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Full Workout Logs
Starting 10/1/07
Initial Eight
Full Body Workouts
After competing in IPA PA States Powerlifting Championships - 2007, I took a week off. Now I am going to try something completely different. See Full Body Workouts Experiment for details.
Warm-ups are in brackets. All weights are in pounds. Format: pounds/reps.
Workout time includes set-up, warm-up, lifting, stretching, and clean-up.
Workout #1
First workout post-contest/ Squats and benches
Monday – 10/1/07
Raw Squats: [55/15, 145/10, 195/6, 220/3] 245/6, 245/6
Jump Squats: 75/6, 75/6
Raw Benches: [95/8, 115/5, 135/6] 145/6, 145/6
Lat. Pulldown (“V” Grip): [50/8, 65/4] 85/10, 85/10
Stretching: ~15 minutes
Workout time: 1:28
After competing in IPA PA States, I took a week off. Now I am going to try something completely different. I'm not sure if it will out or not. I'll give it a couple of weeks. If it does, I will write up details later.
After missing my final squat on depth at the contest, I wasted time here taking videos and trying to figure out something for my squat depth. I’ll post more later in this regard.
Workout #2
Deadlift and bench assistance/ Thoughts on SLDLs and GMs
Wednesday – 10/3/07
SLDLs: [45/15, 95/10, 145/6, 195/3] 215/6, 225/6, 235/6
DB Presses [10s/10, 20s/6, 25s/3] 30s/6, 30s/6
Reverse BB Curls: 45/10, 45/10
One Leg Dip Bar Raises (reps to each side): 10, 12
Stretching: ~15 minutes
Workout time: 1:25
I know some believe that stiff-leg deadlifts (SLDLs) and good mornings (GMs) are too dangerous of exercises. But if done correctly, I think they are great exercises. In fact, reviewing my workout logs, it looks like I make best progress on DLs and even squats when I include them. So I’ll probably include one or the other in each routine from now on.
However, I hadn’t done SLDLs in quite a while, and I wasn’t sure how I was going to do them. I know some prefer doing them standing on a block to get a better stretch. And some prefer to not to touch the weights to the ground to keep constant tension on the hamstrings and low back. But I think those points are the very things than can make them dangerous.
I think it best on SLDLs (and GMs) to only go down to where the upper body is parallel with the floor. So I took some videos to be sure, but for me, with 45s on the bar, that is simply standing on the floor and pausing the weights at the floor on each rep. This is also closer to regular DLs than the not stopping option.
It is also good to try to keep the back as flat as possible. Viewing the videos, if I simply kept my head up, this kept the back rather flat. It’s rounded some, but not excessively.
As for reps, I know some will do max singles on these exercise, but that I do think is too dangerous. So I will keep in the 3-6 range, 5-6 for the first half of my routine and dropping to 3-4 for the second half.
I wasn’t sure on how much weight to use, so I started too light and did one more set than I had planned, and even that was a little too light. But I’ll increase it for next time.
The following is a video of my unique “One Leg Dip Bar Raises” ab exercise –
Workout #3
Squats and benches
Friday – 10/5/07
Chain Squats (chain setup weighs about 90 pounds): [55/15, add chains: 55/10, 115/6, 145/3] 175/6, 175/6
Close Grip Benches: [75/8, 95/5, 115/3] 130/6, 130/6
BB Rows (medium grip): [55/8, 75/4] 90/6, 90/6
Stretching: ~15 minutes
Workout time: 1:33
This was the first time I did chain squats since I got my new chain collars. So it took a while to figure out how to set things up. But otherwise, a good workout.
Workout #4
Deadlifts and bench assistance
Monday – 10/8/07
Raw Deadlifts: [55/15, 145/10, 205/6, 265/3] 295/6, 295/6
Incline DB Bench [15s/10, 30s/6, 40s/3] 45s/s/6
Reverse DB Curls [10s/10] 20s/10, 20s/10
Crunch/ Side Bend Combo (reps to each side): 6, 5
Stretching: 16 minutes
Workout time: 1:24
Workout #5
Squats and benches
Wednesday – 10/10/07
Raw Squats: [55/15, 145/10, 195/6, 220/3] 245/6, 245/6
Raw Benches: [95/8, 115/5, 135/6] 145/6, 145/6
Lat. Pulldown (“V” Grip): [50/8, 70/4] 90/10, 90/10
Jump Squats: [45/6] 75/6, 75/6
Workout time: 1:23
Still trying to figure out depth on squats. Unfortunately, my video converter is not working correctly, so I cannot post the video.
Workout #6
Deadlift and bench assistance
Friday – 10/12/07
SLDLs: [45/15, 95/10, 165/6, 220/3] 245/6, 245/6
DB Presses [15s/8, 25s/5] 32s/6, 32s/6
Reverse BB Curls: [45/10] 50/8, 50/8
One Leg Dip Bar Raises (reps to each side): skipped
Rotator Cuff: [5/10] 10/12, 10/12
Jump Rope: 1 minute.
Stretching: 12 minutes
Workout time: 1:25
My fibro-fatigue seems to be getting worse, so to keep lifting, I need to keep my workouts as simple and short as possible. So I’m struggling with what “little stuff” to include in my workouts. Specifically, I’m not sure if it is worth the time and effort to include speed work, rotator cuff work, and stretching. I feel okay after my main exercises, but by the time I do this stuff, I’m exhausted. So something will have to go.
Workout #7
Squat and bench assistance
Monday – 10/15/07
Chain Squats (chain setup weighs about 90 pounds): [55/15, add chains: 55/10, 115/6, 145/3] 175/6, 175/6
Close Grip Benches: [75/8, 100/5, 120/3] 135/6, 135/6
BB Rows (medium grip): [55/8, 80/4] 95/6, 95/6
Stretching: ~15 minutes
Workout time: 1:18
Wasted some time taking videos of the chain squats to check depth. But the chains were in the way, so I really couldn’t see my depth anyhow. But I think I’m hitting it good now.
Workout #8
Deadlifts and bench assistance
Wednesday – 10/17/07
Raw Deadlifts: [55/15, 145/10, 210/6, 275/3] 305/6, 325/4
Incline DB Bench [20s/8, 35s/5, 45s/3] 50s/6, 52s/6
Reverse DB Curls [15s/10] 22s/10, 22s/10
Crunch/ Side Bend Combo (reps to each side): 6, 5
Workout time: 1:12
These workout logs are continued at: Full Workout Logs: Starting 10/19/07: Full Body Routine One.
Full Workout Logs: Starting 10/1/07: Full Body Workouts. Copyright © 2007 By Gary F. Zeolla.
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