Books and eBooks by the Director
Analytical-Literal Translation
Third Edition
The Gospel According to Matthew
Sample passage from chapters 1-10
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Matthew 5
1Now having seen
the crowds, He went up into the mountain, and after He had sat down, His
disciples came to Him. 2And having opened His mouth, He began
teaching them, saying:
[or, Blessed, and through verse 11] [are] the poor in spirit, because theirs is
the kingdom of the heavens.
[are] the ones mourning, because they will be comforted.
[are] the gentle [or, considerate], because they will inherit the earth.
[are] the ones hungering and thirsting for righteousness, because they
will be filled.
[are] the merciful, because they will be shown
[are] the pure in heart [i.e., entire inner self, including the
intellect, volition, and emotions, and elsewhere in book], because they will see God.
[are] the peacemakers, because they will be called sons [and daughters]
of God.
[are] the ones having been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, because
theirs is the kingdom of the heavens.
13“You* are the salt of the
earth, but if the salt becomes tasteless, with what will it be salted? It is
good for nothing anymore, except to be thrown out and to be trampled down by
14“You* are the light of the
world; a city standing on a mountain is not able to be hid. 15Nor do
they light a lamp and put it under the measuring basket, but on the
lampstand, and it gives light to all the [ones] in the house. 16In
the same manner, let your* light shine before the people, in order that they
shall see your* good works and glorify your* Father, the [One] in the heavens.
17“Do not suppose that I came to tear
down [fig., abolish] the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to tear down but
to fulfill. 18For positively, I say to you*, until the heaven and the
earth pass away, by no means shall one iota [i.e., the smallest letter of the
Greek alphabet] or one tittle [i.e., a stroke of a letter] pass away from the
Law, until all [things] happen. 19Therefore, whoever breaks one of
the least of these commandments, and thus teaches the people, he will be called
least in the kingdom of the heavens, but whoever does and teaches [them], he
will be called great in the kingdom of the heavens. 20For I say to
you*, unless your* righteousness greatly exceeds [that] of the scribes and
Pharisees, by no means shall you* enter into the kingdom of the heavens.
21“You heard that it was said to the
ancients: “You will not murder,” but whoever murders will be in
danger of the judgment. [Exod 20:13; Deut 5:17] 22But I say to
you*, every[one] being enraged at his brother [fig., friend, neighbor, or
compatriot, and elsewhere in book] without cause will be in danger of the
judgment, and whoever says to his brother, ‘Empty-headed fool!’ will be in
danger of the high council, and whoever says, ‘You worthless fool!’ will be
in danger of the hell [Gr., gehenna] of the fire [or, the fiery hell].
23“Therefore, if you are bringing your
gift to the altar, and there you are reminded that your brother has something
against you, 24leave your gift there before the altar, and be going,
first be reconciled to your brother, and then having come, continue bringing
your gift. 25Be coming to terms with your opponent [in a lawsuit]
quickly, during which [time] you are with him on the way, lest the opponent
hands you over to the judge, and the judge hands you over to the [court]
attendant, and you will be cast into prison. 26Positively, I say to
you, by no means shall you get out of there until you pay the last kodrantes
[i.e., a small, Roman copper coin worth about 1/500th of an ounce or 0.05 grams
of silver].
27“You heard that it was said: ‘You
will not commit adultery.’ [Exod 20:14; Deut 5:18] 28But I
say to you*, every[one] looking on a woman in order to lust after her already
committed adultery [with] her in his heart. 29But if
your right eye causes you to stumble [fig., to sin], pluck it out and cast [it]
from you, for it is better for you that one of your body parts perish and not
your whole body be cast into hell [Gr., gehenna]. 30And if
your right hand causes you to stumble [fig., to sin], cut it off and cast [it]
from you, for it is better for you that one of your body parts perish and not
your whole body be cast into hell [Gr., gehenna].
31“Now it was said, ‘Whoever
sends away [or, divorces] his wife must give to her a written notice of divorce.’ [Deut
24:1,3] 32But I say to you*, whoever sends away [or, divorces] his wife, except
for a matter of sexual sin [or, fornication], makes her to be
committing adultery; and whoever marries the one having been sent away [or, having been divorced] commits
33“Again, you heard that it was said to
the ancients: ‘You will not swear falsely, but you will pay to the Lord
your oaths.’ [Lev 19:12; Numb 30:2] 34But I say to you*
not to take an oath at all; neither by heaven, because it is the throne of God, 35nor
by the earth, because it is [the] footstool for His feet, nor by Jerusalem,
because it is ‘[the] city of the great King,’ [cp. Isaiah 66:1; Psalm
48:2] 36nor shall you take an oath by your head, because you are not
able to make one hair white or black. 37But let your* word be,
‘Yes, Yes’ [or] ‘No, No,’ but the [word which is] more [than] these is
from the evil [one].
38“You* heard that it was said: ‘Eye
for eye and tooth for tooth,’ [Exod 21:24; Lev 24:20; Deut 19:21] 39but
I say to you* not to resist the evil [one], but whoever will slap
you on the right cheek, turn to him also the other. 40And the one
wanting to sue you and to take your tunic, allow to him also the cloak. 41And
whoever will compel you [to go] one mile, be going with him two. 42Be
giving to the one asking of you, and you should not turn away the one wanting to
borrow from you.
43“You* heard that it was said, ‘You
will love your neighbor,’
[Lev. 19:18]
and you will hate your enemy, 44but
I say to you*, be loving your* enemies; be blessing the ones cursing
you*; be doing good to the ones hating you*, and be praying on behalf of the
ones mistreating you* and persecuting you*, 45in order that you*
shall become [or, prove to be] sons [and daughters] of your Father, the [One] in
the heavens, because He causes His sun to rise on evil [ones] and good [ones],
and He sends rain on righteous [ones] and unrighteous [ones]. 46For,
if you* love the ones loving you*, what reward do you* have? Even the tax
collectors do the same, do they not? 47And if you* greet [fig., are
friendly towards] your* friends only, what more do you* do [than others]? Even
the tax collectors do so, do they not? 48Therefore, you* will
be perfect, just as your* Father, the [One] in the heavens, is perfect.
Scripture taken from the Analytical-Literal Translation of
the New Testament of the Holy Bible: Third Edition.
Copyright © 2007 by Gary F. Zeolla of
Darkness to Light ministry (
Previously copyrighted © 1999, 2001, 2005 by Gary F. Zeolla.
The Gospel According to Matthew (11-20)
Books and eBooks by Gary F. Zeolla, the Director of Darkness to Light
The above sample passage was posted on this Web site September 17, 2007.
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