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Updated Workout Summaries
These workout summaries are adjacent to the article Off-Season Review and Mid-Training Plan Updates. They are an update to Two by Two by Two Powerlifting Training Strategy: Summary.
Powerlifting (Afternoon) Workouts
Bench Assistance (BA):
Off-Season Routine #1:
Week A: DB Decline Benches (alternating arms), WG Standing Presses, CG Cambered Bar Rows.
Week B: WG Decline Benches, DB Seated Presses (arms together), CG BB Rows.
Off-Season Routine #2:
Week A: DB Decline Benches (arms together), CG Standing Presses, WG BB Rows.
Week B: CG Decline Benches, WG Seated Presses, Two-Arm DB Rows (overhand).
In-Season Routine #1:
Week A: Cambered Bar Decline Benches, MG Standing Presses, WG Cambered Bar Rows.
Week B: Decline Benches, CG Seated Presses, MG BB Rows.
In-Season Routine #2:
Week A: 3-Count Pause Decline Benches, DB Standing Presses (arms together), MG Cambered Bar Rows.
Week B: Decline Benches, MG Seated Presses, One-Arm DB Rows (overhand).
Off-Season Routine #1:
Week A: Squats with Sleeves, Extra Low Manta Ray (high bar, close stance) Squats.
Week B: Three-Count Pause Squats, Partial Squats.
Off-Season Routine #2:
Week A: Squats with Sleeves, Extra Low Sting Ray Squats (front, close stance) Squats.
Week B: Extra Low Squats, Bench Squats.
In-Season Routine #1:
Week A: Squats with Wraps, Squats with Sleeves.
Week B: Extra Low RB (#4, average bands) Squats, Close Stance Squats (no Manta Ray).
In-Season Routine #2:
Week A: Squats with Wraps, Squats with Sleeves.
Week B: Two Chain Squats, Extra Low Close Stance Squats (no Manta Ray).
Off-Season Routine #1:
Week A: CG Benches, Benches, One-Arm DB Rows (underhand).
Week B: DB Benches (arms together), Rack Benches (with mats, 6” from chest), WG SCB Rows.
Off-Season Routine #2:
Week A: WG Benches, Benches, One-Arm DB Rows (parallel grip).
Week B: Cambered Bar Benches (not Dead Stop), Rack Benches (without mats, 5” from chest), CG CB Rows.
In-Season Routine #1:
Week A: Benches, CG Benches, MG CB Rows.
Week B: 3-Count Pause Benches, 2-Count Pause RB (#2, monster-minis) Benches, WG CB Rows.
In-Season Routine #2:
Week A: Benches, WG Benches, MG SCB Rows.
Week B: Dead Stop Cambered Bar Benches, 2-Count Pause One Chain Benches, CG SCB Rows.
Off-Season Routine #1:
Week A: Conv Deadlifts, Sumo Deadlifts.
Week B: Conv 3” Deficit Two Chain Deadlifts, Sumo 2¼” Deficit SLDLs.
Off-Season Routine #2:
Week A: Conv Deadlifts, Sumo Snatch Grip Deadlifts.
Week B: Conv 2¼” Deficit Deadlifts, Sumo Deadlifts.
In-Season Routine #1:
Week A: Sumo Deadlifts, Conv Snatch Grip Deadlifts.
Week B: Sumo 2¼” Deficit Deadlifts, Conv Deadlifts.
In-Season Routine #2:
Week A: Sumo Deadlifts, Conv Deadlifts.
Week B: Sumo 3” Deficit Two Chain Deadlifts, Conv [2¼” Deficit] SLDLs.
Bench Assistance (BA):
One Chain Decline Benches, DB Seated and Standing Presses (alternate arms), Inclines (all variations), Dips (on bars and on rings).
One-Count Pause Squats, Low Squats, Full Range Low Squats, Dead Stop Squats, Box Squats, Zercher Squats.
DB Benches (alternate arms), 3-Count Pause DB Benches (arms together), Dead Stop One Chain Cambered Bar Benches, Dead Stop CG Cambered Bar Benches, Push-ups, Board Benches, Floor Presses, 3-Count CG Benches, Two-Arm Dumbbell Rows (underhand).
Sumo and Conv 3” Deficit RB (#4, average bands) Deadlifts, Sumo and Conv Rack Pulls.
Cardio/Speed & Isolation Exercises (Morning) Workouts
Off-Season Routine #1:
Week A:
Day 1: Heavy Bag, DB Curls (alternate arms), RC: Sitting, front.
Day 2: Step-ups, Bodyweight Calves (one leg at a time) (2 x amrap), Bicycle Abs (2 x amrap).
Day 3: Heavy Bag, Laterals: Front (alternate arms), Wrist Roller (underhand).
Day 4: Jump Rope, Leg Curls (legs together), Twisting Leg Raises (2 x amrap).
Week B:
Day 1: Heavy Bag, MG SCB Preacher Curls, RC: Lying on Side.
Day 2: Step-ups, Rocking Bodyweight Calves (legs together) (2 x amrap), Crunch-Side-Bend Combo.
Day 3: Heavy Bag, Laterals: Bent-Over (arms together), Wrist Roller (overhand).
Day 4: Jump Rope, Leg Raises (2 x amrap), Lying Adductor.
Off-Season Routine #2:
Week A:
Day 1: Heavy Bag, DB Curls (arms together) or Hammer Curls, RC: Lying, up.
Day 2: Step-ups, Bodyweight Calves (legs together) (2 x amrap), Twisting Sit-ups (2 x amrap).
Day 3: Heavy Bag, Laterals: Front (one arm at a time), Plate Holds.
Day 4: Jump Rope, *Hyperextension (2 x amrap), Twisting Hanging Leg Raises (2 x amrap).
Week B:
Day 1: Heavy Bag, MG CB Preacher Curls, RC: Lying, down.
Day 2: Step-ups, Rocking Bodyweight Calves (one leg at a time) (2 x amrap), Decline Crunch-Side-Bend Combo.
Day 3: Heavy Bag, Laterals: Bent-Over (one arm at a time), Plate Holds.
Day 4: Jump Rope, Hanging Leg Raises (2 x amrap), Lying Abductor.
In-Season Routines:
Basic Design of Workouts:
Day 1: Speed Rows, Curls, Hand Gripper.
Day 2: Speed Squats, Calves, Upper Abs.
Day 3: Speed Benches, Reverse Curls, Rotator Cuff.
Day 4: Speed Deadlifts, Leg Curls, Adductors/ Abductors or Lower Abs.
Day 1 (on BA day):
Routine #1:
Week A: Speed WG Cambered Bar Rows, MG SCB Curls, Hand Gripper (holds + reps).
Week B: Speed MG BB Rows, CG CB Curls, Hand Gripper (holds).
Routine #2:
Week A: Speed MG Cambered Bar Rows, MG CB Curls, Hand Gripper (holds + reps).
Week B: *Speed One-Arm DB Rows (overhand), CG SCB Curls, Hand Gripper (reps)
Day 2 (on Squats day):
Routine #1:
Week A: Jump Squats, Standing Rocking BB Calves, Abs: Crunches.
Week B: Speed Extra Low RB Squats, Standing DB Calves, Abs: Decline Sit-ups.
Routine #2:
Week A: Jump Squats, Standing BB Calves, Abs: Sit-ups.
Week B: Speed Two Chain Squats, Standing Rocking DB Calves, Abs: Decline Crunches.
Day 3 (on Benches day):
Routine #1:
Week A: Speed Benches, MG CB Reverse Curls, RC: Shoulder Horn (arms together).
Week B: Speed RB (#2, monster-minis) Benches, RC: Lying, in, CG SCB Reverse Curls.
Routine #2:
Week A: Speed Benches, RC: Shoulder Horn (alternate arms), MG SCB Reverse Curls.
Week B: Speed One Chain Benches, RC: Lying, out, BB Reverse Curls.
Day 4 (on Deadlifts day):
Routine #1:
Week A: Jump Deadlifts, Lying Leg Curls (alternate legs), Twisting Dip Bar Leg Raises (legs together).
Week B: Speed Sumo 2-1/4” Deficit Deadlifts, Adductors/ Abductors (alternate legs), Standing Leg Curls (one leg at a time).
Routine #2:
Week A: Jump Deadlifts, Lying Leg Curls (one leg at a time), Twisting Dip Bar Leg Raises (alternate legs).
Week B: Speed Sumo One Chain 3” Deficit Deadlifts, Adductors/ Abductors (one leg at a time), Standing Leg Curls (alternate legs).
Additional Possible Exercises:
Speed Pushups, Speed Squats, Speed Sumo Deadlifts, various other powerlift variations done in a speed fashion, Laterals (all variations), Crunch-Reverse Crunch Combo, CG CB Reverse Curls.
For my initial workouts using this revised plan, see In-Season Routine #1 of 2018 Two by Two by Two Powerlifting Training Strategy; Weeks 1-6 of 12.
Updated Summaries. Copyright © 2018 By Gary F. Zeolla.
Amazon Author Page for Gary F. Zeolla (#ad)
The above article was posted on this site March 17, 2018.
It was updated April 1, 2018.
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