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Cardio/ Speed and Isolation Exercises Workouts for Spring 2018 Trinity Powerlifting Training Plan
Rotation I/ Final Six Weeks
These workout logs are continued from: CSIE Workouts for In-Season Routine #1 of 2018 Two by Two by Two Powerlifting Training Strategy; Weeks 1-6 of 12.
They are adjacent to 2018 Powerlifting Trinity Training Plan: Rotation I/ Final Six Weeks.
For details on these workouts, see Spring 2018 Workouts and Sets x Reps Summaries.
Age: 57.
Height: 5”1”.
Bodyweight: ~121 pounds, though
I will be competing at 114s.
Next Contest: God-willing, RPS Lexen Xtreme Summer Slam, June 10, 2018, in Columbus, Ohio.
330/6 – Pounds/Reps (all weights are in pounds).
[45/15] – Warm-up sets are in brackets.
(7,5,3) – Target reps for the work sets are in parentheses.
! – Sets marked with an exclamation point are new
50s PRs.
^ – Sets marked with a caret tied 50s PRs.
* – Items marked with an asterisk did not go as planned.
1:58 – hours : minutes (workout times include set-up, warm-up, lifting,
stretching, and clean-up).
Gear as indicated; if not indicated, then completely raw (no supportive gear).
Trinity Rotation for Rotation I
Week A
Day 1/ Bench Assistance
Wednesday – 4/4/17
Gear: Redline wrist wraps.
Shoes: Coleman sneakers.
Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Curl Bar.
Speed MG Barbell Rows: [Regular: 10s/15, 45/11, Speed: 45/9, 52/7] (9, 7, 5, 3) 57/9, 60/7, 62/5, 65/3
Close Grip Curl Bar Curls: [35/9] (12, 10, 8) add wrist wraps: 47/12, 50/10, 52/8
Hand Gripper (Holds): [Turns/secs: 2.0/9] (12, 10, 8) 3.0/12, 3.5/10, 4.0/8
Workout time: 0:33
This was a much better length without the rotator cuff work.
Day 2/ Squats
Thursday – 4/5/18
Shoes: Dexter boots, Coleman sneakers.
Bars: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Dumbbell Bar.
Speed Extra Low RB Squats: [Regular: --/15, 65/11, Speed, Bands: 135/9, 150/7] (9, 7, 5, 3) 160/9, 167/7, 175/5, 182/3
Standing DB Calves: [30/9] (12, 10, 8) 37.5/12, 40/10, 42.5/8
Decline Sit-ups: [10/9] (12, 10, 8) 16.25.0/12, 17.5/10, 20/8
Workout time: 0:50*
Day 3/ Benches
Sunday – 4/8/18
Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.
Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Super Curl Bar.
Speed Reverse Band Benches (#2, mini-monsters): [45/15, 65/11, Speed, add bands: 85/9, 100/7] (9, 7, 5, 3) 110/9, 115/7, 120/5, 125/3
CG SCB Reverse Curls: [35/9] (12, 10, 8) 40/12, 42/10, 45/8
RC: Lying, In: [3.75/11] (16, 14) 5.75/16^, 6.0/14^
Workout time: 0:45
Day 4/ Deadlifts
Monday – 4/9/18
Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes.
Bar: Ohio Deadlift Bar, ankle weights.
Speed Sumo 2-1/4” Deficit Deadlifts: [Regular: --/15, 45/11, Speed: 115/9, 130/7] (9, 7, 5, 3) 140/9, 147/7, 155/5, 162/3
Adductors/ Abductors (alternate legs): [2s/11] (15-20, 10-15) 4s/18, 6s/13
Standing Leg Curls (1 leg at a time): [2s/11] (15-20, 10-15) 4s/18, 6s/13
Workout time: 1:49
Week B
Day 1/ Bench Assistance
Wednesday – 4/11/18
Gear: Redline wrist wraps.
Shoes: Coleman sneakers.
Bars: Curl Bar.
Heavy Bag: 6 minutes
MG Curl Bar Curls: [42/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 52/12, 55/10, 57/8
Hand Gripper: Reps: [3.0/5] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 5.0/12, 5.5/10, 6.0/8
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 0:32
Day 2/ Squats
Thursday – 4/12/18
Shoes: Adidas Title Run basketball shoes, Coleman sneakers.
Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar.
Jump Squats: [regular: --/15, 65/11, jump: 45/9, 60/7] (4 x 9, 7, 5, 3) 70/9, 75/7, 80/5, 85/3
Standing Barbell Calves: [125/9] (3 x 12, 10, 8) 140/12, 147/10, 155/8
Sit-ups: [10/9] (3 x 12, 10, 8) 16.25/12, 17.5/10, 18.75/8
Workout time: 0:45
I knew this would be a longer workout, but hopefully I have it designed so that my powerlifting workout is somewhat shorter, at least for a squat workout.
Day 3/ Benches
Sunday – 4/15/18
Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.
Bars: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Dumbbell Bars, Curl Bar.
Speed Cambered Bar Benches: [Regular: 35/15, 45/11, Speed: 50/9, 55/7] (9, 7, 5, 3) 60/9, 62/7, 65/10*, 70/3
MG Super Curl Bar Preacher Curls: [37/9] (12, 10, 8) 45/12, 47/10, 50/8
RC: Sitting, Front: [2.75/11] (2 x 15-16, 13-14) 4.75/16, 5.0/14
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 0:45
The third set of Speed Benches was supposed to only be five reps, but I wasn’t paying attention and just kept going! Thinking that meant I started too light, I jumped more than I had planned for my last set, but it felt heavy. Strange. Also, the curls were supped to be done with a reverse grip, but I did them with a regular grip.
Day 4/ Deadlifts
Monday – 4/16/18
Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes.
Bar: Ohio Deadlift Bar.
Speed Sumo 3” Deficit RB Deadlifts: [Regular: --/15, 45/11, add bands, speed: 145/9, 165/7] (9, 7, 5, 3) 180/9, 190/7, 200/5, 210/3
Hyperextensions: --/10, --/10, --/10
Twisting Leg Raises (amrap): 14, 10
Workout time: 0:41
This was the first time I did Hyperextensions since my rehab routine for my hamstring in October 2015, so I just did three set of ten with bodyweight to get used to them and so as not to aggravate my hamstring. But I will gradually work up from there.
Week C
Day 1/ Bench Assistance
Wednesday – 4/18/17
Gear: Redline wrist wraps.
Shoes: Coleman sneakers.
Bars: Curl Bar, Wrist Roller.
Heavy Bag: 7 minutes
Close Grip Curl Bar Curls: [35/9] (12, 10, 8) add wrist wraps: 50/12, 52/10, 55/8
Wrist Roller: [1.25/6] (6, 4, 2) 2.0/6, 2.25/4, 2.5/2
Workout time: 0:40
Day 2/ Squats
Thursday – 4/19/18
Shoes: Dexter boots.
Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Dumbbell Bar.
Speed Squats: [Regular: --/15, 65/11, Speed: 80/9, 90/7] (9, 7, 5, 3) 100/9, 105/7, 110/5, 115/3
Standing Rocking DB Calves: [25/9] (12, 10, 8) 35/12, 37.5/10, 40/8
Twisting Sit-ups: (2 x amrap) 10, 10
Workout time: 0:38
Sunday – 4/22/18
Off day.
Day 4/ Deadlifts
Monday – 4/23/18
Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes.
Bar: Ohio Deadlift Bar, ankle weights.
Speed Sumo 2-1/4” Deficit Deadlifts: [Regular: --/15, 45/11, Speed: 115/9, 130/7] (9, 7, 5, 3) 145/9, 152/7, 160/5, 167/3
Standing Leg Curls (1 leg at a time): [2s/11] (15-20, 10-15) 4s/20^, 6s/15^
Twist Dip Bar Leg Raises (alternate legs): [2s/11] (15-20, 10-15) 4s/15, 6s/10
Workout time: 0:41
Day 3/ Benches
Wednesday – 4/25/018
Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.
Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Super Curl Bar.
Speed Benches: [45/15, 65/11, Speed: 65/9, 75/7] (9, 7, 5, 3) 85/9, 90/7, 95/5, 100/3
MG SCB Preacher Reverse Curls: [35/9] (12, 10, 8) 45/12, 47/10, 50/8
RC: Shoulder Horn (arms together): [4.0/11] (16, 14) 6.5/16!, 6.75/14!
Workout time: 0:43
With skipping a BA workout and doing Benches on this day instead, it had been 11 days since I have benched, and speed benches did not feel good. I hope that does not carry over to regular benches this afternoon.
Six Week Peaking Plan
For the final six weeks of training pre-contest, I will do the actual powerlifts and thus my Week C morning workouts every other week, but I will continue with the Trinity Rotation otherwise. That means, my training weeks will be in the order of Weeks A, C, B, C, A, C. However, the letters for my Day 1 workouts will differ due to having skipped a Day 1 workout and following the normal A, B, C order.
Week 1/A
Day 2/ Squats
Thursday – 4/26/18
Shoes: Dexter boots, Coleman sneakers.
Bars: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Dumbbell Bar.
Speed Extra Low Squats: [Regular: --/15, 65/11, Speed, Bands: 145/9, 155/7] (9, 7, 5, 3) 165/9, 172/7, 180/5, 187/3
Standing Bodyweight Calves (one leg at a time): (amrap) 25, 25
Decline Sit-ups: [10/9] (12, 10, 8) 17.5/12, 20/10, 21.25/8
Workout time: 0:45
Sunday – 4/29/18
Day 1/ Bench Assistance (Week A)
Gear: Redline wrist wraps.
Shoes: Coleman sneakers.
Bars: Super Curl Bar.
Heavy Bag: 8 minutes
Super Curl Bar Preacher Curls: [37/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 47/12^, 50/10^, 52/8^
Hand Gripper (holds; turns/secs): [2.5/12] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 3.5/12^, 4.0/10^, 4.5/8^
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 0:38
Day 4/ Deadlifts
Monday – 4/30/18
Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes.
Bar: Ohio Deadlift Bar, ankle weights.
Jump Sumo Deadlifts: [Regular: --/15, 45/11, Jump: 45/9, 55/7] (9, 7, 5, 3) 65/9, 70/7, 75/5, 80/3
Hyperextensions: [--/9] --/12, 1.25/10, 2.5/8
Adductors/ Abductors (alternate legs): [2s/11] (15-20, 10-15) 4s/20^, 6s/15^
Workout time: 0:44
Day 3/ Benches
Wednesday – 5/2/18
Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.
Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Super Curl Bar.
Speed Reverse Band Benches (#2, mini-monsters): [45/15, 65/11, Speed, add bands: 90/9, 105/7] (9, 7, 5, 3) 115/9, 120/7, 125/5, 130/3
CG SCB Reverse Curls: [35/9] (12, 10, 8) 42/12, 45/10, 47/8
RC: Lying, In and Out: [3.75/11] (16, 14) 6.0/16!, 6.25/14!
Workout time: 0:44
Week 2/C
Day 2/ Squats
Thursday – 5/3/18
Shoes: Adidas Title Run basketball shoes, Coleman sneakers.
Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar.
Speed Squats: [regular: --/15, 65/11, Speed: 80/9, 95/7] (4 x 9, 7, 5, 3) 105/9, 110/7, 115/5, 120/3
Standing Rocking DB Calves: [30/9] (3 x 12, 10, 8) 37.5/12, 40/10, 42.5/10
Twisting Sit-ups: (2 x amrap) 11, 11
Workout time: 0:39
Day 1/ Bench Assistance (Week B)
Sunday – 5/6/18
Gear: Redline wrist wraps.
Shoes: Coleman sneakers.
Bars: Curl Bar.
Heavy Bag: 9 minutes
MG Curl Bar Curls: [45/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 55/12, 57/10, 60/8
Wrist Roller (overhand): [3.5/5] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 5.5/12^, 6.0/10^, 6.5/10!
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 0:36
Day 4/ Deadlifts
Monday - 5/7/18
Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes.
Bar: Ohio Deadlift Bar.
Speed Sumo 2¼” Deficit Deadlifts: [Regular: --/15, 45/11, speed: 115/9, 135/7] (9, 7, 5, 3) 150/9, 157/7, 165/5, 172/3
Hyperextensions: [--/9] 1.25/12, 2.5/10, 3.75/8
Twisting Dip Bar Leg Raises: [2s/11] (15-20, 10-15) 4s/18^, 6s/13^
Workout time: 0:46
Day 3/ Benches
Wednesday – 5/9/18
Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.
Bars: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Super Curl Bar.
Speed Benches: [Regular: 45/15, 65/11, Speed: 65/9, 75/7] (9, 7, 5, 3) 85/9, 90/7, 95/5, 100/3
CG Super Curl Bar Preacher Reverse Curls: [37/9] (12, 10, 8) 47/12, 50/10, 52/8
RC: Shoulder Horn (arms together): [4.0/11] (2 x 15-16, 13-14) 6.75/16!, 7.0/14!
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 0:46
Week 3/B
Day 2/ Squats
Thursday – 5/10/18
Shoes: Dexter boots, Coleman sneakers.
Bars: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Dumbbell Bar.
Speed Two Chain Squats: [Regular: --/15, 65/11, Speed, Chains: 135/9, 145/7] (9, 7, 5, 3) 155/9, 162/7, 170/5, 177/3
Standing Dumbbell Calves: [30/9] (12, 10, 8) 40/12, 42.5/10, 45/8
Sit-ups: [10/9] (12, 10, 8) 17.5/12^, 18.75/10^, 20/8^
Workout time: 0:50*
Day 1/ Bench Assistance (Week C)
Sunday – 5/13/18
Gear: Redline wrist wraps.
Shoes: Coleman sneakers.
Bars: Curl Bar.
Heavy Bag: 6 minutes
CG Curl Bar Curls: [42/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 52/12, 55/10, 57/8
Wrist Roller (overhand): [3.0/5] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 5.0/12, 5.5/10, 6.0/8
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 0:32
Day 4/ Deadlifts
Monday – 5/14/18
Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes.
Bar: Ohio Deadlift Bar, ankle weights.
Speed Sumo RB 3” Deficit Deadlifts: [Regular: --/15, 45/11, Speed, Bands: 145/9, 165/7] (9, 7, 5, 3) 185/9, 195/7, 205/5, 215/3
Lying Leg Curls (alternate legs): [2.5/9] (12, 10, 8) 4.0/12^, 4.25/10^, 4.5/8^
Twisting Leg Raises (amrap): 14, 12
Workout time: 0:46
Day 3/ Benches
Wednesday – 5/16/18
Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.
Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Super Curl Bar.
Speed Cambered Bar Benches: [35/15, 45/11, Speed: 55/9, 60/7] (9, 7, 5, 3) 65/9, 67/7, 70/5, 72/3
CG SCB Reverse Curls: [42/9] (12, 10, 8) 52/12, 55/10, 57/8
RC: Sitting, Front: [3.0/11] (16, 14) 5.0/16^, 5.25/14^
Workout time: 0:44
Week 4/C
Day 2/ Squats
Thursday – 5/17/18
Shoes: Dexter boots, Coleman sneakers.
Bars: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Dumbbell Bar.
Speed Squats: [regular: --/15, 65/11, speed: 95/9, 105/7] (4 x 8, 6, 4, 2) 115/8^, 120/6^, 125/4^, 130/2^
Standing Rocking DB Calves: [35/9] (3 x 12, 10, 8) 42.5/12, 45/10, 47.5/8
Twisting Sit-ups: (2 x amrap) 12^, 12^
Workout time: 0:43
Day 1/ Bench Assistance (Week A)
Sunday – 5/20/18
Gear: Redline wrist wraps.
Shoes: Coleman sneakers.
Bars: Curl Bar, Wrist Roller.
Heavy Bag: 10 minutes
CG Curl Bar Curls: [42/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 47*/12, 52/12, 55/10, 57/8
Wrist Roller (overhand): [1.25/5] (3 x 6, 4, 2) 2.25/6, 2.5/4, 2.75/2
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 0:43
I misloaded the bar for my first work set of Curls, so I had to do an extra set.
Day 4/ Deadlifts
Monday - 5/21/18
Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes.
Bar: Ohio Deadlift Bar.
Speed Sumo 2-1/4” Deficit Deadlifts: [Regular: --/15, 45/11, speed: 125/9, 145/7] (8, 6, 4, 2) 160/8!, 167/6!, 175/4!, 182/2!
Hyperextensions: [--/9] 2.5/12, 3.75/10, 5.0/8
Twist Dip Bar Leg Raises (alternate legs): [2s/11] (15-20, 10-15) 4s/20!, 6s/15!
Workout time: 0:43
Day 3/ Benches
Wednesday – 5/23/18
Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.
Bars: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Super Curl Bar.
Speed Benches: [Regular: 45/15, 65/11, Speed: 65/9, 75/7] (8, 6, 4, 2) 87/8, 82/6, 97/4, 102/2
MG Super Curl Bar Preacher Curls: [40/9] (12, 10, 8) 50/12, 52/10, 55/8
RC: Shoulder Horn (arms together): [5.0/11] (2 x 15-16, 13-14) 7.0/15!, 7.25/13!
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 0:43
Week 5/A
Not done.
Week 6/C
Not done.
These workouts are continued at: CSIE Workouts for 2018 Tetra Powerlifting Training Plan; Rotations I-III of III.
CSIE workouts for 2018 Trinity Powerlifting Training Plan; Rotation I/ Final Six Weeks. Copyright © 2018 By Gary F. Zeolla.
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