as He has inherited an excellent Name.
[Heb 1:3f] (1Cl 36:1-2). Epistles of Ignatius 1For some have been accustomed to be
carrying about the Name in wicked deceit, but practicing some other [things]
unworthy of God, whom it is necessary for you* to be turning aside from as
[from] wild beasts. For they are raving dogs, who bite secretly, whom it is
necessary for you* to be guarding against, [they] being hard to cure. 2There is
one Physician, both fleshly and spiritual, born and unborn [or, begotten and
unbegotten], God in man {some mss, God having become in flesh}, true life in
death, both from Mary and from God; first subject to suffering and then not
subject to suffering, Jesus Christ our Lord (IEp 7:1-2). 1Therefore, be making every effort to be
confirmed in the dogmas [or, decrees] of the Lord and of the Apostles, that all,
as many [things] as you* do, shall prosper in flesh and in spirit, in faith and
in love; in [the] Son and Father and in [the] Spirit, in [the] beginning and in
[the] end; with your* worthy of honor overseer and [the] worthily woven
spiritual victor’s wreath [or, crown] of your* body of elders and of [the]
ministers according to God [or, godly deacons]. 2Be subjected to the overseer
and to one another, as Jesus Christ to the Father {according to the flesh}, and
the Apostles to Christ and to the Father {and to the Spirit}, that both fleshly
and spiritual should be a unity (IMg 13:1-2). 1Therefore, be deaf whenever anyone
speaks to you* apart from Jesus Christ, the [One] from [the] race of David, the
[One] from Mary; who was truly born, both ate and drink. He was truly persecuted
under Pontius Pilate. He was truly crucified and died, seeing [or, being seen
by] the heavenly [beings] and earthly [beings] and subterranean [beings], 2who
also was truly raised from dead [ones], His Father having raised Him up,
according to which likeness [or, fashion] the Father will also raise us up, the
ones believing in Him by Christ Jesus, apart from whom we do not have the true
life (ITr 9:1-2). 1I write to all the assemblies and give
orders to all [people], that I die willingly for the sake of God, if only you*
do not hinder [me]. I urge you* not to become an untimely good-will to me.
Permit me to be food of wild beasts, through whom it is within [my grasp] to
obtain of God. I am [the] wheat of God, and I am ground by [the] teeth of wild
beasts, that I shall be found clean [or, pure] bread of Christ. 2Rather entice
the wild beasts, that they become a tomb to me, and I shall leave nothing of my
body; that having fallen asleep, I shall not become a burden to anyone. At that
time, I will truly be a disciple of Jesus Christ, when the world will not even
see my body. Entreat Christ {some mss, the Lord} on behalf of me, that through
these instruments I shall be found a sacrifice {to God} (IRo 4:1-2). Polycarp to the Philippians 3Likewise also, [let] young men [be]
blameless in all [things], above all thinking of [or, planning for] purity
beforehand and bridling [or, restraining] themselves from every evil; for [it
is] good to be hindered from the lusts in the world, since “every lust serves as
a soldier [or, wages war] against the spirit” (1Pet 2:11), and “neither
fornicators, nor passive partners in male-male sex, nor active partners in
male-male sex will inherit the kingdom of God” (1Cor 6:9), nor the ones doing
the improper [things]. Because of which, it is being necessary to be keeping
distant from all of these [things], being subjected to the elders [or,
presbyters] and ministers as to God and to Christ. The virgins [are] to be
walking about with a blameless and pure conscience (Pol 5:3). 1Therefore, I urge you* all to be being
obedient {to the word of the righteousness} and to be practicing all patient
endurance, which also you* saw before [your*] eyes, not only in the blessed
Ignatius and Zosimus and Rufus, but also in others from you*, and in Paul
himself and in the remaining Apostles, 2having been persuaded that all these did
not run in vain, but in faith and righteousness, and that they are in the place
being owed to them beside the Lord, with whom also they suffered. For they did
not love the present age, but the One having died on our behalf and having been
raised by God on account of us (Pol 9:1-2). Martyrdom of Polycarp 1Now, Polycarp entering into the
stadium, there became a voice from heaven, “Be being strong, O Polycarp, and be
acting like a man [fig., be being courageous]!” And on the one hand, no one saw
the one having spoken; on the other hand, the ones of ours being present heard
the voice. And at last him having been brought forward, there was a great
commotion, having heard that Polycarp had been arrested. 2Therefore, having been
brought forward, the proconsul asked him if he might be Polycarp. Now confessing
[it], he began trying to persuade [him] to be denying, saying, “Respect your
age,” and different [things] following these [things], as a custom to them to be
saying, “Swear an oath [by] the fortune of Caesar; repent, say, ‘Be taking the
atheists away.’” [Note: “the atheists” here refers to the Christians, because
they refused to worship the gods of the Romans.] But Polycarp, having looked attentively
with a stern countenance into all the crowd in the stadium of lawless Gentiles,
and waving his hand towards them, both having groaned and having looked up into
heaven, he said, “Be taking the atheists away!” [Note: “The atheists” here
refers to the Romans, because they refused to only worship the one true God of
the Christians.] 3Now the proconsul pressing [him] and saying, “Swear an oath,
and I will release you; revile Christ.” Polycarp said, “Eighty and six years I
serve as a bondservant to Him, and He did me no wrong at all. And how am I able
to blaspheme my King, the One having saved me?”
1But his [i.e., the proconsul’s] persisting again and saying, “Swear an oath
[by] the fortune of Caesar,” he answered, “If you vainly suppose that I should
swear an oath [by] the fortune of Caesar, as you say, but pretending to be being
me unware [or, that I am unaware of] who I am, be hearing with boldness: I am a
Christian! And if you desire to learn the word [or, doctrine] of Christianity,
give [or, appoint] a day, and hear” (Pol 9:1-10:1). [For the rest of this thrilling
narrative, you will have to order the book.] Epistle to Diognetus 1Since I see, O good Diognetus, you
having taken exceedingly great pains to learn the reverence for God of the
Christians, and inquiring altogether clearly and diligently concerning them; and
in what God having [or, they have] trusted, and how [they are] religiously
observing Him, and all disregard the world and despise death. And they neither
account the ones being supposed [to be] gods by the Greeks, nor keeping the
religion of the Jews. And what [is] the affection they hold toward one another;
and why indeed at this time this new race or practice now entered into the life
[or, world] and not long ago. 2I indeed welcome you of this eagerness. And I ask
from God, the One both supplying to us to be speaking and to be hearing, to
grant to me on the one hand to speak in this way, as especially having heard you
to become better; on the other hand, to you in this way to hear, as not [I]
having spoken to be grieved (Dio 1:1-2). 1For Christians are having been
distinguished from the remaining people neither by land nor by speech nor by
customs, 2for neither inhabiting their own cities somewhere, nor do they use any
having been differentiated dialect, nor do they practice a peculiar life. 3This
lesson by them is not indeed having been found by any deliberation and care of
much-busy men; nor have they put before [others] human dogmas, just as some (Dio
5:1-2). 6They marry as all [people]. They bear
children, but they do not cast away the ones being born. 7They set before
themselves a common table, but not a [common] marriage bed. 8They happen [or,
are] in [the] flesh, but they do not live according to [the] flesh. 9They stay
upon [the] earth, but they conduct themselves as citizens in heaven. 10They obey
the having been designated laws, and they surpass the laws in their own lives
(Dio 5:6-10). Shepherd
of Hermas: Visions 1{Vision 1} The one having nourished me
[or, having brought me up] had sold me to a certain Rhode in Rome. Many years
after this I might [or, would] make myself known, and I began to be loving her
as a sister. 2After some time, I saw [her] bathing in the river Tiber; and I
gave to her my hand and brought her out of the river. Therefore, having seen of
the beauty of this [woman], I began reasoning in my heart, saying I [would] be
blessed [or, happy] if I was having such a woman [or, wife], both with the
beauty and with the manner [or, character]. And in this only did I deliberate,
but not one [thing] different (HV1 1:1-2). 4Now praying me [or, while I prayed],
heaven [or, the sky] was opened, and I see that woman whom I desired greeting me
from heaven [or, the sky], saying, “Greetings, Hermas!” 5And having looked up to
her, I say to her, “Lady, what are you doing here?” But she answered to me, “I
was taken up that I should reprove your sins before the Lord!” 6I say to her,
“Now, are you my reproof?” She says, “No, but hear the words which I am being
about to be speaking to you. The God dwelling in the heavens and having created
from the [thing] not being [or, existing] the [things] being [or, existing] and
having multiplied and having increased [them] on account of His Holy Assembly
[or, Church] was angered by you because you sinned against me.” 7Having
answered, I say to her, “Did I sin against you? In what manner? Or when did I
speak a shameful word? I always regarded you as a goddess, did I not? I always
respected you as a sister, did I not? Why do you falsely accuse me, O woman,
[of] these wicked and unclean [things]?” 8Having laughed, she says to me, “The
desire of the wickedness went up over your heart! [cp. Matt 5:28] Or does it
seem to you, to a righteous man, to be a wicked deed if the wicked desire [or,
lust] goes up over his heart? It is indeed a sin, and a great [one],” she said,
“for the righteous man deliberates righteous [things]. Therefore, by him to be
deliberating righteous [things], his glory is set upright [or, established] in
the heavens, and he has the easily placated Lord in his every deed. But the ones
deliberating wicked [things] in their hearts bring upon themselves death and
captivity; especially the ones gaining the [things of] this age and priding
themselves in their riches and not being devoted to the being about to be good
[things]. 9Their souls will regret, whoever not having hope, but they have
despaired of themselves and their life. But you, be praying towards God, and He
will heal your sins and of your whole house and of all of the holy [ones].” (HV1
1:4-9). Shepherd
of Hermas: Mandates
[Note: The Greek word
entole rendered “mandate” in this book is generally rendered
“commandment” elsewhere in the OT, the NT, and the APF, including in the other
two books of the Shepherd. The ALT follows these traditional renderings.
This book consists of twelve mandates or commandants which “the angel of the
repentance” gives to Hermas. These mandates are instructive as to what the early
Church considered good versus wicked, and they would still be appropriate for us
today. But the emphasis on works over faith tends towards legalism.] 3“What,” I say, “lord, are the wicked
[things] from which it is necessary for us to be exercising self-control?” “Be
hearing,” he says, “from adultery and fornication, from unlawful intoxicating
drink, from wicked luxury, from many meals [or, meats] and extravagance of
riches and boasting, and haughtiness and arrogance, and from lies and evil
speaking [or, slander] and hypocrisy, remembrance of wrongs, and every
blasphemy. 4These are the works of all wicked [things] in the life of the
people. Therefore, it is necessary for the bondservant of God to be exercising
self-control from these works. For the one not exercising self-control from
these is not able to live to God.” (HM8 1:3-4a). “Be hearing,” he says, “also the good
works which it is necessary for you to be working and not to be exercising
self-control. 9First of all faith, fear of the Lord, love, harmony, sayings of
righteousness, truth, patience. Nothing is better in the life of people [than]
these [things]. If anyone shall keep these [things] and shall not exercise
self-control from them, he becomes blessed [or, happy] in his life. 10Then hear
the [things] following these: to be providing for widows, to be looking after
orphans and to be visiting the ones being in need, to be redeeming the
bondservants of God from necessities [or, distresses], to be being hospitable,
{for in the hospitality is found doing good, then} to be setting yourself in
opposition against no one, to be being quiet [or, calm], to be becoming poorer
[or, less needy] [than] all people, to be reverencing the elderly men, to be
practicing righteousness, to be preserving [the] brotherhood [fig., fellowship
of believers], to be enduring insult, to be being patient, not to be having
remembrance of wrongs, to be encouraging ones weary in soul, not to be casting
aside ones having stumbled from the faith, but to be turning [them] back and to
be making [them] cheerful, to be admonishing ones sinning, not to be oppressing
debtors and needy [people], and if there is anything like to these [things].
(HM8 1:8b-10). Scripture taken from the Analytical-Literal Translation of the Apostolic
Fathers: Volume VII of the ALT. Copyright © 2016, 2023 by Gary F. Zeolla (
The above Preview was last updated August 5,
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