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Full Workout Log
Starting 4/20/09
Alternate High/ Low
5-8 of 11
These workout logs are continued from: Full Workout Logs: Starting 3/22/09: Alternate High/ Low Reps: Weeks 1-4 of 11.
Next contest: RAWU Northeast Regional & Pennsylvania State
Championships, June 13-14, 2009 in Greencastle, PA. For further details, see
Revised Contest Plans for 2009. If anyone is interested in
this contest, details are on RAWU’s Web site.
Weight Class: 114s or 123s.
Age Class: Masters II (45-49).
Warm-ups are in brackets. All weights are in pounds. Format: pounds/reps.
Workout times includes set-up, warm-up, lifting, cardio, stretching, and
Terminology for workout logs:
Raw = no gear, not even a belt.
Unequipped = belt, wrist wraps, knee sleeves.
Week Five
Week 5 of 11
Monday – 4/20/09
Completely Raw Squats: [45/15, 115/8, 170/5, 220/3] 245/8, 265/6
Chain Squats (chains set-up weighs about 90 pounds):
[105/5, 150/3] 175/6, 195/4
Crunches: [30/10] 45/12, 45/12
Step ups: 5:00
Stretching: ~10 minutes
Workout time: 1:22
Week 5 of 11
Wednesday – 4/22/09
Completely Raw Benches: [45/15, 95/8, 115/5, 130/3] 145/8, 155/6
Reverse Band Benches (#3, light bands): [145/5, 180/3] 200/5, 210/3
Curl Bar Rows: [65/8, 80/4] 95/8, 105/5
Heavy Bag: 5:00
Stretching: ~10 minutes
Workout time: 1:11
Week 5 of 11
Thursday – 4/23/09
Completely Raw Deadlifts: [45/15, 135/8, 205/5, 275/3] 305/8, 330/6
Platform Deadlifts (conv. stance, on 2.25” high platform): [135/8, 185/5, 235/3] 265/6, 285/4
One-Leg Dip Bar Leg Raises (reps to each side): [--/10] 5s/10, 5s/10
Jump Rope: 2:30
Stretching: ~10 minutes
Workout time: 1:26
A little over a year ago, when I was taking the equipment that I store inside my power rack out at the start of my workout, I cut my finger on paint peeling off of one of my dumbbells. It made a real mess for what was a very small cut. Well, the same thing happened again, only this time it was on paint peeling off of my curl bar. I guess that’s what I get for getting cheap equipment from a sporting goods store! This time, I just nicked my left pinky, but it kept bleeding and made quite a mess. I tried bandaging it three times, but it kept bleeding through and really got me behind. As such, the workout time is meaningless.
But despite the distraction, a good workout. In fact, this was the first time my deadlift felt good since my hamstring cramped up on me four weeks ago.
The “5s” on the leg raises refer to the new five pounds each ankle weights I just purchased from the same sporting goods store I got the dumbbells and curl bar from. Maybe that was a mistake! But they seem okay, at least for now.
Bench Assistance
Week 5 of 11
Sunday – 4/26/09
DB Decline Bench: [20s/15, 35s/8, 47s/5, 57s/3] 65s/6, 70s/4
BB Presses: [45/8, 65/5, 80/3] 90/6, 95/4
Pull-ups: [bwt/8] 2.5/6, 2.5/6
DB Curls: [17s/10] 25s/10, 27s/8
DB Flyes: [10s/10] 14s/15, 14s/15
Stretching: ~10 minutes
Workout time: 1:19
Week Six
Week 6 of 11
Monday – 4/27/09
Unequipped Squats
Gear: Crain: power belt, squat shoes; APT: heavy knee sleeves:
[45/15, 125/8, 170/5, add gear: 215/3, 260/1] 290/4, 315/2
Pause Squats: [135/5, 175/3] 195/6, 215/4
Bicycle Abs (reps to each side): 25, 20
Step ups: 5:30
Stretching: ~10 minutes
Workout time: 1:26
This was the first time since my hamstring injury last October that I had three 45s on each side of the bar for squats, and it felt good!
Week 6 of 11
Wednesday – 4/29/09
Unequipped Benches
Gear: APT: bench belt, 24” Black Mamba wrist wraps:
[45/15, 95/8, 115/5, 135/3, add gear: 147/1] 162/4, 175/2
Feet on Bench Benches: [115/5, 135/3] 150/6, 160/4
DB Rows (elbows out): [35/8, 47/4] 55/8, 60/5
Heavy Bag: 5:30
Stretching: ~10 minutes
Workout time: 1:28
I was having a hard time focusing for this workout, hence why it took longer than usual. But my actual sets went very well. In fact, this was the best benches have felt all year. The double was with strength to spare.
Week 6 of 11
Thursday – 4/30/09
Unequipped Deadlifts (sumo)
Gear: Crain: power belt; APT: heavy knee sleeves; Nike wrestling shoes:
[45/15, 135/8, 195/5, add gear: 255/3, 315/1] 350/4, 375/2
Good Mornings: [45/8, 80/5, 110/3] 125/6, 135/4
Shrugs [135/8, 190/4] 210/6, 210/6
Leg Raises: 25, 20
Jump Rope: 2:45
Stretching: ~10 minutes
Workout time: 1:27
Another very good workout. The double was again with strength to spare. So my lifts are all coming along nicely. Good thing too as I will be sending in the entry form for the above indicated contest this weekend.
If anyone is interested in the RAWU contest, note that the entry deadline is May 16. It is four weeks before the contest as the meet director is planning on mailing out the contest schedule to all entrants indicating which day (Saturday or Sunday) you will be lifting, in which flight, and even the order of lifters in the first flights.
Bench Assistance
Week 6 of 11
Sunday – 5/3/09
DB Incline Bench: [10s/15, 20s/8, 30s/5, 40s/3] 47s/8, 52s/6
BB Decline Bench: [95/8, 120/5 145/3] 160/6, 170/4
Chin-ups: [bwt./ 8] 2.5/8, 5/5
Reverse BB Curls: [45/8] 50/10, 52/8
DB Flyes: [12s/10] 15s/8, 15s/8
Stretching: ~10 minutes
Workout time: 1:25
Week Seven
Week 7 of 11
Monday – 5/4/09
Completely Raw Squats: [45/15, 125/8, 180/5, 230/3] 255/8, 275/5
Chain Squats (chains set-up weighs about 90 pounds):
[125/5, 165/3] 190/5, 210/3
Crunches: [30/10] 50/11, 50/11
Step ups: 6:00
Stretching: ~10 minutes
Workout time: 1:22
I was tired for this workout, which caused me to miss my sixth rep on the second work set of squats. But otherwise, the workout went as planned.
Week 7 of 11
Wednesday – 5/6/09
Completely Raw Benches: [45/15, 95/8, 115/5, 135/3] 150/8, 160/5
Reverse Band Benches (#3, light bands): [145/5, 185/3] 205/4, 215/2
Curl Bar Rows: [65/8, 85/4] 100/8, 110/4
Heavy Bag: 6:00
Stretching: ~10 minutes
Workout time: 1:12
I was tired again for this workout and thus missed several reps. but I just need to make it through Thursday’s workout, then Sunday is my planned monthly day off, so I won’t lift again until Monday.
Week 7 of 11
Thursday – 5/7/09
Completely Raw Deadlifts: [45/15, 135/8, 210/5, 285/3] 315/8, 340/6
Platform Deadlifts (conv. stance, on 2.25” high platform): [195/5, 250/3] 280/6, 300/4
One-Leg Dip Bar Leg Raises (reps to each side): [--/10] 5s/12, 5s/12
Jump Rope: 3:00
Stretching: ~10 minutes
Workout time: 1:19
Finally, my first good workout this week. A very good workout in fact.
Below are videos of my two sets of PDLs. These are an excellent exercise for helping the pull off of the floor. I am standing on three - 3/4" boards nailed together. I use a sumo (wide) stance for my competitive stance, but I am doing these with a conventional (close) stance to give the low back and hamstrings more work than they get with sumos.
Bench Assistance
Week 7 of 11
Monday – 5/11/09
DB Decline Bench: [20s/15, 35s/8, 47s/5, 60s/3] 67s/6, 72s/3
BB Presses: [45/8, 65/5, 85/3] 95/5, 100/2
Pull-ups: [bwt/8] 2.5/7, 2.5/7
DB Curls: [20s/10] 27s/9, 27s/8
DB Flyes: [10s/10] 15s/12, 15s/12
Stretching: ~10 minutes
Workout time: 1:23
Sunday was my monthly planned day off, so that moved this workout to Monday. That was (hopefully) my last day off until I take a break the week before my contest.
That said, a good workout. A couple of missed reps, but still within my planned rep range.
Below is a video of DB flies. I’m still using very light weights on these due to my tender left pec. But the flies are working in helping to strengthen the area. It’s not bothering me much at all anymore. I took a video of these to show proper form. Namely, there should be a slight bend in the arms to take stress off of the elbows. But it is just that, a SLIGHT bend and that bend should be held throughout. Do not turn the exercise into faux DB benches as you often see in gyms.
Week Eight
Week 8 of 11
Wednesday – 5/13/09
Unequipped Squats
Gear: Crain: power belt, squat shoes; APT: heavy knee sleeves:
[45/15, 135/8, 185/5, add gear: 225/3, 265/1] 295/4, 320/1
Pause Squats: [135/5, 185/3] 210/5, 225/4
Bicycle Abs (reps to each side): 25, 25
Step ups: 6:00
Stretching: ~10 minutes
Workout time: 1:30
The second work set of squats was supposed to be a double, but the first rep was tougher than I expected, so I stopped there. Afterwards, I was kicking myself that I didn’t try the second rep, but I so hate getting buried.
Part of the problem was I lost my concentration before the set. I also think I am not quite used to doing low reps as I need be. But I already planned on changing my routine for the last three weeks for that reason, I provide details next week when I make the change.
The videos below are of my two work sets on pause squats. You can see me in the videos mouthing "1001 - 1002" - 1003" while in the down position. That is how long you pause before ascending. The second set was supposed to be 230/3, but I realized part way though the set that I had forgotten to put on the 2-1/2s, so I did an "extra" rep to make up for it.
Week 8 of 11
Thursday – 5/14/09
Unequipped Benches
Gear: APT: bench belt, 24” Black Mamba wrist wraps:
[45/15, 95/8, 115/5, 135/3, add gear: 1521] 167/4, 180/1
Feet on Bench Benches: [120/5, 145/3] 160/5, 170/3
DB Rows (elbows out): [35/8, 50/4] 57/7, 62/5
Heavy Bag: 6:00
Stretching: ~10 minutes
Workout time: 1:25
Buried twice, on my second work set of both benches and feet on bench benches. Again, I think the problem is I haven’t done low reps near as much or as long as I normally would leading up to a contest for various reasons I won’t bother repeating here. But after this week, I still got three weeks of training before my contest where I will be focusing on low reps, hopefully, that will suffice.
Below are videos of my two work sets of feet on bench benches. These are tough as they take all leg drive out of the bench. They also make it impossible to arch. Just be careful you do not roll off of the bench!
Week 8 of 11
Sunday – 5/17/09
Unequipped Deadlifts (sumo)
Gear: Crain: power belt; APT: heavy knee sleeves; Nike wrestling shoes:
[45/15, 135/8, 205/5, add gear: 265/3, 325/1] 360/4, 385/1
Good Mornings: [45/8, 85/5, 120/3] 135/5, 145/3
Shrugs: skipped
Leg Raises: 25, 20
Jump Rope: 3:15
Stretching: ~10 minutes
Workout time: 1:27
3 for 3 this week of only getting a single rather than my planned double on the second work set of the powerlift. That could force me to “downgrade” my goals somewhat for the contest. But I’ll see what happens the next three weeks.
My left elbow has been bothering me some the past month or so. I don’t think it’s anything serious as it hasn’t kept me from training. But it did really bother me the last time I did shrugs, so I skipped them here. This was to be the last time I would do shrugs, so I figured it didn’t really matter anyway.
Bench Assistance
Week 8 of 11
Monday – 5/18/09
DB Incline Bench: [10s/15, 22s/8, 32s/5, 42s/3] 50s/8, 55s/5
BB Decline Bench: [95/8, 125/5 150/3] 170/5, 180/3
Chin-ups: [bwt./ 8] 5/8, 7.5/6
Reverse BB Curls: [45/8] 52/10, 55/8
DB Flyes: [12s/10] 15s/15, 15s/15
Stretching: ~10 minutes
Workout time: 1:28
The final logs for this is routine are listed at Full Workout Logs: Starting 5/20/09: Drop Reps with Back-off Set: Weeks 9-11 of 11.
Full Workout Logs: Starting 4/20/09: Alternate High/ Low Reps: Weeks 5-8 of 11. Copyright © 2009 By Gary F. Zeolla.
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