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Off-Season #1 of 2018 Two by Two by Two Powerlifting Training Strategy, Weeks 1-5 of 10
These workout logs are continued from: Experimental Workouts.
Age: 56.
Height: 5”1”.
~121 pounds, though
I will be competing at 114s.
Next Contest:
God-willing, in June 2018, exact contest TBD.
The Weeks count for this “Off-Season” is “of 8,” but that could change once I decide on which contest I
will be entering.
330/6 – Pounds/Reps (all weights are in pounds).
[45/15] – Warm-up sets are in brackets.
(7,5,3) – Target reps for the work sets are in parentheses.
! – Sets marked with an exclamation point are new
50s PRs.
^ – Sets marked with a caret tied 50s PRs.
* – Items marked with an asterisk did not go as planned.
1:58 – hours : minutes (workout times include set-up, warm-up, lifting,
stretching, and clean-up).
Gear as indicated; if not indicated, then completely raw (no supportive gear).
For details on this training plan, see Two by Two by Two Powerlifting Training Strategy: Overview and Two by Two by Two Powerlifting Training Strategy: Summary..
Week 1/ Week A
Bodyweight: 119.0
Bench Assistance
Sunday – 1/7/18
Gear: Crain power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.
Shoes: Coleman sneakers.
Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar.
DB Decline Benches (arms together): [20s/15, 30s/9, 37s/7, 47s/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add gear: 55s/8, 57s/6, 60s/4
DB Seated Presses (arms together): [15s/7, 20s/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add gear: 25s/8, 26.5s/6, 27.5s/6, 29s/4
DB Rows (overhand): [two-arm: 30s/9, 40s/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) 50s/8, one-arm: 60/6, 62/4
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:31
The Declines went well, with the right backoff intensity, hard but not too hard. Then I started too light on Presses, and even with the extra set, they were still too easy. What happened is I was going to do them standing and figured those would be harder, so I reduced the weights. But then I changed my mind and did them seated but forgot to update the weights.
I started out using both arms for the DB Rows, but that proved too awkward, so I switched to one arm at a time. That worked better, so I will stick with that approach.
But overall, this was a good workout of the start of my Off-Season, and the short workout time is encouraging, as that is just what I want for it.
Music: Pandora – Petra Radio
Monday – 1/8/18
Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps, Genesis 2.0 meter knee wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves, Convict knee sleeves (on elbows for padding for holding the bar on Zercher Squats).
Shoes: Dexter boots.
Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar.
Extra Low Squats: [--/13, 65/11, 125/9, 155/7, add belt: 185/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add wrist wraps, sleeves: 215/8, 225/6, 235/4
Partial Squats: [gear: 165/7, 205/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) 245/8, 260/6, 275/4
Zercher (front) Squats: [45/7, 85/7, add gear: 105/8] 115/8, 120/6, 125/4
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:52
This workout was going well and quickly, until I got to the Zercher Squats. This was the first time I did them in a workout, and it took a while to figure a few things out. I am not sure if I will stick with them or not, as it feels like I am putting more effort into holding the bar in place than my legs are getting. But I will give them another try and then decide if I will stick with them or go back to Sting Ray Squats.
Also the design of this workout of doing three Squat exercises did not work out. I was hoping with doing higher reps and thus fewer warmup sets, I could manage three exercises, But the workout took too long, and I was very tired afterwards, and that was with using backoff weights. As such, I will have to stick with two exercises and rethink my plans.
Video (first two exercises)
Video (Zercher Squats)
Music: Pandora – Seventh Day Slumber Radio
Wednesday – 1/10/18
Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.
Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.
Bar: Cambered Bar, Dumbbell Bars.
Cambered Bar Benches: [35/13, 60/9, 80/7, 100/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add gear: 110/8, 115/6, 120/4
Dumbbell Benches (alternate arms): [add gear: 30s/7, 37s/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) 42.5s/8, 45s/6, 47.5s//4
Dumbbell One-Arm Rows (underhand): [35/7, 50/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) 57/8, 60/6, 62/4
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:23
A good workout, and I got done in a very quick time.
Music: Pandora – Fireflight Radio
Thursday – 1/11/18
Gear: Crain power belt; APT: wrist bands; Ace knee sleeves.
Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes.
Bar: Ohio Deadlift Bar.
Conv Deadlifts: [45/13, 135/9, 185/7, add belt: 235/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add sleeves and wrist bands: 270/8, 285/6, 300/4
Sumo 3” Deficit Reverse Band (average, #4) Deadlifts: [155/9, 200/7, 200/3, add belt: 245/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add sleeves and wrist bands: 285/8, 300/6, 315/4
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:37
The Conv Deadlifts felt good, despite only having done them once in the past few months.
I started out with a 2-1/4” (3 board) deficit for the Sumo Deficit Reverse Band Deadlifts, but the bottom felt a bit too easy, so I added back a fourth board for 3”. That’s the reason for the two sets with 200. That felt better, so I went with it.
Music: Pandora – Disciple Radio
Week 2/ Week B
Bodyweight: 121.0 pounds.
Bench Assistance
Sunday – 1/14/18
Gear: Crain power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.
Shoes: Coleman sneakers.
Bar: Cambered Bar, Heavy Duty Power Bar.
Wide Grip Decline Benches: [MG: 45/15, WG: 55/11, 75/9, 95/7, 115/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add gear: 130/8, 135/6, 140/4
DB Seated Presses (alternate arms): [15s/7, 25s/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add gear: 27.5s/8, 29s/6, 30s/4
One-Arm Dumbbell Rows: [30/9, 42/7, 52/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) 60/8, 62.5/6, 65/4
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:29
A good workout.
Music: Pandora – Petra Radio
Monday – 1/15/18
Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves.
Shoes: Dexter boots.
Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar.
3-Count Pause Squats: [--/13, 65/11, 135/9, 3-Count: 165/7, add belt: 185/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add sleeves and wrist wraps: 195/8, 205/6, 215/4
Zercher Squats (front, close stance): [add gear: 75/7, 105/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) Extra Low Sting Ray Squats (front, close stance): 125/8, 132/6, 140/4
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:35
I wasn’t sure what either of my exercises would be for this day. I finally settled on 3-Count Pause Squats for the first exercise. But I hadn’t done them in a quite a while and wasn’t sure what weights to use, but I guessed about right. The other exercises I was thinking of doing were One-Count Pause Squats and Squats with Sleeves. But I thought it best to save those for my In-Season Routines.
I then started out with Zercher Squats, and warmups went well. But when I lifted up the bar for the first work set, I could tell I would be putting more effort into holding the bar than my legs would get, so I switched to Sting Ray Squats. I made sure to place the Sting Ray high up on my shoulders, and that eliminated the problem I had last time of it flipping off of my shoulders.
Music: Pandora – Resurrection Band
Wednesday – 1/17/18
Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.
Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.
Bar: Dumbbell Bars, Heavy Duty Power Bar, Super Curl Bar.
Dumbbell Benches: [20s/15, 30s/9, 37s/7, 45s/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add gear: 50s/8, 52s//6, 55s/4
2-count Pause Band Benches (#1, Mini-bands): [add gear: 45/7, 60/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) 70/7, 75/5, 80/4
WG Super Curl Bar Rows: [45/9, 60/7, 70/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) 80/8, 85/6, 90/4
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:37
I hadn’t done Band Benches in ages, so I had no idea how much weight to use and started a bit too heavy. But otherwise, a good workout.
Music: Pandora – Barlow Girl Radio
Thursday – 1/18/18
Gear: Crain power belt; APT: wrist bands; Ace knee sleeves.
Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes.
Bar: Ohio Deadlift Bar.
Conv 2-1/4” Deficit Two Chain Deadlifts: [45/15/10, 135/9, add chains: 225/7, add belt: 255/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add sleeves: 285/8, 300/6, 315/4
Sumo 2-1/4” Deficit Stiff Leg Deadlifts: [add gear: 135/9, 160/7, 185/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) 205/8, 215/6, 225/4
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:31
A very good workout. And with it, this is the end of my two-week backoff period. On Sunday, I get back to harder training, though still not heavier training, as explained in my Overview article. But still, I’m looking forward to it.
Music: Pandora – Red Radio
Week 3/ Week A
Bodyweight: 119.2 pounds.
I lost weight, probably because I haven’t trained hard on a regular basis in almost a month, since Christmas Eve. But that will change starting with this week’s training.
Bench Assistance
Sunday – 1/21/18
Gear: Crain power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.
Shoes: Coleman sneakers.
Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar.
DB Decline Benches (arms together): [20s/15, 30s/9, 40s/7, 50s/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add gear: 57s/8, 60s/6, 62s/4
DB Standing Presses (arms together): [15s/9, 20s/7, 25s/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add gear: 27.5s/8, 29s/6, 30s/4
Wide Grip Barbell Rows: [45/9, 60/7, 72/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) 80/8, 85/6, 90/4
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:24
A good workout.
Music: Pandora – Christian Modern Hard Rock 2
I revamped and renamed my Pandora stations, so that they are no longer named after an artist but by the type of music. You will not find these as premade stations on Pandora, but I will still include them, so that the reader will know what kind of music is available on Pandora. Once I get the stations fine-tuned, I will “Share” them on Pandora.
Monday – 1/22/18
Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps, 2.5-meter knee wraps.
Shoes: Dexter boots.
Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar.
Extra Low Squats: [--/13, 65/11, 115/9, 155/7, add belt: 195/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add wrist wraps, sleeves: 225/8, 237/6, 247/4
Partial Squats: [gear: 185/7, 225/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) 255/8, 270/6, 282/4
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:31
Another good workout.
Music: Pandora – Christian Modern Hard Rock 2
Wednesday – 1/24/18
Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.
Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.
Bar: Cambered Bar Power Bar, Dumbbell.
Cambered Bar Benches: [35/13, 55/11, 75/9, 90/7, 102/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add gear: 115/8, 120/6, 125/4
Dumbbell Benches (alternate arms): [32s/7, 40s/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add gear: 45s/8, 47.5s/6, 50s/4
DB Underhand One-Arm Rows: [35/9, 45/7, 52/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) 60/8, 62/6, 65/4
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:35
Yet another good workout.
Music: Pandora – Christian Classic Hard Rock.
Thursday – 1/25/18
Gear: Crain power belt; APT: wrist bands; Ace knee sleeves.
Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes.
Bar: Ohio Deadlift Bar.
Conv Deadlifts: [45/13, 135/9, 185/7, add belt: 235/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add sleeves and wrist bands: 285/8, 300/6, 315/4
Sumo 3” Deficit Reverse Band (average, #4) Deadlifts: [165/9, 215/7, add belt: 260/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add sleeves and wrist bands: 300/8, 315/6, 330/4
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:37
Another good workout to finish out this training week.
Music: Pandora – Christian Classic Hard Rock
I was planning on having separate Classic Hard Rock and Medium Rock stations, but Pandora doesn’t appear to have enough classic hard tock to make a station, so I will combine the two into just a Christian Classic Rock station.
Week 4/ Week B
Bodyweight: 121.4 pounds.
Bench Assistance
Sunday – 1/28/17
Gear: Crain power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.
Shoes: Coleman sneakers.
Bar: Dumbbell bars, Heavy Duty Power Bar.
Wide Grip Decline Benches: [MG: 45/15, WG: 55/11, 80/9, 100/7, 120/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add gear: 135/8, 142/6, 147/4
DB Seated Presses (alternate arms): [10s/9, 17s/7, 25s/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add gear: 27.5s/8, 30s/6, 32.5s/4
One-Arm Dumbbell Rows: [35/9, 45/7, 55/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) 62/8, 65/6, 67/4
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:32
A good workout, despite being distracted by personal issues.
Music: Pandora – Christian Modern Hard Rock 2
Monday – 1/29/18
Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves.
Shoes: Dexter boots.
Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar.
3-Count Pause Squats: [--/15, 65/11, 135/9, 3-Count: 165/7, add belt: 185/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add sleeves and wrist wraps: 205/8, 215/6, 225/4
Extra Low Sting Ray Squats (front, close stance): [45/9, 85/7, add belt: 155/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add sleeves and wrist wraps: 132/8, 140/6, 147/4
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:21
A good workout.
I really like the look of the black with red outfit with my gold fish/ cross necklace. On the latter, I had tried a while ago to wear a necklace while doing squats, but the chain broke, so I hadn’t worn a necklace while squatting since. But in retrospect, I realized the reason the chain broke was I was using a Manta Ray, which covers the area where the chains lays. But with regular (low bar) squats, the bar is below the chain, so it is not a problem. I also got an extra heavy chain to replace the cheap chain that came with the pendant.
Consequently, I will be wearing a necklace when I squat, both in training and at contests. It is just benches that it is problematic to wear it, as the chain gets caught behind my neck as I slide into my arch, and the pendant falls behind my neck.
Music: Pandora – Christian Modern Hard Rock 2
Wednesday – 1/31/18
Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.
Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.
Bars: Cambered Bar, Heavy Duty Power Bar, Super Curl Bar
Dumbbell Benches: [20s/15, 30s/9, 40s/7, 47s/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add gear: 52s/8, 55s/6, 57s/4
2-count Pause Band Benches (#1, Mini-bands): [45/9, 55/7, 65/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add gear: 70/8, 75/6, 80/4
WG Super Curl Bar Rows: [45/9, 60/7, 75/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add wrist wraps: *95/8, 100/6, 95/4
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:47
The Bench work went well and as planned. The weights on Rows were an accident. I misloaded the bar ten pounds too heavy on the first set but still got my planned reps, so I went with it from there. I guess I wasn’t working hard enough previously.
Music: Pandora – Christian Modern Hard Rock 2.
I’m getting this station refined to the way I want it.
Thursday – 2/1/18
Gear: Crain power belt; Ace: knee sleeves; APT: wrist bands.
Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes.
Bar: Ohio Deadlift Bar.
Conv 2-1/4” Deficit Two Chain Deadlifts: [--/15, 45/11, 135/9, add chains: 225/7, add belt: 265/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add sleeves and wrist bands: 300/8, 315/6, 330/4
Sumo 2-1/4” Deficit Still Leg Deadlifts: [135/9, 165/7, add belt: 190/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add sleeves and wrist bands: 215/8, 225/6, 237/4
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:43
Another good workout and the end of yet another good workout week.
My red, white, and blue outfit for this workout is not quite as nice as the black with red outfit I was wearing for my squat workout, but I do like the patriotic look.
Music: Pandora – Christian Modern Hard Rock 2
I changed the name of this routine from “First Off-Season” to “Off-Season #1,” as I initially planned on doing the same exercises each Off-Season, but I changed my plans to having two distinct Off-Seasons, doing different exercises between them, just as I will be doing with my In-Season Routines.
I changed the week count from “of 8” to “of 10” as 10 weeks will be the “default” length of my Off-Season. I am still not sure which of four contests in June I will enter, but I could still enter any of them with running my Off-Season for 10 weeks. But with having four contests to choose from, I might wait until a few weeks into my In-Season to decide how long I want to run it for and thus which contest to enter.
These changes required changing the file names for my logs and the number of them. If anyone actually has been reading this log, I hope you find this new one.
Week 5/ Week A
Bodyweight: 119.0
Bench Assistance
Sunday – 2/4/18
Gear: Crain power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.
Shoes: Coleman sneakers.
Bars: Dumbbells, Heavy Duty Power Bar.
DB Decline Benches (arms together): [20s/15, 30s/11, 40s/9, 47s/7, 54s/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add gear: 59s/8, 61.5s/6, 64s/4
DB Seated Presses (arms together): [12.5s/9, 20s/7, 25s/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add gear: 29s/8, 30s/6, 31.5s/4
Wide Grip BB Rows: [45/9, 60/7, 75/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) 82/8, 87/6, 92/4
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:38
A good workout.
Music: Pandora – Christian Modern Hard Rock 1
Monday – 2/5/18
Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps, Genesis 2.0 meter knee wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves, Convict knee sleeves (on elbows for padding for holding the bar on Zercher Squats).
Shoes: Dexter boots.
Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar.
Extra Low Squats: [--/13, 65/11, 125/9, 165/7, add belt: 200/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add wrist wraps, sleeves: 230/8, 242/6, 255/4
Partial Squats: [165/9, 200/7, add belt: 230/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add wrist wraps, sleeves: 260/8, 275/6, 290/4
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:30
Another good workout.
For this workout, I wore my silver necklace. It is the same as my gold one, except for the color. I just figured the silver would show up better than the gold against my brown shirt. And you can see it as the light flickers off of it.
Music: Pandora – Christian Modern Hard Rock 2
Wednesday – 2/7/18
Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.
Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.
Bar: Cambered Bar, Dumbbell Bars.
Cambered Bar Benches: [35/13, 55/11, 75/9, 95/7, 107/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add gear: 120/8!, 125/6^, 130/3*
Dumbbell Benches (alternate arms): [30s/9, 37.5s/7, 42.5s/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add gear: 47.5s/8, 50s/6, 52.5s/4
Dumbbell One-Arm Rows (underhand): [35/9, 45/7, 55/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) 62.5/9*^, 65/7*^, 67.5/5*^
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:39
A good workout with tying several 50 PRs and setting one. The final set of Cambered Bar Benches would have tied a PR if I had gotten my planned four reps, but the first two sets were so hard, I was burned out by it and had to stop at three. The Dumbbell Rows only tied PRs as I got confused and one rep more than I planned on each set.
Music: Pandora – Christian Modern Hard Rock 2
Thursday – 2/8/18
Gear: Crain power belt; APT: wrist bands; Ace knee sleeves.
Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes.
Bar: Ohio Deadlift Bar.
Conv Deadlifts: [45/13, 135/9, 195/7, add belt: 255/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add sleeves and wrist bands: 300/8, 315/6, 330/4
Sumo 3” Deficit Reverse Band (average, #4) Deadlifts: [165/9, 225/7, add belt: 275/5] (7-8, 5-6, 3-4) add sleeves and wrist bands: 315/8, 330/6, 345/4
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:33
Another very good workout. This was my first week of really hard training since Christmas Eve, and it felt very good!
My red, white, and blue outfit for this workout is not quite as nice as the black with red outfit I was wearing for my squat workout last week, but I do like the patriotic look. It also fits with the Winter Olympics just starting. Go Team USA!
Music: Pandora – Christian Classic Rock
These workout logs are continued at:
Off-Season #1 of 2018 Two by Two by Two Powerlifting
Training Strategy, Weeks 6-10 of 10.
Amazon Author Page for Gary F. Zeolla (#ad)
Off-Season #1 of 2018 Two by Two by Two Powerlifting Training Strategy, Weeks 1-5 of 10. Copyright © 2018 By Gary F. Zeolla.
These logs were first posted on this site January 14, 2018.
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