Books and eBooks by the Director
Analytical-Literal Translation
Errata for First Edition of
the ALT:
Corrections Since Publication
Romans to Philemon
This list of corrections is continued from ALT Errata: Matthew to Acts.
2:14 - after "nations" add "[or, Gentiles]"
2:29 - add "who is so" before "inwardly"
3:30 - change "declared" to "will declare"
4:25 - change - "righteousness" to "righteous"
5:5 - bracket "the" before "Holy Spirit"
6:16 - move "do you* not" from end of verse to after "You* do know" (i.e. "You* do know, do you not, ...") (for clarity)
8:4 - change - "righteousness" to "righteous"
8:5 - bracket "the" before first "Spirit"
8:9 - bracket "the" before "Spirit" (twice)
8:27 - after "mind-set" add "[or, the way of thinking]"
9:5 - change "[One]" to "[ancestral descent]" (i.e. the preceding definite article is neutral, so it refers to Christ's human ancestry not to Christ Himself), and place the phrase "the [ancestral descent] according to [the] flesh" in parentheses
9:26 - change apostrophe after "[Hosea 1:10" to a bracket
9:28 - bracket "the" before "LORD"
9:29 - bracket "the" before "LORD"
9:29 - change "we had been made like Gomorrah" to "we would have been made like Gomorrah" (contingency particle precedes verb)
9:33 - change "not put" to "not be put"
10:9 - bracket "the" before" Lord"
10:9 - after "Jesus" add "[or, [that] Jesus [is] Lord]"
12:19 - bracket "the" before "Lord"
14:14 - bracket "the" before "Lord"
14:22 - after "judging" add "[or, condemning]"
15:17 - delete "a" in "[a reason for]"
15:19 - bracket "the" before "Spirit"
16:2 - bracket "the" before "Lord"
16:4 - add "[greet]" before "the assembly"
16:8 - bracket "the" before "Lord"
16:22 - bracket "the" before "Lord"
1:9 - add comma after "Son"
1:17 - change "should" to would"
1:28 - change "the [things] not being, so that He should nullify the [things] being [fig., which exist]" to "the [things] not being [fig., which are considered nothing at all], so that He should nullify the [things] being [fig., which are considered most important]"
2:13 - bracket "the" before "Holy Spirit"
3:2 - after first "able" add "[to receive it]"
4:10 - change "You" to "You*"
6:10 - change " once for all time" to " once [and] for all [fig., once and never again]"
7:25 - add "[or, from]" after "commandment of"
7:30 - add "ones" before "buying" (i.e. "the ones buying")
7:36 - after "if she is past marriageable age" add "[or, if his passions are strong]"
7:36 - change "sin, let him marry." to "sin. Let them marry."
9:1 - bracket "the" before "Lord"
9:2 - bracket "the" before "Lord"
11:20 - bracket "the" before "Lord"
11:27 - add "of the" before "blood"
11:32 - bracket "the" before "Lord"
14:23 - change second "comes" to "come"
14:32 - change "[gifts] [or, spirits]" to "[gifts; or, spirits]" (i.e. either noun could be added as being the noun modified by "spiritual")
15:28 - add "the" before "One"
15:52 - change "trumpet. For the trumpet will sound" to "trumpet. For the trumpet will sound"
15:55 - move comma from after "dead" to after "[Gr., hades]"
16:19 - bracket "the" before "Lord"
1:2 - bracket "the" before "Lord"
1:9 - change "instead" to "_but_"
1:14 - change "you" to "you*"
1:24 - change "your" to "your*"
2:2 - underline before "I" should not be bolded
2:12 - bracket "the" before "Lord"
3:11 - bracket "is" in "[or, is glorious]" - i.e. "[or, [is] glorious]"
3:18 - bracket "the" before "Lord"
6:17 - bracket "the" before "Lord"
6:18 - change "the Lord" to "[ the] LORD"
7:5 - after "fights" add " [fig., angry arguments]"
9:2 - change "your* the zeal" to " the zeal from you* [or, your* zeal]"
10:17 - change "the Lord" to "[the] LORD"
11:4 - after "Spirit" add "[or, spirit]"
11:4 - change "you" to "you*"
11:14 - change "disguising" to "disguises"
12:18 - change "I urged Titus and sent with [him] the brother;" to "I urged Titus, and I sent the brother with [him]."
13:4 - change "yet" to "_yet_"
13:9 - change "_you_" to "_you*_"
2:10 - add "should" before "be remembering" (subjunctive mood) and add "[or, continue to remember]"
3:2 - after " faith?" begin new verse: "3:3 You* are so foolish! ..."
3:10 - capitalize "Condemned"
3:13 - add "[fig., Condemned by God]" after "Under a curse" (same word as in 3:10)
3:27 - change "yourselves" to "themselves"
4:21 - change "you" to "you*"
5:16 - bracket "the" before "Spirit"
5:18 - bracket "the" before "Spirit"
5:25 - change "are living" to "live"
5:25 - bracket "the" before "Spirit" (twice)
1:2 - bracket “the” before “Lord Jesus” (i.e. “[the] Lord Jesus”)
1:4 - change "the world [or, before beginning of the creation of the universe]" to "[the] world [or, before [the] beginning of the creation of [the] universe]"
1:13 - add "the" before "promise"
2:8 - change "you*, [but is]" to "you*; [it is]"
3:5 - bracket "the" before "Spirit"
3:19 - change "should" to "shall"
4:1 - bracket "the" before "Lord"
4:7 - change “you*” to “us” (i.e. “to each one of us.”)
5:8 - bracket "the" before "Lord"
5:18 - change "stopping" to "stop"
5:24 - delete "[are]"
6:1 - bracket "the" before "Lord"
6:22 - change "should" to "shall" (twice) and add comma after "us"
1:2 - bracket "the" before "Lord"
1:14 - bracket "the" before "Lord"
1:18 - change "pretence" to pretense
1:19 - bracket "the" before "provision"
1:27 change "[fig., your* affairs]" to "[fig., hear about you*]"
2:4 - after both occurrences of "things" add "[fig., interests; or, concerns]"
2:19 - bracket "the" before "Lord"
2:24 - bracket "the" before "Lord"
2:27 - change "shall" to "would"
3:1 - bracket "the" before "Lord"
3:20 - bracket "the" before "Lord"
4:1 - bracket "the" before "Lord"
4:2 - bracket "the" before "Lord"
4:4 - bracket "the" before "Lord"
4:19 - after "all your* need" add "[or, your* every need]"
1:8 - bracket "the" before "Spirit"
3:24 - bracket "the" before "Lord" (first occurrence only)
4:7 - bracket "the" before "Lord"
4:10 - change "you" to "you*"
4:12 - change "[or, who is [one] of you*]" to "[or, [ who is one] of you*]"
4:16 - after first and third "read" add "aloud" (same word as second "read")
4:16 - change "_you_" to "_you*_"
2:5 - delete parenthesis around "as you* know,"
2:10 - change "You" to "You*"
2:19 - capitalize "his" before "Arrival"
4:15 - bracket "the" before "Lord" (first occurrence only)
4:16 - bracket "the" before "trumpet"
4:17 - bracket "the" before "Lord" (second occurrence only)
5:10 - delete "we" before "are sleeping"
5:12 - bracket "the" before "Lord"
1:2 - bracket "the" before "Lord"
1:12 - change "our God and Lord Jesus Christ" to "our God and [the] Lord Jesus Christ [or, our God and Lord, Jesus Christ]"
1:1 - bracket "the" before "Lord"
1:9 - after "unholy" add "[ones]"
1:16 - after "believing on" add "[or, trusting in]"
3:1 - after "overseer" add "[Gr. episkope]"
5:14 - add "be" before "managing"
5:21 - change "the God and Lord Jesus Christ" to "God and [the] Lord Jesus Christ [or, the God and Lord, Jesus Christ,]"
6:13 - change "having testify" to "having testified"
1:8 - capitalize "His" in "of me His prisoner"
2:10 - after "the chosen ones" add "[or, the elect]"
2:19 - bracket "The" before "Lord"
2:23 - change "[fig., disputes]" to "[fig., angry arguments]"
2:24 - bracket "the" before "Lord"
2:24 - change "[fig., disputing, or quarrelsome]" to "[fig., arguing angrily]"
3:5 - after "And be" add "[or, Be also]"
4:2 - add "[and]" after "rebuke,"
4:11 - add "[John]" before "Mark" (i.e. to make it clear which "Mark" is being referred to)
4:11 - add cross reference "[cp. Acts 15:36-40]"
1:5 - after "elders" add "[Gr. presbuteros]"
1:5 - end sentence with an em dash rather than a period, and do not capitalize "if" at beginning of next verse
1:7 - after "overseer" add "[Gr. episkope]"
1:8 - after "holy," add "[and]"
1:12 - after "beasts," add "[and]"
3:9 - change " [fig., disputes]" to " [fig., angry arguments]"
1:20 - bracket "the" before "Lord"
This list of corrections is continued at ALT Errata: Hebrews to Revelation.
Scripture taken from the Analytical-Literal Translation
the Holy Bible.
© 1999-2001 by Gary F. Zeolla of Darkness to Light ministry (
The above errata list was posted on this
Web site October 11, 2001.
It was last updated February 24, 2004.
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