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Analytical-Literal Translation
Third Edition
The Epistle of Jude
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1Jude, a slave of Jesus Christ and a brother of
James, To the called [ones], having been sanctified by God the Father and having
been kept in Jesus Christ. 2May mercy and peace and love be
multiplied to you*!
3Beloved, making all diligence [or, while I was
making every effort] to be writing to you* concerning the common salvation, I
had necessity to write to you* urging [you*] to be contending earnestly for the
faith [or, the essential doctrines] having been handed down once for all time to the holy ones [or, saints].
4For certain people wormed their way in, the ones having been marked
out long ago for this judgment, godless [people], perverting the grace of our God
into flagrant sexual immorality and denying our only Master, God, and
Lord--Jesus Christ [or, the only Master God and our Lord Jesus Christ].
5But I want to remind you*, you* knowing this
once and for all, that the Lord having saved [or, delivered] a people out of
[the] land of Egypt, afterward destroyed the ones not having believed. [see Exod
12:51; Numb 14:27-32] 6And
angels [or, messengers [of the Lord]], the ones not having kept their own domain, but having left their
own habitation, He has kept under darkness in everlasting chains for [the]
judgment of [the] great Day. 7Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the
cities around them, in a similar manner to these [angels], having indulged in
sexual sin [or, fornication] and having gone after different flesh [fig., having engaged in
homosexual sex], are exhibited [as] an example of suffering [the] divine justice
of eternal fire.
8Likewise indeed even these dreaming ones defile
[the] flesh and regard authority as nothing [or, reject authority], blaspheme
glories [fig., angelic beings]. 9But Michael the archangel [or, chief
messenger [of the Lord]], when
contending with the Devil, he was arguing about the body of Moses, did not dare
to bring a slanderous judgment, but he said, “May [the] Lord rebuke
10But these
indeed slander as many [things] as they do not know [or, understand] [cp. 1Tim
1:7; 2Peter 2:12], but as
many [things] as they understand by natural instinct (like the irrational
animals), by these they are destroyed [or, corrupted].
11How horrible
it will be to them! Because they traveled in [fig., followed] the way of Cain,
and for pay they plunged into the deception of Balaam, and they perished in the
rebellion of Korah. [see Gen 4:3-8;
12These are
hidden rocks in the sea [fig., hidden dangers] in your* love-feasts [fig.,
fellowship meals], feasting together without fear, shepherding [fig., caring
only for] themselves, clouds without water, being carried along by winds, late
autumn [i.e., harvest season] trees without fruit, twice having died, having
been uprooted, 13wild waves of [the] sea, splashing up their own
shames like foam, wandering stars [fig., planets out of their orbits], for whom
the thick gloom of the darkness [fig., the gloomy hell] has been reserved into
[the] age [fig., forever].
14Now Enoch, [in] the seventh [generation] from Adam
[see Gen 5:18-24],
also prophesied about these [people], saying, “Look! [The] Lord came with
countless thousands of His holy ones, 15to execute judgment upon all,
and to convict all the ungodly ones among them concerning all their ungodly
deeds which they committed in an impious way, and concerning all the harsh
[words] which sinful, ungodly [persons] spoke against Him.” [i.e., a quote
from the pseudepigraphical Book of Enoch, ca. 160s B.C.] 16These are
grumblers, complainers, going [fig., living] according to their lusts, and their
mouth speaks swollen [fig., pompous] [words], admiring faces [fig., flattering
people] for the sake of [gaining] an advantage.
17But you*, beloved, remember the words, the
ones having been spoken previously by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ, 18that
they were saying to you*, that in [the] last time there will be scoffers, going
[fig., living] according to their own ungodly lusts. 19These are the
ones causing divisions, worldly, not having [the] Spirit.
20But you*, beloved, building yourselves up in
your* most holy faith, praying in [the] Holy Spirit, 21keep
yourselves in [the] love of God, waiting for [or, expecting] the mercy of our
Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life. 22And be having mercy on some,
making a distinction [between persons], 23but others be saving with
fear, snatching [them] out of a fire, hating even the tunic [or, garment] having
been polluted [or, defiled] by the flesh.
24Now to the One being able to keep them from
stumbling and to make [you*] stand in the presence of His glory unblemished [or,
blameless], with great happiness-- 25to [the] only wise God our
Savior, [be] glory and majesty, dominion and authority, both now and to all the
ages! [fig., forevermore!] So be it!
Scripture taken from the Analytical-Literal Translation of
the New Testament of the Holy Bible: Third Edition.
Copyright © 2007 by Gary F. Zeolla of
Darkness to Light ministry (
Previously copyrighted © 1999, 2001, 2005 by Gary F. Zeolla.
Books and eBooks by Gary F. Zeolla, the Director of Darkness to Light
The above sample passage was posted on this Web site September 19, 2007.
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