Books and eBooks by the Director
Happy New Year!
The Bible in a Year
Happy New Year everyone! Today is the perfect time to start a plan to read or listen to the entire Bible over the course of 2023. All you have to do is read or listen to 3-4 chapters a day, and come December 31, you will have gone through the entire Bible. There is no better way to start each day than with the Word of God.
You can use a hardcopy Bible or download a Bible app to your phone. If you want to listen to rather than read the Bible, do a search on “audio bible” in your app store. Or better, search on “dramatized audio bible.” I say that, as I have found it is easier to stay focused a with a dramatized reading of the Bible rather than just listening to one person reading the Bible.
And besides, it is a bit disconcerting to have a man read the female parts, especially in the Song of Solomon. But a dramatized audio Bible will have a female voice for those parts. It will also have sound effects that fit the narrative. The best is always in The Revelation. I always look forward to listening to it, as it can be quite exciting with a dramatized version.
I will be starting my tenth pass listening through the entire Bible today. I use a different app or version each time to keep it interesting. But whatever version or app you use, join me, and your spirit will be uplifted throughout the year.
Note: There are 1,186 chapters in the Bible. Divided by 365, that comes to 3.25 chapters per day. That is why I said to read 3-4 chapters per day. Of course, some are longer, with Psalm 119 being the longest, and some are shorter, with Psalm 117 being the shortest. But don’t worry about the specifics. Just average about 3-4 chapters as day, and you will do just fine. No fancy Bible reading guide is needed.
In fact, a guide can counterproductive. If you miss a day or two or more, you might feel like you will never get caught up and give up. But with a more fluid plan, you can just read at your own pace. If you get done before December 31, or it takes you into 2024 to finish, that is just fine. And you can start on any day of the year, not just on New Year's Day. All that matters is being in God’s Word most every day.
4“Be hearing, O Israel! The LORD our God, the LORD is one! [Mark 12:29] 5And you will love the LORD your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and your whole strength. [Matt 22:37; Mark 12:30; Luke 10:27] 6And these words, as many as I command you this day, will be in your heart and in your soul. 7And you will teach them to your sons [and daughters], and you will speak of them sitting in [your] house and walking by [the] way and lying down and rising up. 8And you will fasten them for a sign upon your hand, and it will be immoveable before your eyes. 9And you* will write them on the doorposts of your houses and of your gates (Deuteronomy 6:4-8; ALT).
Analytical-Literal Translation of the Old Testament (Septuagint) - Volume One - The Torah is the first of five volumes. This first volume contains the Torah (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy). These five books are foundational to the rest of the Bible and to the Jewish and Christian religions.
The above article was first published in the
free Darkness to Light newsletter.
It was posted on this website January 1,
The Bible
Bible: General Reliability
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