Books and eBooks by the Director
Writing Plans
On November
15, 2016, I finished my three-volume set
Why Are These Books in the Bible and
Not Others? and my translation
of the Apostolic Fathers. After finishing that massive project, I started
work on a few smaller projects before starting my next major one. One of
these was to be an article for the next issue of my
FitTips for One and All
newsletter. The article was to be on supplements and why I consider most of them
to be a waste of money. But once I started it, it expanded into a two-part
article, then a three-part article, with still much more I wanted to say. It was
then that I realized that to fully cover the subject I needed to expand it into
a full book. That book will be my next new book and will be titled,
Supplements: Most Are Worthless. A Few Are Worthwhile.
But when I got my bearings on that book and at a good stopping point, I put it on hold and began work on something I have been wanting to do. On December 3, 2016, I started going over all of my previously written books, except for the seven volumes of my Analytical-Literal Translation of the Bible (ALT). I will proofread each book twice, once via the MS Word files and once via the PDF files I send in to my publisher.
As I do this proofreading, I will correct typos, update the formatting, update the appendixes, and make other minor changes. But most of these updates will not be full new editions; more like Edition 1.1 or 2.1. One exception to this was my Creationist Diet book. The First Edition was published in 2000 and was out of date in many respects, so it required a full update and is labeled Second Edition, with the new subtitle of A Comprehensive Guide Bible and Science Based Nutrition.
Another exception requiring a full update was my book The Bible and Sexual Relationships Issues. I expanded that one small book to a two-volume set. Both volumes have the new title of God’s Sex Plan. The subtitles are: Volume One: What the Old Testament Teaches About Human Sexuality and Volume Two: What the New Testament Teaches About Human Sexuality. That set is now finished.
For all of these updated books, I am updating the Scripture quotes to the most recent renderings from the ALT. Most especially, I want to convert all of the OT Scripture quotes to my ALT for the books that were published before I finished the Old Testament. I am also reducing the prices as I update them. I am publishing each updated book in all of its formats as I finish each one. I have already done so for the books published within the last three years.
In addition, after I finished updating the First Edition of my Scripture Workbook, I decided to pursue another project I have been considering for some time, to set up a political website. I thought it would take a few weeks to set up, but it only took one week. I began work on it the day after Christmas 2016, and it went online on New Year's Day 2017. The title of it is “Biblical and Constitutional Politics,” and the URL is I will periodically add new material to it, just as I do my other websites. But I then went back to updating the rest of my books, starting with my Creationist Diet book. The full update of that book took four months.
I will now work on the minor updates of the rest of my books. That will probably take several months. I will then go back to working on the book on supplements. That book will probably take a few months to finish and publish.
I will then update each volume of the ALT. These will be full updates, so they will be the Fourth Edition of the New Testament volume and the Second Edition of each of the other volumes. If the LORD wills and all goes according to plan, as each volume is finished, I will publish the updated edition. But I will expand the title to the Analytical-Literal Translation of the Complete Bible, with the new abbreviation of ALTC. The “Complete” refers to the ALTC containing all books which were ever seriously considered for inclusion in the Bible or which provide background to the canonical books.
One update will be to add headings to each Bible book based on the information in the three volume Why These Books? set. That set thus supplements the ALTC, providing background information and discussions of the canonicity of all of the books included in the ALTC. I will also add subtitles throughout the text as are seen in many Bibles, such as: “The Birth of Jesus,” “The Baptism of Jesus,” etc.
In addition, I will update my Companion Volume to the Analytical-Literal Translation. It was written before I translated the Old Testament and thus only addresses the New Testament. Most of it is still relevant to the Old Testament, but I want to update it to specifically being so. The updated edition will also explain all of the changes for the ALTC. I will give it the new tile of Companion Volume to the Analytical-Literal Translation of the Complete Bible.
I will also change the format for the hardcopy versions of the seven volumes of the ALTC and for the Companion Volume. They are currently printed on 8-1/2” x 11” pages in double-columns. I used that format as I figured the cost would be less. And it is, for the paperback versions, but not for the hardback versions, which is what most people purchase. Meanwhile, I’ve had many comments that this larger size is too awkward to handle, and the double-columns difficult to read. As such, for the new editions, they will be printed the same as most of my other books, on 6” x 9” pages in single columns.
However, the print size will be smaller. Times New Roman 11 is used in most of my books, while the ALTC will be in Times 10. That will lessen the number of pages and thus the cost somewhat. But the Companion Volume and the following books will utilize Times 11, along with being in 6” x 9” size. Of course, this change will not affect the various ebook formats. But in addition, I will rearrange how the Biblical books are combined into volumes, so that there will only be four rather than seven volumes.
It will probably take a two to three years to complete the updating of all of the volumes of the ALTC and the Companion Volume. Thus altogether, all of these major projects will probably take three to four years. Once I finish them, God-willing, my next major project will be to write further volumes in my What the Bible Teaches series. The first volume was The LORD Has It Under Control: What the Bible Teaches About the Sovereignty of God. It was an expansion of “Scripture Study #21” in my Scripture Workbook; Second Edition.The rest of the books in the series will be expansions of other Scripture Studies in my Scripture Workbook. But for the rest of the books, it will be best to go more or less in the order of the “Scripture Studies” as they appear in that book, as they are in the order they are as there is a logical progression from one to the next. I have already tentatively decided how to group the studies into books and what the titles will be, checking Amazon first to be sure there were no books with those titles. In most cases, each book will be an expansion of more than one Scripture Study. Each book will have in its subtitle the phrase “What the Bible Teaches About …”
The next volume will be a book on the general dependability of the Bible. It will be titled The Authority, Reliability, and Consistency of the Scriptures: What the Bible Teaches About Its Own Dependability. The subtitle does not indicate circular reasoning but that there will be copious Bible quotes demonstrating its claims in these regards, which will then be critically analyzed. This volume will elaborate on the remaining Scripture Studies in Section One of my Scripture Workbook, namely studies #1,3,4,5,6. Then I will work on additional books in the Bible Teaches series.
I will also include in this series a full update of my God-given Foods Eating Plan book, but I will expand it to include other areas of health. I will thus change the subtitle to What the Bible Teaches About Nutrition, Exercise, and a Healthy Lifestyle.
As I currently have the books planned out, there will be 17 books in this series. The exact number could change as I work on this project and find out how best to group the Scripture Studies together. But whatever the exact number of books, this will be a very long term project, taking many years.
Another book I hope to write is Original Language Texts and Translations of the Scriptures: How Reliable Are They? This book will be similar to my Differences Between Bible Versions book, but it will address the relevant issues in a different manner.
In all of these books, the Bible quotes will be from my newly updated ALTC. As I use the ALTC for all of these purposes, I will be making any additional needed corrections or changes to the text. Eventually, God-willing, I hope to come out with a One Volume ALTC containing the Old Testament (Greek Septuagint), the Apocryphal/ Deuterocanonical Books, the New Testament (Majority Text), and the Apostolic Fathers. But this one volume ALT Complete Bible will be many years away, possibly a couple of decades, as it will be working on all of these books while quoting from the ALTC that will enable me to notice any needed changes.
Moreover, due to page limitations with my current publisher, a one volume ALTC is not an option. I thus will need to find a whole new way to publish the ALTC, and it will probably be a method for which I will not be able to make any additional changes to the text. I thus don’t want to publish the one volume ALTC until I am sure I have made all the necessary changes and corrections to it. As such, if the reader reads the individual updated volumes of the ALTC and notices anything you think needs changed, please contact me.
Along the way, I also hope to do a full update of my Starting and Progressing in Powerlifting book, while writing a new book on powerlifting. It will be titled Powerlifting to a T: Training Plans for Powerlifters and Other Strength Athletes. The title refers to the book presenting various training plans, all beginning with the letter “T,” which I have designed and used with good success.
Following are the proposed books, with their tentative titles. The books in the Bible Teaches series are divided by which part of my Scripture Workbook; Second Edition the studies are taken from, and in parentheses is the Scripture Studies (SS#) from the Workbook that the proposed book will be an expansion of.
Why These Books? Set
1. Why Are These Books in the Bible and Not Others? Volume One: A Translator’s Perspective on the Canon of the Old Testament (SS# 2) – Started May 29, 2015. Finished October 30, 2016.
2. Why Are These Books in the Bible and Not Others? Volume Two: A Translator’s Perspective on the Canon of the New Testament – Started July, 2015. Finished November 7, 2016.
3. Why Are These Books in the Bible and Not Others? Volume Three: The Apostolic Fathers and New Testament Apocrypha – Started September, 2015. Finished November 15, 2016.
Analytical Literal Translation
Analytical-Literal Translation of the Apostolic Fathers: Volume Seven of the ALT – Started November 22, 2015. Finished October 16, 2016.
Analytical-Literal Translation of the Complete Bible (new editions of all seven volumes).
Companion Volume to the Analytical-Literal Translation of the Complete Bible: Fourth Edition.
Analytical-Literal Translation of the Complete Bible (One Volume Edition): Old Testament (Septuagint), Apocryphal/ Deuterocanonical Books, New Testament (Majority Text), The Apostolic Fathers.
Bible Teaches Series
From Part I:
1. Authority, Reliability, and Consistency of the Scriptures: What the Bible Teaches About Its Own Dependability (SS# 1,3,4,5,6).
2. God is God, and You are Not: What the Bible Teaches About the Attributes of God (SS#7,8).
3. God’s Three-in-Oneness: What the Bible Teaches About the Doctrine of the Trinity (SS#9-11).
4. The Only Lord and Savior: What the Bible Teaches About Jesus and Salvation (SS#12-15, plus the first 2 questions in SS#40).
5. The Spiritual World: What the Bible Teaches About the Afterlife and Eternity and Angels and Demons (SS#16-19).
6. Christian Apologetics: What the Bible Teaches About Teaching and Defending “The Faith” (SS#20).
From Part II:
7. God-given Foods Eating Plan: What the Bible Teaches About Nutrition, Exercise, and a Healthy Lifestyle.
8. The LORD Has It Under Control: What the Bible Teaches About the Sovereignty of God (SS#21) – Started October 30, 2014. Finished April 26, 2015.
9. Divine Election: What the Bible Teaches About the Five Points of Calvinism (SS#22,23).
10. Catholicism vs. Protestantism: What the Bible Teaches About Unique Catholic Doctrines (SS#24-26).
11. The Charismata: What the Bible Teaches About Spiritual Gifts (SS#27,28).
12. End-Time Prophecy: Differing Viewpoints On What the Bible Teaches About the End-times (SS#30).
13. The Nature of Human Beings: What the Bible Teaches About Who We Are (SS#31).
14. Cultic Doctrines and Practices: What the Bible Teaches About Unique Teachings of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, and Other Aberrant Groups (SS#32-34).
15a. God’s Sex Plan: Volume One: What the Old Testament Teaches About Human Sexuality (SS#35,36). Started June 8, 2017. Finished March 15, 2018.
15b. God’s Sex Plan: Volume Two: What the New Testament Teaches About Human Sexuality (SS#35,36). Started June 8, 2017. Finished April 15, 2018.
16. Christians and the Government: What the Bible Teaches About the Role of Government and Economics (SS#37,38).
17. Living the Christian Life: What the Bible Teaches About Church Issues and Spiritual Growth (SS#39, plus questions from SS#40).
Additional Christian Book
Original Language Texts and Translations of the Bible: How Reliable Are They?
Politics Book
Tearing the USA Apart: From Kavanaugh, to Incivility, to Caravans, to Violence, to the 2018 Midterm Elections, and Beyond - Started 9/18/18. Finished 12/18/19.
Health Books
Creationist Diet: Second Edition: Bible and Science Based Nutrition - Started 1/2/17. Finished 5/9/17.
Supplements: Most Are Worthless. A Few Are Worthwhile - Started 11/24/16. Paused 12/2/16.
Recipes and Meal Plans for Creationist Diet and God-given Foods Eating Plan.
Powerlifting Books
Starting and Progressing in Powerlifting: A Compressive Guide to the World’s Strongest Sport: Second Edition.
Powerlifting to a T: Training Plans for Powerlifters and Other Strength Athletes.
This is an ambitious list of books and could possibly keep me busy for the rest of my life. I had recently turned 57 years old when I finished my two-volume set God’s Sex Plan. With doing so, I have now written 32 books in the past 18 years. My dad is 82 and still going strong, so it is feasible I could finish all 30 of these proposed books if the LORD so wills before He takes me home.
Here is trusting the LORD that He continues to give me the strength and ability to write these books to His glory and for the benefit of His people.
It will take me a very long time to finish all of these books. As such, if you are interested in a currently available book, go ahead and order the current version, as it could be many years before the new edition comes out.
The above article was first posted on this site May 17, 2015.
It was last updated December 18, 2018.
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